Best Friend, Big Problem

So... I love my room mate but she is a bit compulsive about her weight. We sometimes over do "free days" so to speak but instead of trying better the next day, she will result to purging or starving herself until she feels better. That or she will go on a serious work out/ strict diet routine, lose 15 lbs and then go back to her same cycle. All she ever talks about is her weight, certain celebrity's weights (ie " I want to look like Megan Fox but I look like Kim Kardashian"...ya she actually compares herself like this.), and her diet strategies that she says will be her new "way of life." Its hard living with someone that is so absorbed in one issue! Its boring as hell! :explode:
I want to lose weight the healthy way, not over indulge and obsess days later because Im surrounded by guilt but its hard when your best friend is getting great results due to her "method" and your still at square one! Any advice?


  • mkatzb3
    mkatzb3 Posts: 31 Member
    So... I love my room mate but she is a bit compulsive about her weight. We sometimes over do "free days" so to speak but instead of trying better the next day, she will result to purging or starving herself until she feels better. That or she will go on a serious work out/ strict diet routine, lose 15 lbs and then go back to her same cycle. All she ever talks about is her weight, certain celebrity's weights (ie " I want to look like Megan Fox but I look like Kim Kardashian"...ya she actually compares herself like this.), and her diet strategies that she says will be her new "way of life." Its hard living with someone that is so absorbed in one issue! Its boring as hell! :explode:
    I want to lose weight the healthy way, not over indulge and obsess days later because Im surrounded by guilt but its hard when your best friend is getting great results due to her "method" and your still at square one! Any advice?
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Try to get her to think about it in a healthier way. If you guys have a day where you eat more, go for a walk to help balance it out.

    If she's really obsessed about it, she might need more help than you could give her.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Doesn't she gain it all back once she stops starving herself? Usually thats the way it works. Just try and focus on your goals because this is whats going to work in the long haul. Focus on being healthy not just on loosing weight, good luck! :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Start talking about your way all the time. Maybe you could be a good influence!