153 grams is my recommended amount :) Thanks everyone
This happened to me all the time , i just have a handful of dried fruits and nuts in some greek yoghurt , it ups my calorie intake and is still healthy and yummy. Another thing i did was add a hard boiled egg and nuts like cashews and almonds to my salad this upped it too. The best thing is just to add small things that…
So excited !
Thanks so much for responding ! They all sound fantastic and i can relate in many ways :) Im sure you will all achieve these goals if they are really what you want ! Again thanks for sharing !
There wont be enough material to make that dress - i was 14. Still burns
Better Health and hopefully alot more fit - i want to be able to go running . New clothes - i want a huge new wardrobe full of everything i ever wanted. To get a sexy bikini and walk down the beach watching all those heads turn. To show my grandma that i could do it and to the rest of my family , to prove them wrong :)
London :) Feel free to add :D
Thankyou ! <3
Thanks everyone ! It makes me feel amazing and i do it because i enjoy them. I dont think they make the biggest difference to my wieght loss , in my opinion my diet does the most :D Im very young so maybe thats why :D
Same things happening to me , im just going to carry on doing what im doing till i see a difference :)
Thanks everyone. Mine has no label which i why i wasnt sure , sorry. Seems like a great snack :D
i started loosing weight in august and working out middle of september i think , ive lost 27 pounds so far but ever since nothing :(
Im so glad im not the only one thanks guys :)
A guy told me he liked my perfume and then continued to lean forward , creepy and awkward. Its to do with tone too , just be careful what you say and how you say it :)
I was a DD but now i have to wear a D :( There probably going to get to a C before i loose it all but oh well !
Im going to reach 70kg as that is my ideal weight for my height. If i feel like i could loose more i would go ahead and do so . Then i would work on areas that need more toning. Once im completely happy i will treat myself on a shopping spree to buy some new clothes and probably get my hair done :D
bump - interesting !
Thankyou everyone <3
bump ! I dont get this either ! x
Also what do you save it as under excersize? x
WOW thankyou :)
Thankyou guys !
Im getting the DVD today ! Can i join :)
ive lost 20 and a bit pounds in 2 months and a week or so :)
@Thomasm198 LOL thankyou I am a vegetarian but i do get protein from other foods ! Ill try and find some recipes and incorporate them :) Thankyou everyone
Oh thankyou :)
Someone tell me what TOM is :(