

  • you go girl!!! you looking great!!! i'm so happy for you!!! :) keep it up....don't let nothin stop you!!!
  • HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i'm sorry that's funny!! LMAO
  • i don't like that if u miss a day of logging in your accumlated days start back at 0! so even though i've been on MFP since 09/19/11 my days are at 1 because i didn't log on yesterday lol
  • get it gurl!!! great job!!!
  • i have alot of missy elliot songs on my workout playlist or some pitbull...those are for my really fast cardio workouts but if i want to go a normal pace i listen to slower songs like next time by common
  • all i drink is water...but when i want something with flavor i use those single packets of crystal light, or hawaiian punch, or that sort of new drink they got goin on from arizona...that arnold palmer half tea half lemonade. There are plenty of alternatives you just have to see which one is good for you
  • zumba!!! in 30 mins i burn 641 cals. so in 15 mins i would burn 320 cals...i weigh 360lbs
  • i choose what genre of music i want to listen to on my ipod and i zone out....and if i have trouble zoning out i sing to myself but when i do that i feel like i'm running out of breath lmao
  • i don't drink juice, soda or anything with calories, fat....blah blah ya'll get the picture.....PURE WATER HERE!! and my skin clears up...even my dad when i started exercising i got a pimple...but i think that was from the sweat but after that, i didn't have any break outs....some foods you eat clogs your…
  • a lot of clothes store sell those right fit jeans...the ones that are supposed to go with your shape i think catos, avenue, fashion bug, and lane bryant sell them (lane bryant is too expensive).....i might be wrong about the avenue though
  • maybe look up some chair excercises for you to do while you're at work....or even though you are exhausted by 9pm pop in a work out video/dvd and do it for like 20 to 30 still get a work out and you still burn calories and you still get ur heart rate up...i work and go to school so days that i have night classes…
  • i think you should go to the doctor to be on the safe side
  • between 1100-1400
  • u don't have to deprive yourself of sweets...just don't eat as much of it as you were....when i used to "diet" i thought i had to give up everything....but lord knows i love my sweets and i love chinese food and i said i can't give up CHINESE FOOD!!!!! but i made healthier choices...yeah i'll have my draw backs and have a…
  • i started with my scale obsession this week for the first time in weeks...i would get discouraged and burned out every time i stepped on the scale and i wasn't where i wanted to I normally weigh in on mondays but i've been sneaking on there more this week...i have to stop that craziness though hehe
  • why do we have to say anything at all?!?! so what if ur skinny and other people are fat....some people think 110lbs is too skinny and the whole world thinks 170 is waaaaayyy too fat. lol where does that place me?!?! i'm not even included on the charts....who cares u do u and let the haters do their on thing. I will say…
  • what doctor are you seeing??!?!?! lol $100...can i have that doctors number?!?!
  • actually that happened to me a few years ago when i first told myself i would lose lasted for like a you i had a full time job and still no insurance so i rode it out....what happened? no clue...i expected it to happen every morning especially and then i didn't pay it any mind anymore. and then i…
  • i feel the same way....although i'm not eating over my calories most of my calories i feel are wasted on junk or sweets...but don't give up and don't feel bad...when i feel like that i take my frustration out on a workout ;)
  • go to your local drug store and get these, skin and nails vitamins....that's exactly what they are called...i work for kmart pharmacy...alot of my customers (mainly elderly) use them for their nails, my sister used it for her skin...they're really good vitamins...haven't heard any complaint good luck
  • You're losing weight / getting into shape for you, not for your husband. Lose the weight, and when all those guys start lookin at you like daaaammmnnn (lol) your husband will be jealous...he won't be so distant then!!! :)
  • Look out ladies!!! Sexy man on the loose!!! :) Great job!!!! that's awesome!!! Isn't it funny how u can lose so much weight and look completely different...people walk by you and don't even know you! Keep it up, you truely look wonderful.
  • My mom did the gastric bypass surgery back in 2000 and she did lose alot of weight but she gained a portion of it back. It's hard because some things you will not be able to eat. To this day my mom still can't eat rice, greasey food and even some good ol country cookin. It makes her sick and she has to throw everything…
  • totally agree. I'm married and my husband always tells me..."you are so beautiful honey...blah blah mushy mushy" even though he says it i don't feel it and i'm embarrassed for him when we go out in public because he's this muscular skinny thing and i'm this fat water balloon lol...but it doesn't matter to him he still…
  • I had one today...i don't eat as many calories as MFP wants me too but when i go over my limit i feel really really really bad and then i feel as if i have to work out to make myself feel better....but i don't want to get burned out doing that...but i'm not going to quit...after reading other responses on here i don't feel…
  • o wow! :) you look great....keep it up!!
  • so glad this thread is goin on...i used to have the same problem but it stopped and i don't know what i'm doing different for it not to happen anymore or i just don't notice it anymore lol...but i didn't feel as if it was important because i took it as a sinus thing lmao
  • I was just like you, after two weeks of exercising and eating healthy i was ready to quit, i couldn't stay motivated. Something about this time was different, after all the countless hours i've spent on researching weight loss and spending a bunch of money i finally was fed up. I told myself this was it, this is my time. I…
  • cocoa butter is normally good for reducing the appearance of stretch marks...but i'm not sure about cellulite...i know there was an infomercial about a product for that but u would have to research it
  • I started my diet last week monday and yes i feel extra tired even with me excersising. I was told that because of the lower calorie intake and change in diet that i was feeling that way and that i needed to take vitamin b12 and/or b6 pills or super b complex vitamins....or they have a vitamin b12 injection that you can…