What the heck is going on with my stomach?

For about a full week, my stomach has been all gross feeling (inside). I feel nauseous and have instant pangs of "gotta go!" throughout the day.

WARNING. Going to get a little descriptive now...

When I use the bathroom, there's nothing really solid.

Right now it actually sort of hurts. I feel bloated and there's an acute pain just below my belly button. I have a ridiculously high pain tolerance but I'd give it like a 2 or 3 on the how-bad-does-it-hurt scale. Akin to a migraine pain...but in my stomach.

I don't have access to medical care at the moment (don't worry...if the pain becomes more than a 6 or 7 or lasts more than another couple of weeks, I will go to urgent care) which is why I'm asking here.

I don't take any medicines. I'm not pregnant. I've heard of people having a few weeks of messed up digestion for a variety of totally normal reasons so I'm really not worried. It's just an inconvenient discomfort at the moment.

Any ideas?

I ate a lot of ramen two weeks ago because I was broke and out of town. Could it be a bad reaction to that?

If you've ever had a urinary tract infection, this reminds me of that a bit but not nearly as painful. Just the always needing to be near the bathroom and the instant gotta-go-now!s. It's worst when I wake up. I have like 60-90 seconds where I have to get up and rush.

This is lame! Any ideas at all?


  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I'd see a doctor if i were you.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Maybe you have a flu, or other bug.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Where are you in your cycle? You say you know you're not pregnant... is it by chance around ovulation time? I feel this way for a few days leading up to my ovulation, and then ovulation day is very obvious (to me; I just know when I do for other reasons than the mittelschmerz), I still feel slightly off the next day or two, and then it's back to normal... So-just wondering if you're about midway though the cycle and could be O'ing??
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    it sounds like stomach flue to me. Do you have fever?
  • catie224
    Have you been drinking enough water? I used to get really sick from dehydration
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    by no means am I a medical professional. But if you were eating a lot of sodium filled ramen ( though delicious) and now eating better the tummy may be acting out like a 2 yr old to the veggies and such being eaten now.

    I have a new tummy pain now too. Feels like I'm starving ALL the time but I know I'm not.

    If the pain keeps you awake or starts to interfere with everyday life I suggest seeing the Dr. If the pain begins to radiate around the sides or moves from the center of the belly button it could be a number of things. Top on the scale would be appendicitis.

    I'd increase fiber and keep up on your water intake. You might want to try adding yogurt to get your digestive tract in order. Activia makes a lovely yogurt ( of which I'm going to eat tonight) it is yogurt with fiber cereal in it. So yummy and comes in vanilla, strawberry or peach ( maybe other flavors elsewhere but that is what I have access to.

    Hope this helps a little bit!
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
    *I feel bloated and there's an acute pain just below my belly button*

    That alone tells me you need to see a doctor...The "I gotta go" feeling is okay if you have changed something pretty major in your diet, more fiber or something really greasy that you havent had in a long time..As for the Ramens, I get it, you were broke and needed something to eat, but that is HUGE sodium overload... The Bloat could be from water retention..Drink lots of water to try to flush out the sodium...VERY personal and descriptive ? here...When you go (since it isnt solid) is food going thru you so fast you can tell what you ate just a short time ago? If your answer is yes and has been like that for the week of all this, you really REALLY do need to see a dr.

    Good Luck and I hope it gets better soon!
  • YogiGirlLucy
    I doubt a Ramen reaction would hit you two weeks later, plus that wouldn't account for your symptoms being in the 'back door' AND the 'front door'. The flu wouldn't cause that either. I would be seen if I were you. And no offense to anyone here, but I wouldn't take advice for something that sounds that serious here unless it is telling you to see a doctor, we care but we are not doctors. Your health is worth the $100 it might cost you.

    Good luck, luv.

    Lucy :)
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    We got salmonella from camping and it felt JUST like that. sucked so bad!! There has also been two break outs lately in food, Listeria from cantaloupe and E-Coli from beef.

    You should probably see a doctor. Until you can, Try eating yogurt, they have "good" bacteria and drink A LOT of water. Gatorade helps replace the electrolytes so your body can fight it off. Just keep hydrated, no matter what.
  • ziggylove
    Just my non-medical opinion but sounds like you have some sort of tummy bug. I don't think the ramen would have caused anything. Since it's been going on a week now and you're having pain (albeit low level) I think you should go see a doctor or at least call for some medical advice. You don't want to wait until you possibly feel really bad before getting help. Though having gone without medical insurance during a time when I really needed it, I hear your hesitation. Still think you should pursue some professional advice though. Take care!!
  • hloftin32
    hloftin32 Posts: 86 Member
    I have IBS flare ups:blushing: .......... often and have similar symptoms, but mine have been ongoing for a long time so I would recommend trying to drink plenty of water and bulk up on fiber! Benefiber is great if you arent eating enough fiber rich foods.
  • beautybiz
    beautybiz Posts: 50 Member
    I have a problem with dairy and that happens.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    The last two times I had similar feelings...... it was a gall stone and then my appendix.
    It could also be a huge sodium overload if you have been eating more than usual....

    Both of these actually feel like you might be constipated (even when you know you aren't - because you can go)

    If it continues you might want to call your doctor.
  • ptrain987
    actually that happened to me a few years ago when i first told myself i would lose weight...it lasted for like a month...like you i had a full time job and still no insurance so i rode it out....what happened? no clue...i expected it to happen every morning especially and then i didn't pay it any mind anymore. and then i woke up one morning and realized "hey hold up, i don't have to go?!? say wooorrddd" lol It might be a change in diet, stress at work or at home, too much water, too little water, a blockage of some sort that makes u have a non solid bm only lets the liquid bm go through, then again...ramon noodles are filled with sodium...that might be a way of your body cleaning itself from that and last but not least...it IS bug season, u might have a stomach virus. Good Luck with that...it's no fun, been there and done that
  • bhagavatilad1
    no the ramen noodles went out of your system last week. Depends where you live in texas there has been reports of a diharrea virus going around called noro virus. eat toast and no milk or dairy products and rest. eat really lite try a small amount and see how your stomach takes it. if you have a fever you need to see a doctor good luck
  • ptrain987
    what doctor are you seeing??!?!?! lol $100...can i have that doctors number?!?!
  • Tantrisis
    I had issues in those tissues a few weeks ago, how ever I started taking Iron supliments and did not expect to have liquid stools. Just when I started to really worry about it things got back to normal, bananas and white rice are natural thickeners. I also work at a Golf club part of my job was maintaining the outdoor washrooms and I could have picked up some kind of bug. You mentioned that you were out of town, were you using public bathrooms alot? There was an outbreak of gastro in nursing homes in the spring and it was extreemly contagious, employees had to wear masks and gloves to clean the building.
  • YogiGirlLucy
    what doctor are you seeing??!?!?! lol $100...can i have that doctors number?!?!

    Totally lol! ;)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input!

    If I could go to the doc every time I get a scrape or a tummy ache, trust me, I already would have by now. lol

    Thanks very much for all the helpful advice, though!
