brit__2006 Member


  • Everyone on here looks so great, and such an inspiration to see so many people work toward their goals because they are capable. I know too many people who have had the lapband because (their answers) "it's quicker" it's easier". Losing weight the right way by no means is easy, but you learn alot by the time you are…
  • Calorie deficit Strength Training Measurements (not just scale) Listen to your body That sums up my time of doing this.
  • Never called anyone ignorant as a matter of fact. My words were "It's kind of ignorant" stating that the IDEA of being able to tell me about me was IGNORANT. Just because you have a dumb idea, doesn't make you dumb....
  • I agree that if you have different health issues then of course sugar or anything that turns to sugar could cause issues. The doctors always told me since I was overweight with pcos that I was insulin resistant, until it was actually tested. Not much of a fluctuation at all and they were surprised. I just had my doctor…
  • This!! I actually have a pint that has lasted me umm about a month this time. Few spoon fulls at a time. I must be superhuman too.
  • I bought 30 day shred off of ebay for $7. I had great results with it. I've now started New rules of lifting for women, and I like it. Idk what kind of results I will have. But if you don't have any weight lifting equipment some of the exercises might be hard to do. Also Brazillian butt lift is actually going pretty cheap…
  • I agree 100%. Makes me tired of posting my personal opinion or my experience just to have someone tell you you aren't right about your own weight loss and your own body. It's kind of ignorant. Not everyone has the same experience, so I think if someone asks a question and gets 100 answers due to personal experiences then…
  • I believe it is definately a misconception. It's not the sugar that made/makes us fat, it's the amount of which we take it in. If I ask someone for some kind of advice they say well if you cut this and that then you will lose. Umm nope, well maybe for a bit, but in my case before I started figuring this stuff out a little…
  • I was a size 22/24 depending on brand in June 2009. I now am a size 10/12 again depending on brand. Seems like a really long time I know, I lost for a year, maintenance for a year, lost for half a year then maintenance for 3/4 of a year due to an injury), now on a losing streak again. Counting calories and exercise is how…
  • You look amazing, not to mention your butt and legs look great! :) great job girl!
  • If you feel better, and are happy about yourself then there isn't anything to be discouraged about. Health isn't always relative to a number on the scale. At 298 lbs I was healthy. Not happy by any means but not unhealthy. Also the healthy weight range for my height is something like 128-150. I'm 5'7. I had a talk with my…
  • Hoping that is in my future as well. Well the baby part anyway.
  • I'm going with a trip to Mexico. (booked and paid for just 22 more days until I leave) Let's hope this last 5.2 lbs comes off!! Then probably a new weight goal, while working on current fitness goal.
  • North Central Texas here, south of Wichita Falls. Add me if you'd like :)
  • Well congrats, I'm really excited about it now
  • I know it's been about 8 hours since my workout 3 and I am sore. I'm lifting heavier each time that I can even if it's between sets. I hope I have good results, but either way I know it will make me stronger.
  • Thank yall for the comments, and advice. After doing a few more workouts, I'm getting to feeling a little better about all this.
  • No one?
  • Just to give you an idea, without having plagarism issues. They have 6 meal categories. Breakfast, midmorning/midafternoon snacks, lunch, dinner, dessert, post workout recovery shake. breakfast- scrambled egg whites with toast and jam snacks- red pepper and hummus dip lunch- greek salad with chicken snack- shake dinner-…
  • Obviously they've all said about the same, you don't have to have a protein shake if your getting your protein through your food, but if you're not reaching your macro for protein I suggest muscle pharm combat powder banana cream flavored. It's delicious 130 cals 24g protein per serving. Can mix with any liquid of your…
  • Hey now that's better than nothing, I have a vertical line does that count? I think that just may be all the years of sleeping on my side and being overweight. Just kidding. Idk what it is.
  • I will have to reply to this when I get home, walking now.
  • Thanks for all the information, I mainly plan on using this just for the workout and different way it's put together. I don't have much left to lose so that's ok if I don't lose really.
  • You can add me, and check mine out. If you're looking for just clean food you won't find it there.
  • Alrighty, thank you. Just trying to get as much info as I can, thinking about just buying the book itself, I have it on Kindle and wouldn't suggest that to anyone because it's hard to go back and forth and look at the exercises and what not.
  • I didn't read all the replies you had, but thought I'd tell you. I absolutely hate about 99% of all diet drinks. I don't know where you are from but if you can get Big Red Zero I would suggest that, I also really like Sprite Zero and that should be available about everywhere. Those are the only 2 diet sodas that taste like…
  • By the looks of your picture you are a lot closer to a six pack than I am, so you can bet I laughed at her, and caught myself talking to the tv calling her a liar a few times, once you hear it about the 8th time it's like Umm nope still not yet, ask again tomorrow. lol
  • I'm pretty new to this and will be doing stage 1 workout b for the first time tonight. I have a few questions to the ladies that have been doing this. Have you all been doing it at the gym, or anyone doing it at home? I'm doing this at home. I do not have a row machine or a lat bar pulley system, so I've been trying the…
  • Level 3 is more fast paced for sure, I still have weight to lose so I wasn't seeing the 6 pack she says you should be seeing by now, but I def seen more definition over most of my body, throughout level 3. Keep it up, you're so close to finishing it, and if you don't see a lot of results I would expect your fitness level…