5 foot 1 I Lost 42 pounds... and still obese.

I know this may sound like a pity party, so give the disclaimer right now! =-) I went to the doctor earlier this week for my monthly check up and was disappointed, ok crushed when I was told that I was doing such a great job if I keep up the good work then by the next visit I would “surely be out of the obese category.” I have lost 42 pounds and i am 5 foot 1 (in about 4 months) and I have worked my butt of literally no quick fixes, no crazy fad diets, or medical procedures. I have worked hard the good old fashion way by: watching my food intake, increasing my exercise/overall activity level, and really trying to focus on adopting this idea of a lifestyle change. My brain was just beginning to finally recognize in the mirror that changes were really taking place, I was feeling less winded going up stairs, and even feeling kind of cute when going shopping. But when he told me that my now comfortable size 10 body wasn’t even good enough to be NOT obese it really crushed me. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? How about mixed messages as I know I have plenty more to go but am already warned about “losing too much” by loved ones and friends. How do you handle feelings of disappointment around these issues?


  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I am 5'1" as well...started at 235...lost 65 pounds....I am still obese. My goal is 100 pounds lost. We are very short so we will need weigh less to be in the "normal" category if you are going by the "charts". Be proud of what you have done and don't worry about what they are saying you are. If you like the way you look and are healthy then great! If you feel you have more to go, then keep going. Do this for yourself though.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Yeah, us shorties have to be at a pretty low weight - approximately 159 lbs. - to get out of obesity. When you get there, it'll feel great. I'm 5'1'' too. Only think about how far you've come - 42 lbs. is a huge amount of weight to lose. Go pick up two 20-lb. weights and just feel them. :D

    It's amazing what a difference body shapes can make, though! I'm 145 lbs. and I could only squeeze into a size 10. I'm a 12 now.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Technically, I'm obese.

    "Normal" weight for may is unattainable. I could never get to my "normal" weight.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I'm overweight too according to BMI. My dr used to pull out a little chart and show me where I was on the BMI scale at every visit. I am 5'2 and I am not counting on ever being in the normal category. It's all about body fat for me.
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    I'm overweight too according to BMI. My dr used to pull out a little chart and show me where I was on the BMI scale at every visit. I am 5'2 and I am not counting on ever being in the normal category. It's all about body fat for me.

    I want your "overweight" body! You look fabulous! I hate the BMI scale. It's just stupid, and it was never ever meant to be applied to individual people. People who apply it to individuals don't know what population demographics are for...populations not individuals.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I've seen your pics...you're not obese :huh: and you've made tremendous progress!!!:drinker:
    BMI - shmee em eye....pfft :laugh: :laugh:
  • ashleygstevens
    ashleygstevens Posts: 1 Member
    5'0" here. I completely understand your pain. I'm down 47 pounds now and I still have 20 pounds or better to go to get solidly into the "normal" BMI range. Look at your body, look at your happiness, look at your health, and look at your plan. If all of these are looking good or at least better than they were to you (and you alone), enjoy your accomplishment ! It is a great accomplishment to lose that amount of weight! You are doing great. Always remember that the scales don't tell you what you body fat and muscle masses are. The BMI scale is only a reference. The Dr will even tell you that a very muscular person will be way over on that scale too. Just keep going until you are healthy and happy. Don't listen to what the family or friends say ( I hear the same from my mother who is 5'0" as well only 54 years old and has high blood pressure, diabetes, and all sorts of health issues related to her weight). YOU have to be happy not them. They are responsible for their own happiness. Just keep going girl. You got this !
  • okeefenc
    So...you've done an awesome job losing weight.

    Instead of focusing on this, your doctor pulls out a chart and makes you feel terrible about something that you should be celebrating.

    I think we can see where the problem is. Tell the doctor to shove it, keep doing what you are doing.

  • Lucretia_McKenzie
    42 Lbs! Wow, that's awesome...you go girl!!! I wouldn't worry about being in the "normal" range or what people say about losing too much. Listen to your body, it will tell you what weight is right for you. If you are comfortable don't stress...everyone has their own opinion, what's right for you may not be for someone else. As for the "professional" opinion on what is "normal"... I have to wonder who makes these graphs and charts up. Most Doctors and nurses, pretty much anyone associated with health care I've associated with is a far cry from their version of "normal" they want you living up to..lol! So, whatever makes my body feel energetic and makes me smile when I look in the mirror at my reflection, is the "normal" I'm going to go by! You have come so far, don't let "neigh-sayers" spoil your moment of glory, you've worked hard and you should be proud...after all, isn't your approval the only one that truly matters? Just a thought... ~Lucretia
  • exie95
    exie95 Posts: 12
    I am 5' 0" and I weigh 175

    I don't even look fat, and people have told me that I have a pretty body

    Yet I'm obese

    It's really easy to be obese if you're short, and it's a lot of bull, but DON'T let that doctor get you down!!!

    42 lbs is A LOT, and yeah, maybe it's not quite enough yet, but it's awesome!!!

    Besides, you're well on you're way to a healthy weight, and your doctor should've recognized that.

    So who cares, as long as you look good(:

    I've got 65 lbs to lose, so hopefully, by the end of it, I'll look super awesome, and even better than I do now!!!

    And the same goes for you!!!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    double edge sword... when I reached normal weight.. I looked like ****... I have gained 15 lbs in hops to build a better physique.

    It's not all about weight.
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    If you feel better, and are happy about yourself then there isn't anything to be discouraged about. Health isn't always relative to a number on the scale. At 298 lbs I was healthy. Not happy by any means but not unhealthy. Also the healthy weight range for my height is something like 128-150. I'm 5'7. I had a talk with my doctor a few months back that agrees that those numbers are pretty well out of range for me, like possibly never happening. He let me know that 175 was healthy for me because of my frame and amount of muscle mass. Either way, if you feel good about you and your weight isn't the sole cause of any issues or conditions, I would say not to fret the small stuff, and be happy.

    Good luck with whatever you decide. I think you've done a great job!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Im with ya.....Im 4ft 11in.....I think at this height we have to be like 140-150 in order to be out of the obese range and then still we are overweight
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    So...you've done an awesome job losing weight.

    Instead of focusing on this, your doctor pulls out a chart and makes you feel terrible about something that you should be celebrating.

    I think we can see where the problem is. Tell the doctor to shove it, keep doing what you are doing.


    I agree.

    The smallest I can ever remember being is a 14. At size 10, you have a lotttttttttt of people that want to be like you!
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    Do NOT feel bad. You've worked so hard and, while I completely understand why the label means so much, don't let the label mean so much, you know? The absolute roof for me on the BMI scale for healthy is 165. With my body, I look like I haven't had food in 3 months at 170. It sucks but I will never be in the normal BMI range. Sometimes you just have to accept things the way they are! Hopefully your goals are attainable! Good luck!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    No matter where you fall on that chart, realize that you're healthier now than you were 42 pounds ago. It's not just the weight lost (although that's part of it), it's the activity you've taken to get there: better food choices, moderating your calories, getting more active, etc. I think the dr may just be trying to encourage you by saying you're on the right track and you can get there, but he's pretty tactless about it. Don't let his poor people skills today rain on your parade.

    As far as those you say you've lost enough, don't get to thin, etc …. Ignore them. There's a lot of posts about this, and I believe that we have been so accustomed to seeing overweight people that normal doesn't look normal any more. The other possibility is that they just aren't used to seeing YOU this way, and are genuinely concerned but lack perspective. (Okay, there could be some jealous people in there too). If you are content where you are, that's fine, and you can stay there. But if you want to lose more weight, then keep up the hard work, and enjoy the way you look and feel along the way as well as when you get there!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Was he basing it off of BMI or Body Fat %?
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Just keep focusing on what you are doing!!!! That is a great loss that you have accomplished!!! Everytime I go to the doctors, I always ask, can we skip the scale? lol

    I have already told my doctor I will do what I want to do, I don't need a lecture, especially because I smoke, they always go off on a tangent about it, and I am like YES, I am not the healthiest, and I know smoking is bad, I am progressing and working on it, don't lecture me or I will go to another doctor!

    I know it's hard just try to let it go, or you can let it fuel you to keep going!!! :)
  • sjanejack
    sjanejack Posts: 158
    I've lost somewhat close to 50 pounds, and according to my BMI, I am still at least a little bit obese. But sometimes BMI is just not right or you just don't like you weigh as much as you do. I like to look at old pictures of myself and look at myself now, and just see the progress. And I know what its like to not see or notice progress, but eventually you will, but it seems like you look great from your default picture.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    BMI is just a number. Obese is jus a word.

    Tell your doctor how you feel and that you know he/she is trying to motivate you, but it's having the opposite effect and that you need them to concentrate on how far you've come, not how far you need to go.

    You look good to me, so they can ram their BMI chart