

  • If you can, you should just ignore them. You shouldn't waste your time and effort on negative stuff/people. Especially since you LOOK FANTASTIC!! Great job!! :D
  • Here's the link to the Couch to 5k program. http://www.c25k.com/c25k_metric.html You can vary it. Before I started this program, I tried running for 30 seconds at a time only. Then I started the first week. You can also extend each weekly session to 2 weeks, if you feel like it's progressing too fast for you. Try to keep…
  • I have the same problem, too. I've heard from some people that it could be because my ankles are weak or something. It's not that I can't jog long because I'm out of breath, my heart rate is usually at 70% but then my ankles start getting tired and it hurts. Are there ankle exercises that can be done to strengthen them (if…
  • I'm only on Week 1; today was my second "run". I also run on a treadmill, but that's because there really is no place for us (females) to run here in Jeddah. Once a week, my friends and I get together and run inside a compound, so there's that. :D
  • Check your form, too. Bad form can easily give you a knee injury (among others) in my experience.
  • I would, but I don't think that would help much, because I've only been on this site for a couple months, and I don't always get to log what I eat.
  • I do high-intensity workouts 6x a week for an hour each day. Here at MFP, my calorie goal is 1,600 per day (without adding the exercise). I work out with an HRM and I usually burn about 500 calories a day, give or take a few. Shouldn't I eat more than 1,600 in that case?
  • By "not strictly" I meant that I wouldn't log my calories everyday, but I'd always keep them in mind. I've been counting calories for about 2 years now, so I have an idea of how many calories I consume per day. As for my exercise, they are varied. In a week, I play sports 3x, I go running once, and I do strength, use the…
  • The machines at the gym also bore me, so I started playing a new sport. We have a squash court at the gym, so I mostly just do that, and then spend a few minutes on the machines or do some strength. Does your gym offer classes? Those are less boring.
  • Try cycling or "zig-zagging" your calorie consumption for a whole week. For instance, if your calorie goal is at 1,600 per day, consume 1,200 today and tomorrow, consume 2,000. It's a way to "trick" your body after it gets used to a certain calorie-count (goal).
  • Cool! Thank you! :)
  • Is yours a Polar F6, too? Coz I know there are other models that are good for swimming, and I'm not sure if mine is. Thanks! :)
  • Here's a thread on the same topic; you might wanna check it out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/371343--rest-days-food
  • It looks like an awesome program! But I think I'm gonna personalize it a little bit, because the first week looks a bit difficult for me. I've tried running for 60 seconds, and I can't seem to do it, so I'm starting with just 30 seconds running/jogging for my first week, and then I'll probably build it up to 60 seconds for…
  • I was like that a year ago. It was really difficult for me to get up and just work out. I've succeeded in making it part of my daily routine now, but I've had to build it up slowly. Start by doing exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes each for about 3 weeks, and then build it up every 3 weeks (at least that's worked for…
  • I use a Polar HRM and they're no hassle at all. It's better to get a closer estimate to how many calories I burn. Overestimates can really mess up things because then you'll wonder why you're not losing weight (or inches) when you're burning SO MANY calories. For instance, when I play squash for an hour, MFP says I burn…
  • I've only ever used Polar, and I love it. http://www.polarusa.com/us-en/
  • You can do yoga maybe once a week in between days when you do vigorous cardio workouts. It's a good workout and helps with flexibility.
  • You might also wanna check out the Xbox Kinect; they have awesome games you and your kids can share (that are also workouts!) and they have proper, "serious" workout CDs as well. Or get a treadmill. But I highly recommend also investing in a heart rate monitor (the Polar ones are popular and I like using them) to go with…
  • Start playing a new sport! :D
  • One or two days off per week. You don't wanna exhaust yourself or burn out. It also depends on how long you work out per day and what kind of exercises you do.