How did you ease into 5k running?

So I have recently in the last 4 months slowly progressed on my journey to fitness. It started out eliminating processed foods from my house. Then to actually eating the foods I did buy (oatmeal, fruits, vegs, whole grains). I been doing at least a 75% whole foods diet for around a month straight. I feel great as a result.

I started walking to school 1.5 miles each way, and spending 30 minutes doing weights. I did this for roughly 3-5 days a week. That only lasted 2 weeks? Before I experienced overtraining. I apparently didn't feel as good as I thought I did!

I took a 4 day break. Started again. I average 3-4 days a week of the above.

I really want to run! I can feel it in my gut. This IS what I want to do. I worried though, as any time before I tried to run, if I managed to get past the o2 part I felt a sharp pain in my knee. Lateral meniscus tear. =( So I stopped even trying and settled on walking. That was until a good friend of mines trainer, said to me she didn't buy my excuses. She told me to suck it up, take an ibuprofen and freeze a pea bag for when I got home.

I took that motivation and tried to run at the tail end of one of my walks home. I wathced YouTube videos on how to run proper. Took notes and attempted. I ran maybe 30 seconds. Before I felt that my legs were going to break. The good news was, my knee didn't hurt, nor did I feel I didn't have the capacity to run. This was just before Thanksgiving.

So just this morning I went out and did interval run/walk. There was more walk than run, but the runs did progressively get longer. I felt I could do it, but that I just wasn't conditioned the best "yet". But the fact I even made it to there was a milestone for me. So now I am going to try that again Tuesday and alternate.

My questions to any of you who can relate to this, how dod you get started running, how long did it take, what was your trials along the way?

My goal. 5K by next summer. I have a feeling I will do this before that... But that just means I can tear it up by summer!


  • pidgy
    pidgy Posts: 20 Member
    i just started with the couch to 5k program, and am on week two---seems to be the way a lot of people here have gotten going....wanna give it a go?
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member

    this is what I'm using right now, hope it helps!
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    i just started with the couch to 5k program, and am on week two---seems to be the way a lot of people here have gotten going....wanna give it a go?

    I love that pic! I did get couch25k on my droid. Not same but similar. I was going to start as soon as I felt I could run straight 90 seconds!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    great story and I hope you will make your goal of running a 5k someday...except I'm kind of wondering why a trainer would tell you to run on a torn meniscus. That's not an excuse, it's a serious injury. I have known a few people who have required surgery for a torn meniscus--it's not something to play around with. You might want to consult with a doctor so that you don't make the injury worse.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Couch to 5k!! Couch to 5k!! Couch to 5k!!!

    Google it and you will find a 9 week running program that starts really easy (alternating running and walking) and ends with you running a 5k!! I just completed week 8 of the program and I actually just ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving Day!

    It really works and it's totally free. Give it a try!
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I use the Couch to 5k running program, but I use the running into shape podcasts that go along with the Couch to 5k program because I have to have good music while running....check it out....
  • pidgy
    pidgy Posts: 20 Member
    I love that pic! I did get couch25k on my droid. Not same but similar. I was going to start as soon as I felt I could run straight 90 seconds!

    ha ha ha! gotta have fun with it!! my now husband had no idea i was in the gym in my wedding gown!!
    anyway- i started a week or so ahead of time doing the 60 second run, 120 seconds walk thing for 20 mins or so just to get my brain going--feel free to add me and we can try to get to 5k together!
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    great story and I hope you will make your goal of running a 5k someday...except I'm kind of wondering why a trainer would tell you to run on a torn meniscus. That's not an excuse, it's a serious injury. I have known a few people who have required surgery for a torn meniscus--it's not something to play around with. You might want to consult with a doctor so that you don't make the injury worse.

    Understood. I had the same thoughts. But, I researched proper form. Tried, and didn't feel the pain. So she was right on some level, and is why I am here today!

    If I do feel any pain, rest assured I will stop. But so far I haven't... hoping that don't change, and it really was about form and proper muscle tone.

    She told me that your body will build the muscle to support your knee even with the injury. But that you have to have that first. Since I walked 4 days a week three miles for a month before I even attempted. I think she might have been right. I just needed the muscles there to start and proper form!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    There is a C25K support group here. Feel free to join!

    Best of luck! :drinker:
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Couch 25K and there's a group on MFP! I graduated from couch25K in September and have just finished Bridge to 10K (and when I started C25K in June I could run for about a minute at a time).
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Couch to 5k!! Couch to 5k!! Couch to 5k!!!

    Google it and you will find a 9 week running program that starts really easy (alternating running and walking) and ends with you running a 5k!! I just completed week 8 of the program and I actually just ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving Day!

    It really works and it's totally free. Give it a try!

    Can you give me a link? I have droid, but I also have an ipod touch if it's on iTunes. But there are a ton under that guise. I would appreciate.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Ditto what everyone said about Couch to 5k, & keep up the strength training! Getting your legs good & strong will help prevent injury. I don't know if there's anything else you do for cardio, but I'd caution you against things like step aerobics & turbokick if you're working on running. There's too much twisting in those classes & that will tear up your knees. Not to say you should NEVER do them, they're a lot of fun, but you should limit them if you're working on a running goal. Congrats on wanting to challenge yourself with running! If I can do it, you absolutely can.
  • dirtydirtydiana
    Here's the link to the Couch to 5k program.

    You can vary it. Before I started this program, I tried running for 30 seconds at a time only. Then I started the first week. You can also extend each weekly session to 2 weeks, if you feel like it's progressing too fast for you. Try to keep it at 3x a week so you don't get burnt out.

    I've had a knee injury, too, but I found that running with proper form doesn't hurt my knees at all. I do, however, strongly suggest that you go see a doctor for your knee.

    Good luck! :)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Can you give me a link? I have droid, but I also have an ipod touch if it's on iTunes. But there are a ton under that guise. I would appreciate.

    My favorite podcasts for the program were from NHS

    The support group here on MFP:
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    I went from never having run in my life, to completing the great north run half marathon in 2010 (I have some pacing issues)

    But the way i did it was to give myself over a year to do it, I started by doing 40 minuet run walks, like a very gentle fartlegg (sp) type thing, but running when I was ready and only for as long as I could.

    After I felt comfortable with that, I found a Cto 5k six week training programme which I liked (there are a lot of them out there just find one you think suites you, or two and try them out) they tend to start off with gentle intervals, pushing the time up and up until you can run for 30 minutes straight. I remember my first 30 minutes, hell I rememeber my first 10 minuets. Very cool moments.

    Thing is, I was never quick, I have short little legs, I just take it at my own pace, running is for me going faster than my fastest possible walking speed, moving at a pace at which I could not walk at.

    After the first solid 30 minutes the 5k came very quickly, so I moved on to doing it all again with a 10k training plan, but taking into account I could already do the 5k

    After that, I started desigining my own training plans based on advice from friends from websites from anybody who would talk to me, and eventually I did run my very first 13 miler, quite by accident... I went out for a run got lost kept going got home looked at my meter and it was 13 miles, I was so pleased.

    When I did finally do the half marathon officially, I did a lot worse than I had done originally, but this is a run with 44,000 people in its the biggest running event in the country and I kinda got a little overwhelmed... seeing as I put on my audiobook and tend to run alone it was a little bit of a game changer.

    I love running, I dream running, I lust after runners when I see them running I wish I could run now and I will again no worries about that, I will no longer allow debilitating agony, severe hypermobilities achilis tendenitus and plantar facitus hold me back. While running I never felt so free, so happy so totally me.

    I'm very jelous of you and I wish you all the best luck in the world, just keep at it don't over think it, just enjoy it oh.. and urm pace yourself, cause like, :) I'm crazy.

    As to me, I struggle to walk for ten minuets without severe pain these days and have been written off by the medical proffession told to get a desk job and not to walk much, I figured I'd rather hang myself than do that sooo I accepted a job where I am on my feet for 8.5 hours for two days running (I managed it just fine mostly) and the day before last I did the SLOWEST 10 minute set of intervals you would ever see in your life 3.2kph to 5.7kph (a very slow walk to a very slow jog) and while most people can walk faster than that for me, actually completeing it doing every interval, well it was a special moment for me, tomorrow ill try it again, and maybe if i do that a couple of times next week, the week after ill up the speed a weee bit nothing spectacular like maybe 3.5 to 6.1.

    Baby steps :)
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Ditto what everyone said about Couch to 5k, & keep up the strength training! Getting your legs good & strong will help prevent injury. I don't know if there's anything else you do for cardio, but I'd caution you against things like step aerobics & turbokick if you're working on running. There's too much twisting in those classes & that will tear up your knees. Not to say you should NEVER do them, they're a lot of fun, but you should limit them if you're working on a running goal. Congrats on wanting to challenge yourself with running! If I can do it, you absolutely can.

    Thank you.

    I am jumping rope, walking and now attempting to run. I did enroll in yoga and kempo next spring semester. So I think that will be a good mix to get me on my goal.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Im on W4D2 (week 4 day 2) tommorrow of C25K now I started out at 315 lb so i was a big fat guy :bigsmile:

    forget running you start with a jog at your own pace, I did start out running at 7.5 but thats now gone down to 6.9 to allow me to get through the 5min joggs ( my mind still thinks im 25:bigsmile: )

    heres a link for c25k with talk through

    Happy running :drinker:
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    I went from never having run in my life, to completing the great north run half marathon in 2010 (I have some pacing issues)

    But the way i did it was to give myself over a year to do it, I started by doing 40 minuet run walks, like a very gentle fartlegg (sp) type thing, but running when I was ready and only for as long as I could.

    After I felt comfortable with that, I found a Cto 5k six week training programme which I liked (there are a lot of them out there just find one you think suites you, or two and try them out) they tend to start off with gentle intervals, pushing the time up and up until you can run for 30 minutes straight. I remember my first 30 minutes, hell I rememeber my first 10 minuets. Very cool moments.

    Thing is, I was never quick, I have short little legs, I just take it at my own pace, running is for me going faster than my fastest possible walking speed, moving at a pace at which I could not walk at.

    After the first solid 30 minutes the 5k came very quickly, so I moved on to doing it all again with a 10k training plan, but taking into account I could already do the 5k

    After that, I started desigining my own training plans based on advice from friends from websites from anybody who would talk to me, and eventually I did run my very first 13 miler, quite by accident... I went out for a run got lost kept going got home looked at my meter and it was 13 miles, I was so pleased.

    When I did finally do the half marathon officially, I did a lot worse than I had done originally, but this is a run with 44,000 people in its the biggest running event in the country and I kinda got a little overwhelmed... seeing as I put on my audiobook and tend to run alone it was a little bit of a game changer.

    I love running, I dream running, I lust after runners when I see them running I wish I could run now and I will again no worries about that, I will no longer allow debilitating agony, severe hypermobilities achilis tendenitus and plantar facitus hold me back. While running I never felt so free, so happy so totally me.

    I'm very jelous of you and I wish you all the best luck in the world, just keep at it don't over think it, just enjoy it oh.. and urm pace yourself, cause like, :) I'm crazy.

    As to me, I struggle to walk for ten minuets without severe pain these days and have been written off by the medical proffession told to get a desk job and not to walk much, I figured I'd rather hang myself than do that sooo I accepted a job where I am on my feet for 8.5 hours for two days running (I managed it just fine mostly) and the day before last I did the SLOWEST 10 minute set of intervals you would ever see in your life 3.2kph to 5.7kph (a very slow walk to a very slow jog) and while most people can walk faster than that for me, actually completeing it doing every interval, well it was a special moment for me, tomorrow ill try it again, and maybe if i do that a couple of times next week, the week after ill up the speed a weee bit nothing spectacular like maybe 3.5 to 6.1.

    Baby steps :)
    Thank you.
    Your slow walk and slow jog made me sweat through my sleeves! I have no doubt you will be back to it in no time!
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    google couch25k
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    oh I sweat buckets don't worry :)

    btw did you say you have a ipod? i used to track everything on the nike plus system until i switched to my phones gps and urmm mapmyrun, im a numbers girl, i love figures i used to draw graphs check progress etcetc

    btw, if your serious about the runnig you should probably think about treating yourself to a nice pair of shoes, yeah there are soo many different factions in the shoes thing but I went to a proper running shop and got video'd running on one of their treadmils and we discussed the correct shoes to help my posture and footfalls and stuff like that, and I was so glad I did as somebody who does have kneee problems does twist her ankle continuously etc i found it a great great help.

    I do love running would love to keep up with your progress, its voyarisum hehe cant do it myself, so live vicariously through others keep it up :)