Hit a plateau

I've read what others have done to get past this.....eat more calories but I've been trying that for a few wks & I keep losing the same lbs & gaining it back....my lowest wt was 131.8 & now I'm 132.8 & have even been 134 & I want to lose again....I'm 5'3'' so 120-125 is my goal
My husband says I should do a cleanse......would that help much? and will I gain that right back anyway??


  • mels77
    Hi, Don't know if this will help, but I hit a plateau for a month. I was doing everything the same and just nothing was happening. I just stuck at it, keeping my calorie amount the same, mostly eating back my exercise calories and then eventually after 4 weeks of minimal loss, I dropped the next 2kg quite quickly. Just keep going and don't let the number on the scales get you down (I know easier said than done!)
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    That is me in the past couple of weeks..This Saturday i was 0.5 lb over , and this morning im 3-lb over than last week..Keep losing and gaining the same weight back, even though im eating the same way, and burning alot of calories..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i wouldnt bother with a clense personally.

    Make sure you are eating your exercise cals back, and change your exercise routine, find a new class or exercise to do etc etc. your body gets used to a routine pretty quick and becomes more efficient at doing that movement, therefore burning less calories when doing it, so you need to change your routine to keep your body working hard!
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    I have several friends who tried various cleanses and they've told me they wouldn't do them again - a. they felt like they were starving and b. as soon as they stopped, all the dramatically lost weight piled back on.

    I will admit though, for a quick fix they still sound tempting!

    I've been plateaued in the same 1-2lbs for the last 2 weeks and I'm hoping to work through it asap too. No tips on how to beat it sorry, but you're not alone! :)
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    A cleanse might help. If you are doing all the exercising you have been doing and count your calories the weight you MAY lose on a cleanse will probably stay off. A cleanse would be great for your digestive system and the strict diet you will be on may help change up things enough for your plateau. On a real cleanse however, you cannot exercise very hard (tried it before). I would suggest trying the cleanse, and/or changing your exercise routine. Try a different class, look up yoga or pilates vids on youtube and set yourself up with your laptop, or if you typically go running try a drastically different exercise like jump roping. Changing up how your muscles move and exercise will make a difference. "D
  • dirtydirtydiana
    Try cycling or "zig-zagging" your calorie consumption for a whole week. For instance, if your calorie goal is at 1,600 per day, consume 1,200 today and tomorrow, consume 2,000. It's a way to "trick" your body after it gets used to a certain calorie-count (goal).
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I go to bootcamp now 3x/wk. We do different exercises each day. Last wk I exercised 6 days & still see no change. I guess I'll keep up what I'm doing. I am thinking of doing gluten free for a week or 2....any tips w/ that?