

  • I read an article a while back that some of them use chicken breasts/cutlets in their swimsuits. Hence why they have "perfect" figures! I always found it hard to believe that stick thin models would have breasts that big...and now I understand the secret lol. Also a lot of the photos are tampered with. I'm betting they…
  • Thank you for posting this. I can absolutely relate to all the things you said. I have been there many times and have found it is best to evaluate WHY it happened, accept it and move on. I am sorry about your mother, that must be very hard. I know the "stuffed tick" feeling is the worst, but the best thing you can do is…
  • My boyfriend is in Med School and had to deal with this a lot. So basically he tries to fit in what he can. Sometimes he'll even pace while he studies so that he's a least moving. And 20 minutes a day is better than nothing at all. Maybe you can find just 20 minutes and do a short, high intensity workout like interval…
  • "Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going."
  • The first week is the hardest. I would say don't tackle too many things at once. Start with one feasible thing you could give up this week. Ex. "I am going to lower my sugar intake" or "I am going to try to workout 3 times this week". And just keep building upon your goals. I've made a lot of changes in the last few years…
  • WOW! Way to go and congratulations! Very inspiring :)
  • Congratulations on the decision to get healthier and happier :) Just remember, you deserve to feel happy and good about yourself! There will be days when it's really tough, so remember how you feel right now....motivated, excited, inspired. That will help get you through the tough times...remembering how much you wanted it…
  • I am having a similar problem! It seems like I go over every day. Today for instance, the two things that really did me in were grapes and a protein shake. At least it's not coming from worse foods, but it's still frustrating. I'm hitting most of my macros and my daily calorie goal, but I'm always over on sugar.
  • I would love to join please!! :D
  • I'm 5'5 and my ultimate goal is 130. Never been lower than that as an adult, and have been told with my build I would look too skinny lower than that. I think it depends on the person. My face starts to look a little sunken at that weight with my height.
  • Hi! 25 yrs old SW: 150 CW: 139 GW: 130 :)
  • If you haven't already, read the post below. LOTS of helpful information. MFP suggests a 1200 calories diet to many people because of the settings they input. It's not a magic number and you most likely need more calories. I use TDEE-20% and I've been steadily losing AND I don't feel like I've had to starve or "give up"…
  • I love how it feels to stand up straight and feel lighter on my toes and have the energy to do anything I want. I used to want to sit at my desk all I'm the go-to person to help move office furniture/give tours where I work/run out to grab everyone's lunch and it feels awesome! For me it was just that feeling of…
  • Welcome! You'll love it here! Request sent :)
  • Most of the time MFP reflects the same numbers for me as the machines. I do a lot of my cardio outside so I have come to rely on MFP's numbers for those days. Heart rate monitor usually reflects around 100 cals/mile unless I'm doing HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training). There are a lot of different factors…
  • This meatloaf is SO good! Quick and easy! Also attached a chicken cordon bleu recipe! nom.
  • #1--You are changing your entire are not "dieting". Therefore, let others around you drop insane numbers. They will most likely gain it back. No one can sustain deprivation for long periods of time. #2--You are probably not eating enough. If you are working out upwards of twice a day, 1200 calories will not…
  • 2. You don't have to cut anything completely out of your diet. Unless you have a food allergy or a medical reason not to eat anything, have chocolate! Have french fries! Have a glass of wine! The best way to lose weight is to make sustainable changes, not make yourself miserable. LOVE this! Completely agree :)
  • Haha yeah, I definitely don't believe in any magical cures. Calories in, calories out is always the way to go. Just curious if the health benefits of ACV are really true.
  • I actually read a really great article a while back about a study using Apple Cider Vinegar. The study found that drinking a tbsp of ACV in a cup of water after a high-glycemic meal helps with the sugar "crash". I decided to try it a couple of months ago and it really did seem to help! Not sure if it's just in my head, but…
  • If I have a craving and have actively TRIED to forget it, but still crave it hours later, I will have a small portion and feel better. For me a binge is when I'm not thinking, I'm just going through the motions...stuffing my face as quickly as possible when I'm not even hungry. The WORST is when I go reeeeally out of the…
  • I am so glad to hear this because I use this reasoning too. We all set goals and it's so disheartening when the "deadline" comes and we haven't reached those goals. I just tell myself everyday that I am doing something that's GOOD for me...whether the clothes or scale reflect it or not. I would much rather keep going.…
  • I have this same problem! It's pretty much always a salad or sandwich from home. :( so over it. I like that naked burrito idea!
  • 2 cups of black coffee in the morning and water throughout the day! About once a week I'll treat myself to a non-fat latte.:smile:
  • I would stay away from it. I did it once under the advice of a friend. I did it for just a couple of weeks and yes some weight came off, but at the expense of my health. I felt awful...jittery, nauseous, headaches...all for a little weight loss. I will never make that mistake again because I've always wondered if just…
  • Gender: Female Age: 25 Height: 5'5" SW: 150 CW: 141 GW: 130 :smile:
  • 25 from Georgia!! feel free to add me!
  • I've had this same problem and it's definitely annoying! You work so hard and feel so close but the scale just won't budge! Sometimes you can shock your metabolism by increasing your daily caloric goal for just a couple of days. It gives the body a chance to get "comfortable" for a minute. I usually do this for 2-3 days…