hapemopirate Member


  • I'm pretty sure Gwood is getting an Earth Fare as well. I shopped there in college and LOVED it. I'm pretty sure it's going into the old Office Max by HH Gregg.
  • I agree! I told my girlfriends last week that I don't feel like I belong in my body! I feel a big disconnect.
  • You gotta track those! Like before-mentioned, they have carbs and sugars in them. Thankfully, they're the good sugars and carbs, but they do add up. The whole "negative calorie" isn't exactly honest . . .
  • They left Indiana :(
  • I like making Mexican lasagna with ground turkey. Make the turkey with low sodium taco seasoning, and add some tomato paste and tomato sauce (or salsa works) . . . just to make it smooth like pasta sauce would be. I also like to add onion, jalapeno, chopped black olives, etc. Whatever you have and like. In another bowl,…
  • My husband is a big guy, and he just did Couch to 5K . . . he's doing amazing! And he's looking pretty studly. ;)
  • Sounds awesome! My husband and I love pumpkin!
  • I don't want to worry you, but I'm a nurse, so I know that weird bruising raises a few red flags. It could be really simple, like you're anemic and need iron in your diet. It also could mean something that needs more attention. Since you're donating a kidney in a few months, you should be super, super careful with your…
  • I just started the on the Wii game, and MFP said I only burned 128 cals. That does not seem right, does it?
  • I used Splenda in my coffee and tea. Some people say that it gives you headaches or stomach issues. There is some evidence that people who drink artificial sweeteners actually take in more calories over the day, because the sweet craving won't go away. I just don't find to be true for myself. So I would say, know yourself.…
  • Don't buy it. It claims to make you full faster, but drinking a glass of water before a meal will do the same thing. It's a waste of money.
  • I find that I need a kick, too! lol. Here's my best advice : DON'T DO ANYTHING HALF-WAY!!!!
  • GET IT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your tummy is shrinking for sure!
  • Welcome to MFP!!!!
  • I'm blessed to have a supportive husband who is also on the site. If your partner isn't supportive, I say find a partner on here to support you! The wonderful thing about MFP is that you don't need to do it alone! All the best!!!
  • I'm SO anti-Atkins. I'm a nurse, and I've seen many patients come through with kidney problems from assaulting their bodies with mass amounts of protein constantly. In fact, my sister an parents did about 3 months of Adkins a while back. They all three lost weight -- fast. They were loving it until my sister woke up in the…
  • There's nothing wrong with enjoying a nice cut of steak. It's more about how you prepare it, and how much you eat. I'm learning more and more that eating clean, natural foods is a lot more important than listening to the whole, "Beef will kill you! Animal fat is the devil!" God made that cow for you to knock on the head…
  • So interesting. Makes me thankful that I don't even like Coke! With all my diabetic family members, I'm trying to really be careful with my sugars. Thanks for posting this!
  • Thanks friends! Looks like I'm switching to sugar in my coffee, honey in my tea. I don't feel the need to cut sugar out completely, but I will use EXTREME moderation when it comes to adding it to my foods. The real reason I posed this question is because my stomach has been giving me trouble. I pretty much was told that I…
  • Everybody is right about the salt intake. Lower is ALWAYS better when you have high blood pressure. It will keep your weight down, which may relieve the pain in your joints. Another thing I would recommend is FIBER. Make sure you're getting your 35 g a day! I know it seems like a lot, but your body will thank you. Fiber…
  • You need to get a strep screen. You don't have to have tonsils to get strep, and untreated strep can lead to heart problems. Seriously. Go to your doc.
  • You're welcome! And good luck! Everybody here is great whenever you have questions or need some support!
  • I wouldn't. There are much better ways to clear your system. Just drink lots of water and try for at least 30 g of fiber a day. You'll clear out, stay full and not be stuck in the bathroom!
  • Oh, and the probiotics -- you can just eat yogurt. As long as it says it contains "live active cultures" it has all the probiotics you need.
  • I read the label on that Detox and Cleanse . . . it's mostly magnesium. That's a laxative. It probably won't hurt you to do it, but you'll be in the bathroom. If you go ahead with it, you need to stay ultra-hydrated.
  • It's taken me a long time to mentally accept this, but I've started getting rid of all the "low-fat", "light", or "diet" foods I eat. In my experience, eating a little bit of the real thing satifies me a lot more than eating as much as I want of the "diet" version. So if I'm gonna splurge, I splurge. It might not look that…
    in Rant Comment by hapemopirate March 2010
  • I wonder if I played around with cayenne pepper and vinegar if I could make a lower-sodium marinade of my own. Sounds like a foody-adventure!!! :tongue:
  • I crave hot wings all the time . . . I've never thought of actually marinating the chicken in the sauce. What sauce did you use?