no excuses- even fat people can run!

So, I'm 5 foot 4 and 192 and I just ran 3 miles! (maybe more. i measured the distance in my car but ran on the sidewalk outside of the road) OK- it took me 48 minutes, but I did it. How could an overweight person like myself run (ok, jog) 48 minutes straight you ask? Couch to 5K showed me how and it can show you, too. If you think you are too fat or out of shape to run (ok, jog) you are WRONG!! I did it and so can you. Honestly, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I have NEVER been a runner. Freshman year of highschool I could run about a mile non-stop but by senior year it was maybe 1/4 mile and when I started this program about 3 months ago I couldn't even do that. I feel really awesome. And I burned 730 calories!


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Man... you are making me feel bad. :grumble: I need to start up on the couch 2 5k again, I did one day 10 days ago and pulled both sides of my grion and stopped fro a few days to recover but never started it up again.
    FINE if you can do it then i will try.

    Good job btw! :wink:
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Man... you are making me feel bad. :grumble: I need to start up on the couch 2 5k again, I did one day 10 days ago and pulled both sides of my grion and stopped fro a few days to recover but never started it up again.
    FINE if you can do it then i will try.

    Good job btw! :wink:

    AWESOME!! (not the making you feel bad part, the you trying it again part!) i hope you do better this time! Good luck!
  • psychokitten9
    wow! I have that app! I wasn't sure if it really worked or not. I've NEVER been able to run a mile, even with I wasn't over weight! This is inspiring.
  • kehowe83
    kehowe83 Posts: 79 Member
    totally jealous. I broke a sesmoid bone (like a knee cap, but in the ball of your foot) in January, just got out of a walking boot at the end of April. I am just doing exercises now that cause me to put pressure on the ball of my foot. really simple exercises like walkding at 4mph, or doing some tae bo like classes.
    and my foot feels like it is still broken. Back in January, I was starting to train to do a 10 k this time of year... now I still cant even jog.... Know that people envy you and be totally proud of that!
  • silvereyes01
    silvereyes01 Posts: 49 Member
    I have no other excuse then I don't like to run. But, I am trying to get a liking for it! Great for you that you were able to jog the 3 miles. I'm not that good yet. I have to do intervals of jogging and walking, but I will get there. :) Good luck to you!
  • hapemopirate
    hapemopirate Posts: 68 Member
    My husband is a big guy, and he just did Couch to 5K . . . he's doing amazing! And he's looking pretty studly. ;)
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I have no other excuse then I don't like to run. But, I am trying to get a liking for it! Great for you that you were able to jog the 3 miles. I'm not that good yet. I have to do intervals of jogging and walking, but I will get there. :) Good luck to you!

    I never liked to run either. I find I really like it now. I feel really good when I'm done.
  • WillWorkout4Food
    WillWorkout4Food Posts: 94 Member
    Great job. I love running but it all changes once you are able to master a run. You are going to be dropping those pounds in no time. Best of luck!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I love C25K, I'm on Week 5 right now! It used to take me forever to do just a mile and now I can at least get to 1.80 in a half hour, looking forward to day 3 to see if I can do the 20 minute run without stopping!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Did I mention I run with my daughter in her stroller, too. Much harder than running alone!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I have no other excuse then I don't like to run. But, I am trying to get a liking for it! Great for you that you were able to jog the 3 miles. I'm not that good yet. I have to do intervals of jogging and walking, but I will get there. :) Good luck to you!

    I hated running before starting this and C25K is pretty much intervals of running jogging but the jogging gets longer with each week. Its really made a difference for me :)
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    That's awesome!! Keep it up!
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    I need to start week 5. I'm scared bc by the end of week 5 I'll have to jog 20 minutes straight! But I didn't think I could handle the other weeks and I did. I plan to go ahead with week 5 tonight!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I jog on the treadmill too, but I'm yet to run a full mile. I take it in intervals, but I USED to be able to run a mile straight back in the good ol' days! Much kudos to you for jogging that long, that's NUTS!! :D
  • dancerandylynn
    I didn't like to run at first. I went out and ran a 5k without even training. It was so exciting. It made me want to run even more. I am still running and I am actually starting to like it! Just do it and you will start to like it. I know I'm not a fast or a good runner, but I feel so good after. Start small. Don't think you have to go out and run 3 miles at a time. Get a good pair of running shoes too, it really helps! Good luck and keep it up!! :)
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    Great job!

    Could you maybe tell me a little bit about C25K? I'm pretty happy with the shape I'm (getting) in but I'm not very confident with running. It's kinda always been a weakness of mine but I really want to try again and maybe one day actually participate in a 5K! I assume you liked (and were obviously successful with!) the program, how basic is it? I've looked it up and have seen the schedule for it, is that the whole program or is there more that you do with it?
    Thank you! And congrats again!!
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    Ya gotta be careful with generalizations. If you have a belly bounding (like I have); and you do some damage to the Sartorius muscles - you will know what knee pain is all about. If you are too heavy, the stress of running can cause you a lot of pain, discomfort and lay you up for weeks.

    It took me weeks before I could climb stairs again.

    I'm 6' tall and 287lbs. A 3 mile run will cripple me. A walk, on the other hand, is far less stressful on my joints.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Awesome! I love C25K. I didn't used to like to run distances, but C25K is turning me into "real runner" who actually enjoys running and can't wait for those rest days to be over. lol
  • aubry87
    aubry87 Posts: 34 Member
    I need to do this. I keep having dreams that I am a running feign. I have always said I hate to run, but I may just try it out. I need to get my cardio in so.
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I honestly don't think I could run/jog without damaging my knees, I think this has a lot to do with being alot more overweight than your good self at the present time.

    I think there is a line where you do more damage than good, with high impact exercise.

    I currently have a BMI of 41.5, and I have already lost 2 stone, so it was higher. I do intend to take up running when I get under 200lb, I have 30 lb to go, currently I walk alot,( I can do a flat 10 mile no problems, I am working on hills).

    I understand the sentiment, but like on the 30 Dy Shred when Jillian Michaels says " I have 400 pound plus people who can do this", they might be 6ft 4in men, not 5ft 2in women with the frame of a waif. It also recks my knees and it takes 4 days for them to stop grissling, I can hear them as I go down the stairs.

    Each to their own :)