no excuses- even fat people can run!



  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Good job!!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Ya gotta be careful with generalizations.

    dude- it's just a title to get peoples attention. obviously not every person can do every thing.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    totally jealous. I broke a sesmoid bone (like a knee cap, but in the ball of your foot) in January, just got out of a walking boot at the end of April. I am just doing exercises now that cause me to put pressure on the ball of my foot. really simple exercises like walkding at 4mph, or doing some tae bo like classes.
    and my foot feels like it is still broken. Back in January, I was starting to train to do a 10 k this time of year... now I still cant even jog.... Know that people envy you and be totally proud of that!

    I broke my toe on May 11th and I'm still in a walking boot. I'm doing P90X and martial arts, and I think the key here is modification. I know I can't run or jog like I used to with my dog, but I can walk just fine and there's nothing wrong with that. There's a mud race coming up that I can't participate in, so I know how you feel. We should pat ourselves on the back for not being totally sedentary and still getting off our butts.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Great job!

    Could you maybe tell me a little bit about C25K? I'm pretty happy with the shape I'm (getting) in but I'm not very confident with running. It's kinda always been a weakness of mine but I really want to try again and maybe one day actually participate in a 5K! I assume you liked (and were obviously successful with!) the program, how basic is it? I've looked it up and have seen the schedule for it, is that the whole program or is there more that you do with it?
    Thank you! And congrats again!!

    the schedule you saw is it. i printed it out and timed myself on a stop watch. i repeated a few weeks so it took me a little longer, but hey. i'm not racing anyone...yet!
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    For those with joint troubles, you can keep one foot on the ground at all times, but make the rest of the movement look like jogging. That should reduce the joint strain considerably.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I've been running for about 2 months. I hadn't ran since highschool (which was decades ago omg). I love it! UNTIL last week my heel started hurting something aweful! :sad: I think it's that planters faciitious or whatever. Boooooo!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    Ok..I'm gonna try it again!!
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    You need some resistance training as well. Muscle burns fat even at rest.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Ya gotta be careful with generalizations. If you have a belly bounding (like I have); and you do some damage to the Sartorius muscles - you will know what knee pain is all about. If you are too heavy, the stress of running can cause you a lot of pain, discomfort and lay you up for weeks.

    It took me weeks before I could climb stairs again.

    I'm 6' tall and 287lbs. A 3 mile run will cripple me. A walk, on the other hand, is far less stressful on my joints.

    Im 5'8" and I weighed 300lbs when I started. I did do 20 weeks of elliptical and other aerobic exercise before I started couch to 5k but I completed my first 5k weighing about 265lbs in 43 min.

    C25k saved my life. In February I was up to 4.5 miles at less then 9 min/mile and I have lost just under 100 lbs.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Im 5'8" and I weighed 300lbs when I started. I did do 20 weeks of elliptical and other aerobic exercise before I started couch to 5k but I completed my first 5k weighing about 265lbs in 43 min.

    C25k saved my life. In February I was up to 4.5 miles at less then 9 min/mile and I have lost just under 100 lbs.

  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Great Job!
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Just put the C25k app on my phone. Love it
  • nilla32zoe
    nilla32zoe Posts: 18
    MLEMONROE that is awesome that you started running! I can totally relate, I despised running in high school--when they said run 1 mile I cringed!! Now I love it! You get the runner's high! I started last summer when our local Ymca started a running group to train for the local running event here. I ran 2 mile races last year (did about 5 of them) and I did do a 5K by the end of the summer. Didn't run much in winter so now building up again. Just finished a 2 mile race this past weekend, and I beat my time from the same race last year almost 3 minutes! I have finished the Insanity program recently. I contribute that to little more speed! Keep it up! I will "friend" you on here also! Thanks for sharing.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Congrats!! I can totally relate. I may take forever to get somewhere, but I am jogging there! LOVE C25K.

    Wishing you continued success!! :)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Great job! I love your "no excuse" attitude. Very encouraging to see other people just do it!
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    Good job. I ran 6 miles a day for about 20 years then torn cartilage in the knee playing volleyball. Doctor said stop running and stupid me listened. I always enjoyed running and really missed it. So 25 year later (age 64) I am starting to run again. I currently walk about an hour a day. The return is tough though so I am running and walking at this point. Plan on 5K by Labor day or sooner.
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