witchy_wife Member


  • Then drink enough water to stay hydrated and follow a good skin care routine :)
  • Definitely the best plan. Recovery can be so different from one person to the next so best to get guidance from a professional who knows you and can give you the best advise. Good luck :)
  • Thank you to everyone who shared in this thread. I've had three babies (my two boys and I was a surrogate for my sister who is unable to have kids) and also three C-sections. My biggest baby was 10lb 8oz. I have the tummy apron and seeing some of the pics here I am encouraged that with some hard work and commitment I can…
  • A Leeds lass here. I'm nowhere near as focussed as I want (need!) to be right now. I could definitely do with some focussed friends so feel free to add :smiley:
  • Hot honey and lemon and lots of naps. And a marathon session of something good on Netflix. Hope you feel better soon x
  • Ooooh, I've been thinking of buying an airfryer.... that looks delicious!
  • So are you losing on the plan you are following now? And it's just Keto that didn't work?
  • That absolutely is a success story! Well done you! Best of luck with the rest of your journey :)
  • I do limit my diet coke to one a day....not because of the whole cancer causing sweeteners theory.....but because I already have thin tooth enamel and too much citric acid isn't good for my teeth. I also have to be careful with things like tomatoes and fruits.
  • About 50 cals worth. Usually just 100ml of semi skimmed milk across three cups of tea or coffee. The rest of my drinks are either water (during the day) and with dinner I will have either a coke zero or sugar free squash.
  • I'm amazed a doctor would recommend that diet. Not only would I not follow the diet..... I'd find a new doctor.
  • I can't wait to take my bra off when I get home from work LOL. Suit off, release the girls.....and relax LOL :)
  • I don't live on them but have them now and again. Sodium is pretty high in most but some are pretty tasty! I really love some of them. I would normally have one on it's own for lunch, or if having for my main meal would add some extra veggies or salad to bulk it out a bit.
  • I don't. I eat at TDEE - 20% and eat the same number of calories no matter what exercise I do. I was getting in the habit of doing exercise just to eat chocolate or ice cream. Which I know would work, and I would still lose weight....it just didn't feel particularly good for me personally.
  • You look fabulous and you sound happy so it seems like a total win to me :) But yeah.....a big smile would have looked even better ;)
  • I do my strength training as a kind of circuit set up. I do use heavier weights but I break it up with something in the middle like jump rope or box jumps (only with my step aerobics step....I'm not that fit yet LOL). This way I move on to something different. I also like kettlebell workouts as I find them a bit more fun…
  • I do now! I was going to the gym but used to find it a chore to go, so I started doing bits at home and now I love it. I have a step aerobic box which I use for some cardio and to get the heart pumping. I have kettlebells at 3 different weights, dumbbells and barbell with weights, skipping rope and hula hoop (for when it's…
  • While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this kind of relationship, for me I couldn't do it. For me, sex is a very personal thing and I attach emotions to it. I was wilder when I was younger and I had lots of fun. But now that I am a little older I wouldn't want to have sex with someone without that emotional…
  • I finished high school at 16 (actually 15 when I took my exams just because of how late in school year my birthday is).....I went straight in to a full time job as an office junior. I never went to college or uni and now have a very good well paid job. Some people in the same position as me spent thousands on getting…
  • For me, if I am so sore after a leg heavy workout day I do some walking. No hiking or anything, just maybe 2-3 miles on the flat. I find gently keeping the muscles moving followed by more stretching will help them ease off. Swimming is also excellent, a gently swim will work lots of muscles while your body is supported by…
  • I am! A Yorkshire lass here (Leeds).
  • Thanks for your replies :)
  • Cool, thanks! I do find that when I do a strength work out (rather than cardio) I do get hungry nearer to 9am instead of 10am. So I will just let my body guide me and if I am hungry at 9 will eat then, otherwise just wait until 10. :)
  • Every day and sometimes twice a day if it fits with my goals. I have a protein goal I like to hit every day, so I sometimes have to get inventive. I got a mix for protein pankcakes so now I can get my dessert AND some protein too. I put a little nutella on the pankcake and top with berries. Delicious!!!
  • This....all day long! While "toning" is a bit of a myth... if you want less wobble and tighter / leaner looking thighs then follow the advise above :)
  • I used to drink a lot but it started effecting my sleep. I started by only drinking decaf coffee after 3pm. I then started having the odd cup of tea instead of coffee on a morning. I now drink tea on a morning and have my one lovely cup of coffee to follow my lunch and no caffeine after that one. I know I still have a fair…
  • I've just discovered protein pancakes! I buy mine from "My Protein" but I am sure other places probably do it too. I get the golden syrup flavour. I have half of the serving which makes me one small pancake. It's just under 100 cals. You could probably eat it on it's own but I like to have mine with chopped strawberries or…
  • I enjoy eating food way too much to use shakes regularly. Even my protein shakes are a poor second to eating now I have discovered protein pancakes for breakfast! I'd say rather than meal replacements, go for a protein shake and add a bit of fruit / veggies, maybe some nuts or flax to make it a more all round nutritious…