ravenzwart Member


  • I just weighed in. It looks great, but i know this is just water weight etc. Next week, here i come. I changed my goal. Because i missed that was suppossed to be the goal after 12 weeks in stead of my ultimate goal.
  • Great challenge, i must admit answering wasn't that easy. But here it goes: What is your favorite thing about your appearance? that i still have a little hourglass thing figure What is you greatest strength? What is your proudest moment from 2014? when i weight under 70 kg (154 pounds i think) What are you looking forward…
  • I use two ways, pinterest for recipes i haven't tried and a word document for recipes i want make more often (just copy and paste from the original websites). Both are used via my tablet.
  • I want to participate too. I'll try to add my info. Hopefully it will help!
  • I am also still here. I'm starting again. This group is a bit inactive (so i became a lurker) and when i am logging i usually log via the phone. But i want get active again (sort of new years resolution). Naybe we need some themes that match are age group? (I'm just writing aloud). But for the people who want support, feel…
  • I had that problem also, but I made myself eat a piece of fruit within an hour after getting out of bed. After a year, i'm used to it and I get hungry if I forget to eat. But still no big breakfast for me.
  • A break-up is really hard. After the second one I totally crashed and didn't take care of myself. Luckily I had good friends wo stepped in and forced me to take better care of myself. But I still remember how it feels and to keep on track in such a period, pfff. I hope you find the strength to keep going and to put…
  • I have noticed that I minimize my binge moments to myself if I don't log them. So I log them to avoid that I kid myself.
  • Hi, Feel free to ad me. I just started again, with the latest vacation kilo's and the ones i hadn't lost from the years before that. Greetings!
  • Hi, little bit late with my reaction, but I wanted to let you know you are not alone. My road has been wobbly also and probably stay like that. A few months ago I was within 4 kilo's of my goal. Then it went wrong, to much arguing at home, to busy at work and totally in doubt about everything. So I stopped doing yoga and…
  • Mmm, yes we love it too. I try not to use it on everything, because all of our friends and family don't like spicy or hot food. But if the bottle is near empty, we run to the store quickly, just to make sure we have it at hand. So yeah maybe we're a little bit addictive.
  • Hoi, heel herkenbaar. Was 12 kilo kwijt, ging redelijk, gestopt met bijhouden en gecombineerd met werkstress en viola 6 kilo er weer aan. Dus i know what you mean! Voeg me gerust toe voor support. Hopelijk lukt het ons nu beide om af te vallen en vervolgens op gewicht te blijven! Succes!
    in Hallo Comment by ravenzwart August 2014
  • The most recent one: being asked 'how many weeks along' for the second time in a month. The first time (10 years ago):my niece suddenly died, for the most part due to the effects of being overweight. Unfortunately no wakeupcall seems to have a long lasting effect and makes me enough motivated to keep the weight off. But…
  • He, I totally know what you mean. I work in government and do overtime every week and so when I am not working I just want to relax...I fell of the wagon a few months ago because my life only existed of working and no me time. So I have promised myself that I will get back on track and try to find some time to work on…
  • I just want to say, that even covered up people make stupid comments about the size of breast. It seems that just having a bit more is enough for getting criticized by both men and women, people just like to judge
  • Yep from the south of holland, eindhoven!
  • Hi Ashley, Welcome back then. I feel for you, my boyfriend is a huge junkfoodfan and can eat anything he wants and not gain anything, so it easy to give in and eat the same als he does. So its a struggle to make the right choices. I have been on and off for a while now and i also hope that this time i will really make the…
  • Hi everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself. I am 32 and back again.... I need to lose 15 kg (33 lbs) to get back on my ideal weight. Last time I have been at that weight was about 8 years ago. But i woud be happy if i lost around 12-13 kg. Since i have pasted my 30's i have not been able to get more off then 5 kg (11…
  • Hi Sara, Just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel. I am little bit older but i a few weeks ago i got heartburn and my knees were painfull. So i decided enough. I have been on this train many many times and sometimes more succesfull then others, but this time it needs to work. Getting to that point, when you…
  • Thinking about the december challenge, because doing it together is better. But not sure yet. December is such a crappy month, pff. But okay. Today bad eating pattern. Forgot to have breakfast and lunch were sandwiches with brie and tuna salad from the catering. Only had 5 cups of water, so wont make that goal. Second day…
  • So today i promised myself a easy dinner (didnt take a lunchbreak), but didn't plan ahead. Ai, way in the red. But who wasn't been there? Kinda tired so turning in allready. See you tomorrow!
  • Checking in early for the day. stayed in the green today, still need to drink 3 cups of water but thats duable. Walked again during my break (with to high heels), os thats good. Planned to cook, but after the traffic jam i was demotivated. Wednesday must be cooking day then. Hopefully everybody had a good day too!
  • So back after a few days. Friday i just ate everything that came in my way, so offcourse i made non of my goals. Saterday no a good pattern in my eating, but stayed in the green. Today hopefully in the green (my evening ain't over yet). At least my cold is getting better! I am going to try plan my diners ahead in mfp,…
  • Hi everyone, checking in early today. Thanx for the get well wishes! I am still in the green, but i shouldn't snack anything tonight but we are having people over.... Didn't do any yoga, but i try to forgive myself because i was feeling :sick: all week. Drinking a little better, so maybe next week i will drink enough. Nice…
  • I have 2: When i was 18 (and size medium / 38 in europe) and had not seen my aunt in a few years, she said so i see you still have a fat face... When i was 25 (and by then size xl / 42 in europe) i went to my favourite store and asked for a specific color pants, the sales worker looked me up and down and said: we don't…
  • Short checking in: yesterday in the green, today barely in the green. Everyday to little to drink and sleep (still having a cold). Until tomorrow! :smile:
  • Good evening everyone! It's uplifting to read i wasn't tjhe only one with a dip this weekend. But my workweek started better so i hoped thats also true for others. I had more tea (it was freezing today, so i opted for something warm) then water. Lunch not that healthy, but okay. Diner healthy, had more meat then i should…
  • Hi everybody, i have been bad all weekend, so i avoided checking in... It started with a high tea (birthday party) and went real quick downhill. A visit to the mac and today just snacking. Okay sunday is my free day, but still. New week new round (seems like i say that every week). Turning in early, i think i am getting a…
  • Good evening everyone. Checking in for day 10. Drinking again bad. I have been away for work all day, i had a few cups of tea but not enough. Then stupidly i went to do groceries while hungry and got spareribs. So bad dinner. Stayed in the green, but havent had my evening sweet yet. Sleeping, well my workweek is over so i…