What is the rudest thing someone has ever said about your we



  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    My stepfather was always the worst with my weight, calling me "(my mom's) fat-*kitten* daughter" instead of by my name and saying that no man would ever want me.

    High school was pretty awful, too (isn't it always?) with other kids making that "truck backing up" sound when I walked by or some girl saying she would kill myself if she ever got as fat as me.

    The thing that bothers me the most though is my aunt; not because she's being mean but because she actually thinks she's being funny and playing around with me. I once joked how her cat was looking like Garfield (that fat cartoon cat) and she said, all laughs and giggles, "Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black!"

    Now I poke fun at myself constantly and lean heavily on my own fat jokes to get by. My friends ask why I'm so mean to myself all the time and I can't really explain that it's a mechanism--because if I brace myself for the jokes and even laugh at them myself, then they don't hurt as much as when someone says them honestly.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    It wasn't a comment towards me but my sister was told she looked pregnant in a certain outfit by my godmother. Now not only was it rude but my sister has been trying to get pregnant for years so it was VERY INSENSITIVE. It really struck a screw you cord with me.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    When I was overweight I was told that I had "Dunlop disease".
  • I was going to my best friends wedding an my husband looked at me and said you know you look like a bell right. You really need to lose all that weight. And then almost every day after that he kept saying you shouldn't e eating that your just going to add on to the pounds that you need to get rid of! He still looks at me and says you know you should do something about that weight you have. I could have a small portion of food on my plate at din and he always says I don't think you should be eating that much it's just going to make you fatter! He is all of 115 pounds and can eat all day everyday and not gain weight so he thinks my body should be the same way. He NEVER compliments me and if someone else does he laughs and says really then walks away.
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    I was going to my best friends wedding an my husband looked at me and said you know you look like a bell right. You really need to lose all that weight. And then almost every day after that he kept saying you shouldn't e eating that your just going to add on to the pounds that you need to get rid of! He still looks at me and says you know you should do something about that weight you have. I could have a small portion of food on my plate at din and he always says I don't think you should be eating that much it's just going to make you fatter! He is all of 115 pounds and can eat all day everyday and not gain weight so he thinks my body should be the same way. He NEVER compliments me and if someone else does he laughs and says really then walks away.

    And you're still married to him!! (then again - don't know your history - but if that was me, he'd be out the door.. ) Life hard enough without the people who are meant to be there supporting you, dragging you down..

    Never had the fat comments. Wasn't heavy in my teens or 20's.. Weight gradually came on in my 30's.. Now in my 40's and trying to loose. No comments from anyone - probably because people know I care less what they think.. I just live my life as well and as good as I possibly can.. If you have issues - go deal with them.. I'm not going to let you use me to vent..
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    a guy looking at me and saying "i only date thin girls"

    which actually made me laugh because a) i wasn't trying to date him. and b) i wondered if by "thin girls" he meant stick figured humans with lady bits where external organs would otherwise be.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    was told by my boyfriend at the time he didn't find me attractive anymore b/c I had let myself go... that floored me and I actually gained weight afterwards b/c i figured i was hideous and just didn't try for a while.

    saw a friend about a yr ago who I hadn't seen since HS and she said, "wow, getting older is cruel isn't it? You used to be so thin."

    people can be shmucks.

    it's fine, I'm not losing for them, I'm losing for me.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    when I was 135 pounds senior year of high school, I went on a blind date (worst, first, and LAST blind date EVER) and afterwards I told him I wasn't interested.. he told me he would find me more attractive if I lost 20 pounds. What.
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    I have 2:

    When i was 18 (and size medium / 38 in europe) and had not seen my aunt in a few years, she said so i see you still have a fat face...

    When i was 25 (and by then size xl / 42 in europe) i went to my favourite store and asked for a specific color pants, the sales worker looked me up and down and said: we don't sell anything for people of your size.
    I was just blown away and didn't even know what to say.

    I can still bring back what i felt at those moments. I mean today i weigh much more and it would make more sense, but back then i still don't understand.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Nickname in middle school - Spam and Ham (my name's Sam)

    It's a good thing your proportional - you're big everywhere.

    Fat f***ing b!tch
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    The worst was my ex (a real arsehole), he told me that I should lose weight, told me to what weight and would often tell me that my belly made him want to barf and that I was the cause of all social issues we had with others because they thought I was so disgustingly fat. I am 5'8, I was 170lbs at that time and was told to lose weight down to 140lbs (which in my case in unrealistic, that my muscle weight, I would be real skinny).

    To this day 170 lbs is my ideal weight and I understood that later, I lost 150 lbs by dumping him too :laugh:

    I often get the pregnant comment, I am often bloated, i'm doing tests for intolerance, possible digestive issues, etc. I don't look fat elsewhere apparently (I am more rough on myself that others are I guess).
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Can I just tell all you ladies how beautiful you are?
  • I lost 40 lbs over 6 months and plateau hit. I saw my family doctor who checked my height and weight. He looked at his little chart and said, "you're obese!"

    I'm 5' 7" and 170lbs at the time. I was running 5 miles a day and lifting weights for an hour a day. What I wanted was a nutritionist referral. What I got was a total reversal of my progress.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Can I just tell all you ladies how beautiful you are?

    Yes you can :blushing:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I was called Miss Piggy all throughout middle school. In reference to my nose AND my weight.

    You have a cute nose.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Can I just point out that a lot of you are saying these comments were made by exes. And therefore, it should not bother you, that's why they are exes ;) They missed out!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    But any way, mine is a coworker who is 200+ lbs heavier than me and pointed out after I came back from maternity leave, "Oh look, the baby gave you a pooch."
  • Man, these are depressing. I guess since everyone else can laugh and post their insults, I can do the same.

    Incident 1: Dad: "You're looking less Peter Griffinish these days" -referring to my double chin-

    Incident 2: I bet if you lost 15 pounds, guys would break down the door to get to you. Don't get me wrong, you're pretty.. but you're just so.. so damn big. There's so much of you! (Said to me between the ages of 15-24)

    Incident 3: You've gotten rid of your double chin.. well there's still some more left that you need to work on but it's not nearly as much as it was before. -proceeds to make a grabbing type motion at his chin to sort of mock my chin(s) <--lol-

    Incident 4: -Said to me JUST last night- Dad: *Stares at her* You need to work more on this *pats her belly* before the rest of this *points to legs* get any smaller. You're big in the belly, but your legs are small.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    My grandma asked me when I was going to lose the baby weight from my first daughter, when she was like 8 months old and I had already lost 40lbs.

    My best friend and I always joke about our bingo wings (flabby arms) and our cottage cheese thighs (want some pineapple with these cottage cheese???!) but its not meant to be rude to eachother.
  • I have been working seriously on my weight since January of this year. In February, I had lost about 25 pounds. My sister took notice and asked if I was losing weight. I said I was working on it. My mother said "Oh, you're trying to lose weight again?" I said yes. She sighed and said "You'll never be thin. You've always been heavy. I'm not being mean but you'll never be thin. Just get used to it." I was so angry because I was trying so hard. And this was my MOTHER.
    Well, that was 112 lbs ago. I joined MFP to help with the last 48 to go.