November challenge !!!!!!!!!!!! : >



  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Was delicious c:
    80 Calories to spare tonight, not including the cleaning excersize I'm doing next.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone !!!!!!!! I have been gone all day just got home sorry :ohwell: OK fresh start tommorow. Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou: Good job everyone who logged .
  • I had a pretty good day today, I didn't make the best food choices but I met all my goals! :D
  • Hi all

    Ive been doing ok with my exercise but not counting my calories or watching what I eat.

    I revamped my goals and starting again.

    My daily goals for this week:

    1) 80 oz water
    2) Track 1700 calories
    3) Clean up my food dramatically, 250 calorie treat.
    4) 2 each fruit and veg servings
    5) 20-30 mins of real exercise
    6)10k pedometer steps
    7) Log in everyday

  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Okay so I had a horrible day with my eating yesterday. Just ate whatever I wanted and was almost 1,000 calories over. But you have to hear the best part. I laughed at myself it was so UNBELIEVABLE!!! I was so good about logging into the November Challenge and getting to read everyone's posts that I forgot to log into my diary on Friday. Woke up at 3 a.m. Saturday morning and could not believe it. Really had a senior moment and I had logged into for 90 days in a row. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? Still makes me chuckle and hope this brings a smile to all of your faces also.
    You guys just mesmerize me and I forget about my diary. HEHEHEHEHE!!!
    So I am starting over again with logging my food and exercise. Staples come out of my leg on Wednesday. CANNOT wait to start exercising again. I have really missed it. Hope you all have a blessed Sunday and do well.
    Will check in at the end of my day.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good morning challenge friends :happy: So funny DeeBear Never been told I was mesmerizing :laugh: Yay on getting staples out yikes I cant imagine having those :noway: woooo hooo on 90 days !!!!!!
    Jenergy good job on the revamp we need to do that sometimes :happy:
    Good job elleebell !!!!
    Everyone is doing good .I will be home most of the day today :bigsmile: I cleaned this morning so my work for today is done Wooooo hoooo.
    Good day so far I will check in again latter :wink: Have a great sunday :flowerforyou:
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Hi everyone, well I've had a lovely lazy Sunday with the family :smile:

    Definitely eaten better today and had a decent workout, so I'm feeling much happier with myself.

    Keep up the hard work everyone x
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    Hi everybody, i have been bad all weekend, so i avoided checking in...

    It started with a high tea (birthday party) and went real quick downhill.
    A visit to the mac and today just snacking. Okay sunday is my free day, but still.

    New week new round (seems like i say that every week).
    Turning in early, i think i am getting a cold.

    Hope everyone has a good week and reaches their goals!
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    I also have been bad this weekend. I opted not to check in yesterday, because, I guess you could say I checked out for the day. Didn't diary. We had company for lunch, and didn't feel like calculating what I ate. Today I fell into the same rut of not wanting to calculate what I'm eating. However, tomorrow I plan to go to the gym. I need to because I know I won't be able to make it on Wednesday, and this week is both my husband's birthday and our anniversary. Lots of reasons to overeat. I know I will be having a 24 hour period where I won't be watching it, but other than that I will try to be good.
  • Ok Friday I met all of my goals and it was great! Yeterday was my day off and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Today I'm working being good, will post when I've met my goals later today. I hope everyone is doing good with their November challenge! Take care!!!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    My weekend wasn't the best. I have the attitude that when I go over I might as well just keep going so I dug myself quite a hole this weekend with my calorie intake. Will work on getting back on track tomorrow. I realized today that I did not cook a single meal for the week--that is probably why the scale is stuck! 6 pm, I realized I had not had any water today so I have been hitting the water bottle. I was good and rode 30 miles on the bike this weekend and went out for a couple of walks so that was the only plus.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good Job checking in everyone :happy: We have ups and downs if you want to ,you can still just check in and say hello :blushing: Wen you are having one of those days :tongue:

    I did something dangerous I would have never let my girls do.............. I walked at dusk it was on the dike :noway: yikes it was dark when I got back. Note to self never do that again.

    Well had a good day not done though so I will check back latter :wink:
  • Good job Mom!!! And no more dangerous walks!!! :huh:

    I've met all of my goals for today! :bigsmile: Ready to do it again tomorrow!!!
  • Gamergl
    Gamergl Posts: 58 Member
    I'm starting this challenge a bit late - but better late than never, right? So here goes:

    1. Drink 8-10 glasses of H2O/day.
    2. Have 2 fruit and vegie servings/day.
    3. Exercise minimum 30 min/day.
    4. One good habit: To not finish my kids' meals! lol!
    5. Check in everyday - good or bad.

    I'm going to post these on my profile so I can see them everyday....
  • I did really good today, I went over my daily goal by 50 calories but then ran off 350 :) I drank lots of water and went for a walk also. I'm afraid I won't lose any weight this week because I was up .2 lbs this morning from my last weigh in. But I have a game plan! I'm going to start using more of my calories for fruits and veggies! At least for me, not all calories are created equal and I need to cut back on the fatty carby ones. I did work out 4 times this week WAHOO!!! I haven't been taking my daughter to the park because it's been snowy, so I've been taking her to the library instead which is just as good for socialization but also good for education! Anyways, it was a good day and I'm feeling positive despite the fact that I'm not expecting a big loss in the morning. I love you all!!! Goodnight!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone !!!!!! Good job sunshine :love: .I wont do it again :noway: scarey
    Welcome gamer Nice goals :wink:
    ElleeBell its snowing I love the snow :happy: Good job on your game plan :smile:
    I met all my goals except water no excuse because I was home most of the day :frown: oh well eating was good. How many calories do you think is in a pomagranit? Wow that was a suprise :noway: I will do my healthy habit in just a bit .
    I did day 27 of 30 day shred : > I think it was 27 ,and Jog/walked for 25 mins
    Good night tommorow is monday its a fresh place to start if you are struggling :flowerforyou:

    I love accorn squash with 1 Tb butter baked and then let sit for awile its like 210 calories but its filling satisfying and good for you. At safeway if you have one they are 2 for a dollar :bigsmile: I eat a half almost every day you could do a little seasalt and pepper or a little brown sugar :tongue:

    Good night too you to ElleeBell :heart: You are a sweetie !!!!!!
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Hello all.. So yesterday and today were great! I drank my green tea, stayed under my calories, got my strength training and calisthenics done and was over on my exercise amount.. got my healthy habit done and drank all my water! Woo hoo! How was everyone's weekend? I hope it was fun :-)
  • Good Morning everyone:smile:

    My daily goals for this week:

    1) 80 oz water
    2) Track 1700 calories
    3) Clean up my food dramatically, 250 calorie treat.
    4) 2 each fruit and veg servings
    5) 20-30 mins of real exercise
    6)10k pedometer steps
    7) Log in everyday

    Yesterday was a + day, I stayed mindful of my goals and stuck by them, even tracking my cals.

    Onto today... cheers and success for everyone! :drinker:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Happy Monday All!! Thanks for the inbox message Elimay!! I've had a wild & food filled weekend!! Today I get back on track because I can feel the rumble of TOM in the jungle!! Good luck this week challengers!!

    The rules........

    1 . My first couple goals will include staying at 1500 calories or so, drinking 128 oz of water & exercising 2 times a day..

    2. 1 Good Habit will be to eat dinner early enough to take a walk afterwards.

    3. I will try to check in everyday !!!! good or bad .

    4. I have mastered taking a day off of exercise!

    Here's how I did this weekend:
    1. I went over in calories each day but did a LOT of cardio Fri & Saturday.
    2. I am keeping up my good habit of walking my dog after dinner except for Friday & Sunday night.
    3. Sunday I took off for a rest day. But I ate carefree will pay this morning!!

    I WILL make November a great month !!!!!!!!!!!
    How did you do Elimay??
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good morning girls :bigsmile: Its monday Ha Ha Ha Im on my way out the door but my healthy food for the day is logged and my healthy dinner planned Fish tacos YUMMY :tongue: Have a great day I will be checking in latter. You are all great !!!!!! I smile when I see your posts :happy: