November challenge !!!!!!!!!!!! : >



  • jenergy_20
    I can see this is a very positive place to be. :smile:

    My daily goals for this week:

    1) 64 oz water
    2) Clean up my food dramatically, 250 calorie treat only.
    3) 2 each fruit and veg servings
    4) 20-30 mins of real exercise
    5)10k pedometer steps

    elimay I hope your rash is better this morn. :flowerforyou:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you amsw and jenergy :smile: I do feel better Just finished day 1 level 3 30day shred still have the rash but I have a great Dr and I will see her today .

    Hawkeye sorry your work is making it hard for you looks like you meen buisness though, your trying hard to do what you can good job :happy: Even if you have a bad day if you remmember just check in and say hello. What about packing sliced vegis or fruit sometimes it works for me I also suck on sugar free hard candy . Hope today is better :flowerforyou:

    Jenergy I like your goals how you set a limit on calories for treat :tongue: It is a positive place thank you and I can see you are adding to that:happy: Thank you !!!!!

    Izzy you asked what 30 day shred is and I forgot to answer sorry. It is a 3 level workout video by Jillian Micheals you do a 20 min workout everyday, You can loose it says 20 lbs in a month, I havent seen that myself but I can feel abs and my endurance is so much better ,It wlso helped me reach my goal of jogging I thought if in level 1 I can do like 50 jumping jacks I can jog :bigsmile: so I did. I bought mine for 10 $ at target I have nine days to go I did more of level 1 or I would have 5 {my friend wanted to do it so I did level 1 when she was here with her }

    Have an awesome tuesday everyone I will check back tonight .

    I am going to pack my lunch and for dinner Im going to my sisters but she is making a healthy meal because my hubby had a 5 heart bypass a few months ago :noway:
  • jenergy_20
    Hi Everyone

    I had a pretty good day.... so much better with the healthy choices.

    Hope it was good for ALL of you :smile:
  • jenergy_20
    Thank you amsw and jenergy :smile: I do feel better Just finished day 1 level 3 30day shred still have the rash but I have a great Dr and I will see her today .

    Hawkeye sorry your work is making it hard for you looks like you meen buisness though, your trying hard to do what you can good job :happy: Even if you have a bad day if you remmember just check in and say hello. What about packing sliced vegis or fruit sometimes it works for me I also suck on sugar free hard candy . Hope today is better :flowerforyou:

    Jenergy I like your goals how you set a limit on calories for treat :tongue: It is a positive place thank you and I can see you are adding to that:happy: Thank you !!!!!

    Izzy you asked what 30 day shred is and I forgot to answer sorry. It is a 3 level workout video by Jillian Micheals you do a 20 min workout everyday, You can loose it says 20 lbs in a month, I havent seen that myself but I can feel abs and my endurance is so much better ,It wlso helped me reach my goal of jogging I thought if in level 1 I can do like 50 jumping jacks I can jog :bigsmile: so I did. I bought mine for 10 $ at target I have nine days to go I did more of level 1 or I would have 5 {my friend wanted to do it so I did level 1 when she was here with her }

    Have an awesome tuesday everyone I will check back tonight .

    I am going to pack my lunch and for dinner Im going to my sisters but she is making a healthy meal because my hubby had a 5 heart bypass a few months ago :noway:

    Thanks elimay.. have to get in one treat to keep from over indulging, like I do. Sorry to hear about your DH! It must be the biggest motivation for you both to strive for healthier lives..... together.
  • moonfleur75
    So, it's been a few days since I checked in. I have been over in calories. I missed working out yesterday, and today is one of my days off of working out. Tomorrow is a new day, and I am going to plan better for my day!
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Tonight was date night so blew through calories. There was no point in even attempting to log in my food tonight. I know its bad, but I don't feel guilty. I also had a bad night's sleep, so sleep deprivation probably contributed to my opting to make today my chip day (which I didn't stick to just one serving). So, while I lost the pound I gained from Sunday, I suspect it will be revisiting the scale tomorrow morning.

    This challenge really is a challenge this month now that we are starting to entertain more as we get closer to Thanksgiving. I have a dinner guest coming tomorrow night, so I'll have to try to pay attention to how much I serve myself. Its so easy to get distracted and keep taking more without realizing how much I've actually consumed. I don't want to keep gaining and losing the same pound this month, so hopefully tomorrow I'll utilize some self-control and make conscious food choices.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    The rules........

    1 . My first couple goals will include staying at 1500 calories or so, drinking 128 oz of water & exercising 2 times a day..

    2. 1 Good Habit will be to eat dinner early enough to take a walk afterwards.

    3. I will try to check in everyday !!!! good or bad .

    4. I haven't mastered taking a day off of exercise yet!

    Today I ate a bit over my calories but I'm okay because I burned a decent amount.
    Today I walked my dog before dinner and dragged along my lazy daughter.
    Today I'm checking in an reporting that I am okay with my choices, I did a lot of extra eating here & there but I can't go back!
    Today I can't think of a day this week that should be a "rest day".
    I hope everyone else had a good day today!! Elimay? How'd you do??

    I WILL make November a great month !!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nicobh
    Nicobh Posts: 19
    Day 8: I did 60 mins cardio, crunches, and strength training. I drank 64 ounces of water, ate smething before the four hour maximum between meals, and logged all I ate. I'm still planning my meals in advance, and have started to carry healthy snacks in my handbag. It was a good day.
  • Elleebell
    Baaaaad day.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Morning all:

    So I went a bit over on calories yesterday. I'm on the road again today for about 8 hours of driving and meetings-brought along a sandwich, almonds and some fruit so hopefully I will do better today. I did meet my goal for water yesterday-seemed like I was thirsty all day long so I drank 5 bottles of water. I had spin class yesterday morning and still jumped on the elliptical last night for about 30 minutes so my legs are tired today. I did 45 minutes on the elliptical but not as hard as pace this morning. Plus I walked to work in the snow/sleet so welcome to winter!

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday. Keep up the good work!
  • jenergy_20
    Hi everyone :smile:

    My 1st day out was a success. I'm feeling better already. :bigsmile: Thanks for the support!

  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Thank you amsw and jenergy :smile: I do feel better Just finished day 1 level 3 30day shred still have the rash but I have a great Dr and I will see her today .

    Hawkeye sorry your work is making it hard for you looks like you meen buisness though, your trying hard to do what you can good job :happy: Even if you have a bad day if you remmember just check in and say hello. What about packing sliced vegis or fruit sometimes it works for me I also suck on sugar free hard candy . Hope today is better :flowerforyou:

    Jenergy I like your goals how you set a limit on calories for treat :tongue: It is a positive place thank you and I can see you are adding to that:happy: Thank you !!!!!

    Izzy you asked what 30 day shred is and I forgot to answer sorry. It is a 3 level workout video by Jillian Micheals you do a 20 min workout everyday, You can loose it says 20 lbs in a month, I havent seen that myself but I can feel abs and my endurance is so much better ,It wlso helped me reach my goal of jogging I thought if in level 1 I can do like 50 jumping jacks I can jog :bigsmile: so I did. I bought mine for 10 $ at target I have nine days to go I did more of level 1 or I would have 5 {my friend wanted to do it so I did level 1 when she was here with her }

    Have an awesome tuesday everyone I will check back tonight .

    I am going to pack my lunch and for dinner Im going to my sisters but she is making a healthy meal because my hubby had a 5 heart bypass a few months ago :noway:

    Thanks elimay.. have to get in one treat to keep from over indulging, like I do. Sorry to hear about your DH! It must be the biggest motivation for you both to strive for healthier lives..... together.
    Thank you . You would never know that he was sick, not over weight very active . We are going to jog together today ,He is supportive of my working WL goals { Except when he takes me out to eat unexpectadly ) Ha Ha Ha have a great day !!!!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone I got puking sick last night when I got home :sick: I went straight to bed. Im in a hurry but will check in and read posts latter today. Have an aweswome day everyone :bigsmile:
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    I just realized i forgot to check in yesterday, strange.

    Elimay i am totally impressed how you find little things to say to everyone! Great work.
    Not that everyone else isn't encouraging too, but just wanted to compliment you and that.

    Okay day 8: didn't start bad but after the threat from a coworker, i got indian take out with a friend. Lovely, but not great for the calories.
    Drinking went okay, got used to drinking 3 cups of tea at work, so thats helping a little.
    Sleeping enough not a problem, after dinner i went home and went straight to bed.

    Day 9: started okay again, realized i forgot lunch and my bad solution became a candy bar. The craving for chocolate stayed with me, so i ate a lot of minibars when i got home (before dinner). Not to smart.
    Dont have to get really early tomorrow, so sleeping will be okay.
    Drinking, well just got to do better.

    Hope everyone is doing great again!
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Forgot to check-in too, Raven!
    I had to go out and buy some things for work.

    I did okay yesterday, stayed under and excersized (:
    Did the good habits, too.

    Today, I kinda failed xD
    It;s not even noon, and I only have around 200 calories left for the day LOL.
    Oh well, I'll go running later on.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Think I missed checking in yesterday, but been so tired this week I suppose i just forgot.

    8th - Stayed under on cals and got in a good workout, including starting week 2 of C25K.

    9th - not so good :frown: over on cals caused by bad choices, and it was a rest day so no exercise cals either. Just done 250 ab crunches to help ease my guilt.

    Limiting the caffeine is definitely not going to plan, maybe that was just a step too far and i should choose a different habit.

    Hope everyone is well, and hope you have stopped puking Elimay!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everybody :bigsmile: I just finished reading everyones posts for the last 2 days Good job everyone I love this group its been so fun and encouraging for me We have 11 who have checked in over 5 days ,2 4 days good job everyone.I keep a tally everyday of who checks in :happy: We have some new peeps dont feel bad its awesome to have you makes me just as happy when I mark your tallys :wink:
    Thank you Raven ,I really enjoy commenting on everyone its so encouraging to me .

    Sammy feel free to change your good habit, it is to benifit you !!!! and if its not working It could be discouraging:grumble: So change up :wink:

    Jenergy Glad your day yesterday was a good one :smile:

    Good job Istnlondry !!!!!! Thanks for checking on me :tongue:

    Well yesterday My sister who has terminal brain cancer :cry: made us dinner it was healthy ,well she also made home made bannana cream pie and mocca cheese cake I didnt count up calories end of day I was too ill when I got home. The mixture of food and desert can make me really sick but I forget :grumble: so yesterday was my free day I dont know if I went over or not ,but I didnt do my good habbit :frown: But all and all it wasnt a terrible day.

    I have been gone all day just got home. I left without breackfast or a packd lunch I never do that but I stayed in control and ate healthy . My hubby and I jog and walked our beautiful lake 50 mins :bigsmile: It was awesome !!!!! I am so impressed that my

    knees do not hurt at all :happy:
    Stayed under calories
    still working on water
    excercize 50 mins
    good habit I will do before bed Have a great night everyone :flowerforyou: Istnlondry How did you do ? : >
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Think I missed checking in yesterday, but been so tired this week I suppose i just forgot.

    8th - Stayed under on cals and got in a good workout, including starting week 2 of C25K.

    9th - not so good :frown: over on cals caused by bad choices, and it was a rest day so no exercise cals either. Just done 250 ab crunches to help ease my guilt.

    Limiting the caffeine is definitely not going to plan, maybe that was just a step too far and i should choose a different habit.

    Hope everyone is well, and hope you have stopped puking Elimay! We all have days like that :frown: oh well tommorow is a new day ......... Yes I quit puking I was so sick all the way home :sick: But woke up feeling good . Thank you for checking on me :smile: Sammy you were gone all weekend and you still have checked in 6 days that is awesome !!!!!!!!!!!
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    I didn't workout today, but did stuff around the house so hopefully some of that counts. I logged in everything I ate, and was over but not too badly. If I can get some sleep in tonight, then I anticipate tomorrow being a better day. Hope everyone else had a good day.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Feel better Elimay! Hope your doctor appointment goes well.

    Thank you I had a good dr app, 3 perscriptions :grumble: But the good thing is I could qualify for a tummy tuck because my extra skin is causing me problems I have a consult in a week or 2 :bigsmile: