November challenge !!!!!!!!!!!! : >



  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Morning all:

    First off, thanks for all the words of encouragement and suggestions. The stress from work had definitely caught up with me yesterday morning but I actually worked a short day so I could go home and relax (if yard work counts as relaxing). Of course the piles are still staring at me right now on my desk but at least I am in a better frame of mind today. Amazing the power the scale has on me-rationally I know that weight fluctuates from day to day but it still can kill my mood.

    So for Thursday here's how I did:
    1-for my exercise-I had 48 minutes in spin class, 45 minutes in Circuit training class and 1 hour of yard work-raking and mowing up leaves.
    2-water-drank over 64 oz again. This goal is becoming easier as I making sure I always have a bottle with me.
    3-record everything that I am eating-yep and I stayed under my calories
    4-cook a meal. I did make a quesdadilla for supper (turkey and only 2 slices of cheese). It's hard to only cook for 1 person as I get bored with the left overs very fast.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday and keep up the good work!
  • Nicobh
    Nicobh Posts: 19
    I'm having a hard time getting back on track after last weekend. Exercising and writing in the log is all I seem to be doing well right now. Water intake around 6 cups per day, and definitely not logging in daily right now. Last night, after eating more off it and going above my intake allowance, I threw away all the left over temptations that remained in the house. Today I've exercised for 62 minutes and done crunches. I've also planned my meals for the day. Planning worked before, so I'm hopeful it will get me going in the right direction.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Friday. Had a lovely day with my youngest daughter, she had a visit to the dentist and then we shopped a little to get her a treat. After that we spent the afternoon snuggled up on the sofa watching Alvin & the Chipmunks.

    Stayed focussed today, started with a good cardio workout this morning and by the end of the day I should finish under on cals today. Hope everyone else is having a great day.

    Looking forward to a relaxing weekend, no major plans for us. What's everyone else up to?

    Sam x
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Epic, four blisters. I walked about 12 miles last night.
    I need to bring more money for lunch and buy some salad, but it's hard when I don't get paid until next week lolol.
    The break/lunch room is open to everyone, and there's no other options for food except bringing your own, but when my bf did it, they stole his lunch!

    Staying under calories, though. I'm a bit confused on how to log for midnight, so I assume if it's after 12, like at lunch, it's the next day. Like lunch last night was breakfast this morning.
  • Nicobh
    Nicobh Posts: 19
    Day 18: A slightly better day. I followed my planned meals until I came home from the high school football game a while ago and had hot coca and a roll. Kept to the maximum time between meals. Everything is logged. I'll drink the last of the water before going to bed.
  • Have a successful Saturday and fun weekend everyone!!!

  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodnight everyone :yawn: This is me checking in not a good couple of days :grumble: But tommorow I am kicking my butt ,enough of this, I was doing awesome and then urggggggggg:sad: ........... Glad everyone is hanging in there:wink: .

    See you tommorow with good results :bigsmile:
  • ok - soo needing a challenge to get me on track - day two back at this after months of just NOT and already it has been a bad day with birthday cake and coffee out which unfortunately resulted in having a donut too! Tomorrow will hopefully be not as bad but i am in a course all day and snacks provided - I am packing my own and hopefully packing my willpower! my challenge has to include me logging in NO Matter what - keeps me accountable - thanks for kickstarting things for me!:flowerforyou:
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    So back after a few days. Friday i just ate everything that came in my way, so offcourse i made non of my goals.
    Saterday no a good pattern in my eating, but stayed in the green.
    Today hopefully in the green (my evening ain't over yet).
    At least my cold is getting better!
    I am going to try plan my diners ahead in mfp, maybe that will help staying of sweets during the day!
    Okay good luck everyone in the upcoming week!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Im just checking in-we are out of town & Im trying to find the balance between enjoying my family & sticking to MFPplan. Just part of life, huh? I hope all is well challengers and I hope you are as thankful as me for this wonderful life!

    Elimay, thanks for this challenge!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Your welcome Istnlondry :bigsmile: Its everyones checking in and encouragement that makes it helpfull. Yep just life :wink: I am thankful !!!! great life, great family ,great MFP friends :flowerforyou:

    Raven I am with you I need to plan ahead too Lets stay in the green the whole week we can do it :tongue:

    Welcome daisy :flowerforyou: It is helpful to have a challenge to check in everyday this is a great encouraging group. You can do it !!!

    Thank you jenergy you too :happy:

    1. 20 mins excercize done at least 10 to go so far so good .
    2. drinking first 16 ounces water for the day.
    3. checking in :bigsmile:

    I will check back this evening have a great sunday :smile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Nine of us have checked in 10 plus days good job :bigsmile: keep up the good work Challenge friends :wink:
    Many have started late so dont feel bad .
  • Hi Everyone :smile:

    Elimay your ALWAYS so encouraging.... THANKS a bunch pal!! :flowerforyou:

    WELCOME daisyflower :smile:

    ravenwartz Glad your feeling better :smile:
  • Im just checking in-we are out of town & Im trying to find the balance between enjoying my family & sticking to MFPplan. Just part of life, huh? I hope all is well challengers and I hope you are as thankful as me for this wonderful life!

    Elimay, thanks for this challenge!

  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Oh thank god, no overtime.
    I walked for forty hours this week. I think that counts as ample exercize LOL.

    My dishes are piled up like hell, so I'ma have to do those before I make dinner.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Looks like everyone had a busy weekend!

    I rode at least 60 minutes every day this weekend. Plus I bounced on the bosu while I watched football yesterday-it is the only way I have found to channel my fanatic energy for away games. I also went out for at least 2 mile walks each day.

    Drank at least 64 oz of watch each day so good on that goal.

    I tracked my food intake but with the family here to watch the game on the big screen, I went over on my calories each day. But I had home cooked meals-made by my mom. (while I love having them here-they bring in a lot of crap and I don't pass up any of it unfortunately).

    Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving week! Keep up the good work!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    awww thanks jenergy you are too:happy:
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    Checking in early for the day. stayed in the green today, still need to drink 3 cups of water but thats duable.
    Walked again during my break (with to high heels), os thats good.
    Planned to cook, but after the traffic jam i was demotivated.
    Wednesday must be cooking day then.

    Hopefully everybody had a good day too!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good morning everyone !!!!!!!! Raven good job wow that is dedication walking in heels :wink:
    I am getting ready to excersize I have did 30 days of 30 day shred today woooo hoooo have not lost alot but deffinatly toned and I am stronger with more endurance :glasses:

    Have a great day everyone :bigsmile: I will check back latter, its still morning here.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Congratulations Elimay on completing the 30 day shred. I've not done this myself, but from what I've read on here it sounds super tough so well done.

    Just realised that I haven't posted to this thread since Friday, don't know how I missed that sorry, I was still logging my cals though.

    My weekend wasn't too bad, ate well and a couple of good workouts. Today has been a different story, no workout and I have snacked all day long - biscuits, crisps, cakes. Feeling really naughty now, must do better tomorrow!!!!