bryntevans01 Member


  • Your right... I did leave out the Deadlift, but for someone new to lifting with little strength it's not the greatest of ideas is it? Strong lifts is based on Bill Starr's 3 main lifts of bench press, squat and power cleans, with some ab work and muscle support work thrown in. Bent over rows and some hyper extensions are a…
  • Strong lifts are a great way to start weight training as they are the 3 main 'compound' lifts in weight lifting. You are advised to start very low as it's a very progressive plan and it's to give you as much progression through the programme. Some good points - The Squat, Bent over row and bench press are the 3 biggest…
  • Can you tell me your age, height, weight current activity level on a normal working day and what exercise you currently do and how many days a week your doing it. It's a lot but I may know why! .....
  • 1x sweet potato, grated (300g) 3x egg whites, whisked You can add spices/herbs/seasoning if you want Mix these together, spread onto a baking tray thinly, bake for 15 minutes till cooked, cool. Cut into squares and use them as tortilla wraps with as much chicken and salad you can find. It's my cutting food hero.
  • [/quote] I have absolutely no idea what any of this means-off to google :grumble: [/quote] Somatypes- You will be one of the following- Ectomorph: you look like a marathon runner, find it hard to put on weight and muscle, narrow shoulders and hips, thin bones Mesomorph: you look athletic, sporty type, wide shoulders and…
  • That's quite a bit of exercise for the calories you take in. have you tried eating more frequently? Have you considered some strength work? have you considered some interval training on our bike?
  • I love the ego boost it gives me, the testosterone, the definition it gives me, the weight loss, the progress in heavier weights, the community of bodybuilding, the health perks, the protein shakes, i love all things bodybuilding. If lifting isnt your thing but you like cardio, give CrossFit a go, its the 2 together
  • I know the feeling too well. Sometimes its better to take a step back and have a week or 2 of guilt free eating and partying to re-establish how you will go forward. I bodybuild and train relentlessly 5-6 days per week and do cardio 3 times a week. I plateau a lot, normally every 4-6 weeks when I have to change my plans…
  • 25 days in?!!!! Scientifically it takes approximately 4 weeks for the human body to adapt to significant change. Yes you can lose weight in this time and will see some results but your metabolic system and your muscle fibre changes wont really have kicked in yet. Keep at it, you may as well. Muscle does weigh a lot more…
  • Have you joined a gym yet? If not you really should. Add me as a friend if you like and il try my best to keep pushing you. Its a lifestyle change not a diet. x
  • Theses are good: Chicken Breast, Lean steak, pork, turkey Salmon, cod, haddock, tuna, trout, scallops, prawns Lots of green vegetables (keep coloured veg and fruit to minimum; they have a high sugar content) Sweet potato, wholemeal bread, brown rice, lentils, chickpeas, mixed beans, quinoa mustards, spices, chillis, herbs,…
  • Research Somatypes and take your pick. Your nutrition split could be off, for example, if your an endomorph, you may have difficulty processing carbs(sugar) and then they get stored as fat. try researching Macro split and play around with it. I use a 50% protein, 30% Carbs and 20% fat, If my carbs are any higher I will…
  • The Lead weight feeling your getting is not the need to rest but a build up lactic acid. I agree with some of these posts that stretching would be a good idea. Maybe try some yoga or pilates or even focusing on stretching your muscles. Stretching is one of the most overlooked practices in working out. Your muscles would be…
  • I always count my vegetables, only because i track my Macros and they count upto my carbs uptake.
  • Meal 1 = Fine Meal 2 = Swap this for a Protein shake Meal 3 (Lunch)= Change the 4oz to 6oz for lunch, get some carb here, complex (brown rice, sweet pots) Youll get hungry other wise Meal 4 = Swap this for a protein shake and a piece of fruit Meal 5 (Dinner) = 6oz protein, green veg (lots) dont skimp on the veg, your good…
  • Add me too, Im all about the motivation.. :-)
  • Do people still use Heart Rate monitors? ha If those 3 people ran 3 miles they wouldn't burn the same calories. You didnt say how fast they did it?! Calculations like this are very generic and used as a average range to give a very average result. Before you put your heart rate monitor on, did you do a test to see what…
  • If your considering CrossFit, its probably the quickest way to fitness and a trim body! There is as your probably aware, a huge following of Paleo from CrossFitters. I am a huge fan of Paleo (to a point) but I struggled to get to grips with it entirely until you research it and then the confusion starts.... So, The…
  • Easy - STEVIA! its got no calories in it. link here for you Failing that try some vanilla extract?!
  • Before deciding on what macro split you should eat you WILL HAVE TO figure out your 'Somatype'. Macro splits are great but just eating a 40/40/20 is 1) an old fashioned bodybuilders trick to cut 2)is only aimed at certain somatypes. If you are Ecto you will need a lots more carbs (i.e 55c/25p/20f) or meso (40c/35p/25f) or…
  • Time to introduce to weightlifting I think, you won't bulk up because your calorie intake is low but if you take some sort of protein shake and some weight training it'll fly off
  • Just to clarify what the shake does. Protein rebuilds your muscles and gives them fuel to work and function. The more they are worked the more protein they need. Carbs fuels your energy levels (sugars) which is then in turn burned into calories. When you workout you burn calories (sugars) and fat (body fat). If you do not…
  • Hi, What brand and what protein exactly have you bought? Every brand is different and therefore they all have different dosage amounts as well as when to take them. I'm currently using a stack (different combinations of proteins and nutrition supps) by USN and it's all really good, I used to use reflex instant whey which…
  • Twice a day cardio is a science proven better way to lose weight, there was an article in men's health mag a while back. Pro athletes will always train twice a day and will also improve (I believe) sleep. However, as you run at a very slow pace it may be that you don't raise your heart rate enough for it to actually do any…
  • Look at your excercise loggings, running in particular. If your running at 5.5 min/miles you should be in with a shot at the 2012 Olympics!!! Do you have an iPhone? Go running with mapmyrun app. You'll get an accurate pace which you can use. Also try working out first thing in the morning before breakfast, it'll boost your…