Advice needed

Hey everyone. I've been on MFP since March of last year and have lost almost 70 pounds. I'm 5'8", 21, 193 pounds now, eat about 1200 calories a day, and workout mon-fri. I do a few hundred calories on the elliptical and recently started adding weights which has lowered my bf% a bit. My goal weight is ~175 but I'm finding it hard to lose the last 20 pounds or so. Should I keep going on this path or should I change something up?


  • bryntevans01
    bryntevans01 Posts: 25 Member
    Time to introduce to weightlifting I think, you won't bulk up because your calorie intake is low but if you take some sort of protein shake and some weight training it'll fly off
  • Jjatindranath
    Jjatindranath Posts: 9 Member
    Ive already started doing weights and I usually eat some protein after my workout
  • dougpear
    dougpear Posts: 21
    You might be getting beginner muscle gains. I wouldn't worry about it once you get more used to your weightlifting routine you should start losing weight again.