Carb / Protein / Fat ratios



  • bryntevans01
    bryntevans01 Posts: 25 Member
    Before deciding on what macro split you should eat you WILL HAVE TO figure out your 'Somatype'. Macro splits are great but just eating a 40/40/20 is 1) an old fashioned bodybuilders trick to cut 2)is only aimed at certain somatypes. If you are Ecto you will need a lots more carbs (i.e 55c/25p/20f) or meso (40c/35p/25f) or Endo (30c/50p/20f) These are ofcourse rough guestimates to give you an example. Endomorph (Like me) have a much slower reaction to carbs and need much less of it in their diet, the liver cant process the carbs (or the insulin that comes from it) well enough and stores it as fat. Ectos are the opposite, meso are in the middle.
    Macro splits are very individual person to person and it needs a lot of trial and error. I have tried 40/40/20 and its quite hard to do as i require more protein and fat to feel nourished.

    Hope this helps
  • postolache
    postolache Posts: 187 Member
    @gmthisfeller: this is what I'm trying to do now. I can walk a few miles, but I can't run and will probably need to see a doctor to confirm that I don't do any damage to my tibialis muscle.
  • postolache
    postolache Posts: 187 Member
    nvm, was a misunderstood term

    I think I'm "Endomorphic".... so I should go high on protein and keep fat as low as possible.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Before deciding on what macro split you should eat you WILL HAVE TO figure out your 'Somatype'. Macro splits are great but just eating a 40/40/20 is 1) an old fashioned bodybuilders trick to cut 2)is only aimed at certain somatypes. If you are Ecto you will need a lots more carbs (i.e 55c/25p/20f) or meso (40c/35p/25f) or Endo (30c/50p/20f) These are ofcourse rough guestimates to give you an example. Endomorph (Like me) have a much slower reaction to carbs and need much less of it in their diet, the liver cant process the carbs (or the insulin that comes from it) well enough and stores it as fat. Ectos are the opposite, meso are in the middle.
    Macro splits are very individual person to person and it needs a lot of trial and error. I have tried 40/40/20 and its quite hard to do as i require more protein and fat to feel nourished.

    Hope this helps

    I have absolutely no idea what any of this means-off to google :grumble:
  • bryntevans01
    bryntevans01 Posts: 25 Member

    I have absolutely no idea what any of this means-off to google :grumble:

    You will be one of the following-
    Ectomorph: you look like a marathon runner, find it hard to put on weight and muscle, narrow shoulders and hips, thin bones
    Mesomorph: you look athletic, sporty type, wide shoulders and narrow hips, strong bones, fast metabolism, fast muscle growth.
    Endomorph: large bone structure, rounded in shape, difficult to lose fat, slow metabolism

    There are mixes of two also. An endo will never be a ecto and a meso will never be an ecto either. So when peopl say I wanna look like soandso, it's probably an impossibility!!
    Due to the biology of each somatypes they process nutrients differently, hence two people can eat the same diet but look different.

    Any of this making sense? I'm not even making this up ha
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The default MFP ratio is Carb = 55% | Protein = 15% | Fat = 30%

    I'd suggest moving to 40-30-30 as a starting point. That will get you the 1g/LBM-lb protein that is fairly widely accepted as a solid protein number.
  • TarynAngeline
    TarynAngeline Posts: 95 Member
    I like 40p/30c/30f
  • blackNBUK
    blackNBUK Posts: 58 Member
    Somatotype are at the very least a subjective judgement and in many people's opinions largely a myth. Have a read through of the following for a discussion:

    Using them to determine what your macro ratios should be seems a little nutty. Better to figure out what your aims are and what your food preferences are and then pick macro ratios as appropriate.