

  • If you search the exercise database you can find an entry for "gardening." That's what I use. It's not a lot of calories, but I'd rather not overestimate.
  • Next time you prepare it, put it in a measuring cup and see how much you get. I always use "Avocados--Raw" and it gives me an option for "1 cup sliced" or "1 cup cubed." Depending on the size of the avocado, I can get 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup from a quarter fruit, but if you measure yours enough times you'll be able to eyeball…
    in AVOCADOS Comment by neglet July 2010
  • double post--how did that happen? :tongue:
  • There are specific exercises and stretches you can do to strengthen your knees and prevent injury. These are from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. I used these a couple of years ago when heavy training started aggravating my already-weak knees.
  • Yep, I have a chicken parmagiana recipe that uses crushed corn flakes instead of bread crumbs. You dip the chicken in flour and salt/pepper, then dip in egg whites, then dip in corn flakes. It's not super crispy, but it does have a nice flavor. edit to add: my recipe calls for baking, I don't know how it would work with…
  • I love swimming, and since I'm asthmatic, it's a great exercise for me. Here are my best tips: 1) the key to breathing is keeping it regular, and the key to keeping it regular is the exhale. Whenever I have my face in the water, I actually blow air out through my mouth slowly, like I'm playing long tones on an instrument.…
  • You're not crazy ... I'm trying to get used to the idea that I'm now a size 4, at 5'6" and 132, when 25 years ago at 125 I was a size 10. Worst of all, I've been a medium in bottoms AND tops for the past 25 years, but now I'm small??? I have shoulders like a linebacker! Then again, when I go to visit my son's high school,…
  • I love blueberries, but sometimes I get a batch that is bitter or has a mushy texture. Then I turn them into pancake topping: 1 cup berries 1 T. all-fruit jam (40 cal) Microwave 20-30 seconds at a time until you have a syrupy texture. I make all sorts of variations: fresh apples and raspberries with raspberry jam; peaches…
  • I really like the Tazo "Zen," which is green tea with lemongrass and mint. I use a little Splenda, but if it's hot I could probably do without, it's so refreshing. When I have iced green tea, I like to put fresh lime juice in it to give a little more flavor.
  • When I was growing up we always had 2% in the house, but when I was a teenager we switched to skim milk. The switch went easier because my mom would buy a gallon of each and we mixed the two, gradually increasing the proportion of skim to 2%. I've been drinking pure skim for 20 years now, and even 1% feels too fat to me.…
  • When I was growing up we always had 2% in the house, but when I was a teenager we switched to skim milk. The switch went easier because my mom would buy a gallon of each and we mixed the two, gradually increasing the proportion of skim to 2%. I've been drinking pure skim for 20 years now, and even 1% feels too fat to me.…
  • I agree, martial arts or boxing are a great outlet when you're feeling frustrated or blue ... going to tae kwon do class and kicking a bag or practicing takedowns always puts a smile on my face. If you can't afford to join a martial arts program, get a punching bag and start there.
  • This has always been a problem for me. If I go cold turkey on sweets, I eventually have trouble staying on the wagon. I have a few strategies, depending on the circumstances: 1) Only keep a few low-calorie, mini-portion sweets in the house. Sugar-free jello/pudding, hershey kisses for when I have to have a chocolate fix.…
  • I like this Cooking Light Recipe, it has a crispier texture because of the corn flakes. When my son was little, he called it "yummy chicken." 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 t. garlic powder 1/4 t. paprika 1/4 t. pepper 6 boneless skinless chicken breast halves 2 egg whites, lightly beaten 2 cups cornflakes, lightly crushed…
  • Between November 2008 and June 2009 I lost weight preparing for an athletic competition--trying to make weight for the division I wanted--and I did it without MFP. I'm 5'6" and went from around 148 to 126 at my competition weigh-in (2 pounds under the limit, yay!). I felt great, but thought I'd be a little healthier at…
  • Although I've always been a walker, I've never been a runner due to asthma issues. I decided to try c25k last december; I started with just my kitchen timer. The first week was okay, but the next levels I stretched out to at least two weeks, so I did five sessions per level instead of three. I was astonished the first time…
  • This one is my favorite. You can use regular tortillas for it, but I use the Ole Xtreme Wellness High fiber/low carb variety. 1 tortilla 1 T hummus 3-4 baby carrots 1 cup spinach 3-4 Cherry/grape Tomatoes 1/4 avocado 1/2 teaspoon Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce (a nice jolt of flavor for only 20 calories) The wrap is stuffed…
    in wrap Comment by neglet June 2010
  • I'm not a big veggie eater either; my list of things I don't like is much longer than the list of things I do. But I found a veggie wrap that I love to eat; it's easy to make and pretty nutritious. I start with a low-carb/high fiber wheat wrap; Add 1 T of hummus (which tastes mainly of garlic) Add three or four mini…
  • Have you ever been evaluated for asthma? Some forms (like what I have) are induced by exercise, and running is the hardest exercise for me. I've never had any stamina when I run, even though I've been training in tae kwon do for several years now and have increased my overall fitness level. Any kind of running was sure to…