

  • Heart rate monitor! Heart rate monitor! Heart rate monitor!
  • I was basically an overnight convert. I always loved going to the gym...a gym rat so to speak. But I got more sore after my first p90x workout than i did in 3 weeks at the gym. Since then I've cancelled my gym membership, have completed 1 round of p90x, one round of insanity, and am in my 2nd week of round 2 of p90x. I…
    in P90X Comment by p90xokc October 2010
  • I do 5 and 2...Eat well and stay within my calories 5 days per week, then eat whatever I want on the weekends. I've lost 16 lbs. and am sticking with it longer than I have any other eating plan.
  • If you give anything like that up cold turkey, odds say you're going to end up binging on it eventually. I agree with everyone else about doing it in moderation. I only diet 5 days out of the week and it's working wonders for me. I always have something to look forward to on the weekends and that's what keeps me…
  • WOW...when I did p90x i burned anywhere from 700 to 1,100 calories per workout.
  • I started out at around 220 lbs (im 6 ft. tall) when I started insanity. No weight loss until the end of the 2nd week. I'm about to end my 6th week and I'm at 209. I keep my calories between 1,700 and 2,100 per day.
  • Oh i can't let this go without responding...so... How do you turn a dishwasher into a snow plow? Give the woman a shovel
  • I highly recommend Insanity. That's what I did after I finished p90x.
  • Just finished my recovery week today. I'll be starting the second month of Insanity on Sunday. I'm a little scared...lol
  • I diet 5.5 days per week and give myself a day and half of whatever I want. I have experienced an increase in weight loss since doing this.
  • I think we should continue to do the research ourselves. That's the problem with society today. We expect everyone to do the work for us. Do the research yourself before you go out to eat.
  • I would highly recommend a heart rate monitor that tracks calories burned during your workouts. It's just another tool of knowledge on your journey
  • When did you start the p90x lean version? You're going to get plenty of cardio in during that program...trust me.
  • I thought the directions were to drink one shake every day
  • I completely agree. I guarantee you I can find 100 studies that say 2-3 sodas a week won't hurt you nearly as much as some people want you to think. Not saying they're good for you, but I think diet drinks are fine in moderation
  • My wife won't let me put on the heart rate monitor when we're about to throw down...lol
  • All the suggestions are great. I have really tried to do the 5 meal thing. But I always find myself watching the clock and I think mentally, I start trying to get hungry when my next meal is coming up. I'm going to do this "big dinner" thing. Even eating crap I'll be under 2,000 calories for today, and I'm allowed 3,200…
  • How about when he says "I'm actually really nervous for this workout"...when he said that the first time I did Pure Cardio, I was like..."well if he's nervous, I'm pretty sure I'm about to die!"
  • CFAITH thank you. I'll start doing that. I spend alot of weekends out of town so I'm not always around a computer and I haven't joined the rest of the world when it comes to internet access from my phone. I do know that there are only 2 days a week that I go over my calorie intake. And those days don't add up to more than…
  • gosh I hope that wasn't mean to be snide. Friday was my 5th wedding anniversary and that is not the norm. Oh, and I did lose weight that week. Thank you for the reply though.
  • I'm in my 2nd week. In phase 1, Pure Cardio is really where you'll find out what you're made of...I recommend watching it the day before you do it because you only get 3 water breaks. 11 minute warm up, 6 minute stretch, 15 MINUTE WORKOUT (NO BREAKS) then 4.5 minute cool down. Just did if for the 2nd time this morning.
  • Yes, it is a bit dramatic. You look hard enough and you can find 100 people saying that grass will kill you if you walk on it too long. It's ridiculous. And the cleaning supply thing...seriously give me a break. I run a cleaning company and the difference between "green" cleaning supplies and regular is very miniscule.…
  • I agree with just about everything said on this topic. The reason people make fun of all of us for choosing to eat healthy is because they won't....Not that they can't, the WON'T. I hate all the food police people in this country who say that we should regulate fast food advertising. It's such crap! They earned that money,…
  • They want it for when they start rationing healthcare (which some is already occuring now) You will be punished if you don't match up to your b.m.i. among other things. Eventually you'll have to get to your b.m.i. to earn the right to have the medicine you need.
  • If I see ripped abs on a woman, it makes me think she can kick my *kitten*. Flat stomach is a huge preference for me as opposed to the six pack on a woman. I like ladies, not body builders if you know what I mean. Just my opinion.
  • I know it seems obvious but I'd consult your doctor. I wouldn't be taking what sounds like medical advice from this site.
  • I'm in my last 2 weeks of p90x classic. I saw little results in the form of body transformation because I was eating too many calories every day (the nutrition guide had me eating 3,000 per day!) After I joined this sight and got advice on cutting calories etc, Ive been losing weight the last 4 weeks and getting stronger…
  • Thank you to all of you, and it's not interfering with other hrm's. I work out in my living room.
  • Thank you for all the replies. However I do know for a fact that you can't gain a pound of muscle in a week with out taking loads of steroids and eating a 20 oz porter house for most of your meals. I hope to be gaining lbs. of muscle at some point, but I do want to burn the fat off and get down to 200 first. Jademonroe, I…
  • Lets not cheer me on just yet. Saying it and doing it are 2 different things. My phase 3 starts on Monday. If I make it through that alive, i'll take 3 weeks off then jump into doubles. Thank you for the kudos though!