Hello..I do great all week long with my diet. However on the weekends I slack off. Any tips out there to keep me on track would be greatly received:).....HELP...BTW I like to go out and enjoy a drink or two and have a meal that I don't have to cook:)



  • christopher_stockdale
    I slack off but track. In the end, the tracking helps maintaining the diet out of OCD and guilt as much as anything. So, even when I go over my calorie goals, it isn't that drastic, only a few hundred calories.

    Regardless of whether you slack off or not, calorie counting makes you take notice of everything you put in your body, good and bad, and that help as much as anything, I think.
  • mrkristin
    I agree with the other poster, continue to track your calories because it helps.

    As for the going out to eat, I'll join you there ... if it's a chain check there website for calorie information before you go, if it's a local place use really good judgment and stay away from cream sauces.

    Also there's slacking off (eating an extra portion and going over a 100 or two calories) ... and going overboard (eating a perkins breakfast at 1800 calories). I look forward to weekends so that I can slack off, but I am also more active then during the week; even though it's not "exercise" that I'm tracking. All the walking, playing, housework, yard work, etc ... I rationalize warrants an extra treat.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I would entirely agree with angusandsky! I tend to slack a little on the weekends too. You gotta give yourself a break. As long as we don't consistently go completely overboard, I think we're okay. Going over a couple hundred isn't a big deal in my mind. And definitely keeping track of the good and bad. I know it's helped me at least make better decisions on the weekend (not the best, but better). And on those days I know I'm going totally binge at my favorite restaurant (and if time allows), I make sure I put in an extra good cardio workout to help offset those extra calories.
  • lethwin
    lethwin Posts: 18 Member
    I agree that tracking is the best way to keep in line. We like to go out as a family on weekends to a good restaurant. We dont restrict where we go so its different every week. As long as I track what I'm eating I usually can stay fairly close to my daily goal. The extra cardio also helps me. I usually try to do an extra 15 minutes on the weekends because I know I'm going to eat more than usual.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I've only been on here for a week, but I do think tracking is definitely a must.

    That said, I'm also on Jillian Michael's site and Bob Harper's site, and both of them point out that you do need a splurge day periodically where you're over you usual amount of calories just to keep your metabolism on its toes. I've heard that from other sources too. That doesn't mean go overboard, but allow yourself to go over by more than a few calories every once in a while.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I have the same issue and last month (every weekend was an outing) was horrible!! If i'm at home over the weekned I can control it better and eat what I have planned out and if I'm still hungry etc go for a walk or work in my garden for a little bit first. If I know I am going to go out I try to eat less during the day and look up calorie info before heading out. I also go workout a lot (500-600) calories if I know drinking will be involved.

    I don't always track my foods on the weekends but it does help when I do.
  • p90xokc
    I diet 5.5 days per week and give myself a day and half of whatever I want. I have experienced an increase in weight loss since doing this.