

  • Yeah, me too! This is my 2nd go round. I missed one day of log-in and it totally threw me off track. No better time than now to get started once again. Glad you are back!
  • Welcome! You'll love MFP. I've been here a week and am really enjoying it. Feel free to add me.
  • The gym I attended had a nutritionist. Possibly check with them and see if they have one on staff and have them take a look at your diary. Keeping track of what you eat is key to losing it. One never realizes all the calories they are taking in until you begin to write it down and track it. Just don't give up!! Feel free…
  • I'm a rookie too. Feel free to add me. We are all in the same boat here. Everyone is friendly and willing to give you a boost when u need it.
  • I'm working on a healthy lifestyle change. Never been a vegan though. Although on this new change I feel I haven't eaten as much meat. I'm more of a chicken than beef person. Actually had a lunch today with no meat! It was a veggie and salad lunch. Yay for me!
  • Welcome! Its a great place to be. I love this site so far and have enjoyed entering my data and meeting new friends. Feel free to add me.
  • Cheers to a better lifestyle. Add me if you like.
    in new Comment by Beberni October 2011
  • I'm a newbie too and have learned that logging in daily helps as it keeps you I've gained many new friends here and everyone is friendly and helpful. Feel free to add me too. Good luck and cheers to your first time here.
  • i use almond milk because of my lactose issue. Try that instead of water. I use the Original or Vanilla Unsweetened. Taste much better. :smile:
  • I've never done the video but may be able to help with the upper body strength without lifting weights or doing girly push-ups. I had a trainer for about 6 mos several years ago and he had me stand about 2 to 3 feet away from the wall (depending how tall you are) with my feet slightly apart then lean toward the wall (your…
  • I've suffered from anxiety attacks for quite some time. I've actually had several in the middle of running. I just learned to talk to myself and say just to relax, that I'm not going to die from the attack, its nothing to worry about. Exercising is suppose to help the attacks but I don't always find that it does. I'm just…
  • Some women are embarrassed to go to a gym. Possibly thats her issue too? I have to be really motivated to join a gym. I'd much rather work out at home with DVD exercise tapes in the privacy of my own home. Ask her if she'd like to go shopping for a treadmill or an elliptical machine that you both can use. If she says yes…
  • if I don't have a DVD on I am listening to music. I have a treadmill at home so I have to keep my eyes or ears busy or time drags. I love all old the Will & Grace shows so I usually play one of the DVD's. I listen to music when I want to take my jogging (or should I say fast pace walking) up a notch. Its too hot here to do…
  • thanks! I think i'll go to the kitchen now and find something to eat so i can enjoy my exercise calories. Its 8pm here so I better run fast! brb
  • The smaller you are the easier it is to see the weight gain - we have no where to hide I'm in the same boat as you. Very petite and just trying to get back to my before marriage weight. I'm 4'10" at 123 lbs. I'm new to this site - just 2 days in. I've gotten a few recipes from the Dr Oz website that you may want…
  • I have a sugar addiction - just a step above a sweet I'm not any where near my goal but feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey.
  • I don't make time to eat breakfast most of the time. I find it easy to pop a whole wheat or whole grain blueberry waffle in the toaster and eat on the go. It taste good enough for me not to even use butter most of the time.
  • Yeah, I've done that at work! They are always bringing treats to work and putting in the kitchen for everyone to devour. I found that although I wanted the treat, i didn't want to get my teeth dirty again! Funny how that works.
  • Never hurts to try again! I hope to stick with my lifestyle change this time. I actually paid for a site about 3 mod ago and NEVER even used it. I guess i thought I was ready and wasn't. Not sure this time is different but am giving it a shot. I have thought about getting a certification in sonography. Still trying to…
  • I'm new to it all. I have found the message boards to be great so far. Some people have a lot of same questions I have. Feel free to add me.
  • Thanks! I'm actually excited about being on here and hope to gain some new friends. Never done this before - online diet thing but I'm willing to give it a try. I feel that if I have to tell someone I fell of the wagon, at least it will embarrass me and force me to get back on
  • Thanks. I used to use the pink stuff in my tea at restaurants but then went cold turkey on that. I don't use anything in my tea now. Its the other goodies I have a really hard time with. Splenda and me don't get along so thats in every diet drink so I just stay away from those I found a good 7up type soda that uses REAL…
  • Thanks! Yes my dad is borderline diabetic and his dad died from it when i was 2. So it runs in the family, so i really need to pay attention to it now.