triscuitsmom08 Member


  • Serendipity I plan on joining that! I work as a pantry cook and I prep all the desserts...I am also in need of accountability due to being a type 1 diabetic and needing to wrangle sugars, diet, and get my cholesterol down. It's work that is the hardest place for me not to chow down!
  • I might also add another reason I wanted to get to a lower weight before maintaining for pregnancy is with my daughter I started out at 188 ended up to 250 by the time she was born and had blood pressure problems so bad they had to take her at 36 weeks because my blood pressure was out of control and it was taking a huge…
  • I started out losing inches WAY before I EVER saw any pounds falling off. :) If you need a kick starter /natural detox (healthy one not a crazy one) then try Green Smoothies. Its how I kick started my weight loss...just take 3 bananas and 3 LARGE handfuls of baby spinach and a cup of water and blend, chill, stir and enjoy.…
  • I quit smoking twice now. The reasons I started again was lack of will power, but mainly the inability to run. I stopped running and got stressed when I used to get stressed Id go for a run (its how I lost 30 pounds) :) But now that its summer I say start working out/ running. It does the same thing, it boosts your I'm…
  • I think I'm going to stick to my strength training like Marnie said, I tried to do a higher level aerobic type exercise today for 32 minutes and was coughing pretty good by the end but yesterday when I did my biggest loser sculpt dvd I didn't cough hardly at all. Maybe being sick will give me a chance to work on the rest…
  • I think that would also work :) I want a WII so bad so I can do the cool fitness workouts you can get with it :) Congrats on the 41lbs I hope to join you soon!!
  • Im finishing up c25k right now. :) Thats my blog charting my journey if any of you care to read it. :) I never could run really before now....maybe back in high school. :laugh: But truly its an amazing journey. :flowerforyou: I encourage every one to at least try it. If you like…
  • Your body was probably in starvation mode from not eating, you should get at least 1200 calories a day if not more other wise your body will stop losing weight. All of the calories you take in it will start storing as fat to try to feed your body. Thus why it is called starvation mode. That weight gain is probably this…
  • I drink green smoothies :) and I might have to start trying the protein thing. All I know is I think all this exercising lately has really kick started my metabolism. My weight-loss is really kicking into gear :) and I think the fact I dropped quite a bit recently (my ticker was messed up so it looked like I had lost more…
  • I'm on the pill so at least I have a warning lol I look and go Well its my last week of active pills...and halfway through the week I almost need a lock on the cupboards!! I get to where I feel like I'm STARVING and I whip out the baby carrots and pretend its alfrado noodles ect lol. You're not a lone
  • I find it easier and more rewarding to not have a scale in my house. If I do I become far too obsessed with numbers and it becomes a depressant for me. I ran myself into the ground dropped to 145 in high school when I started weighing myself daily, I dropped a lot of weight and stopped eating... completely and if I ate I…
  • I LOVE skullcandy BUT like a pp said its dangerous to wear them on runs as they do block out everything! I found that jellies work good too! They look like the ones that come with your iPod but they have gelly stuff that make them a little squishy and they dont block out all sound :D
  • I'm signed up for my second 5k this upcoming weekend! (the 4th). I've never ran before in my life, I'm 5'5 and weighed 209 and now I'm at 199 since starting the c25k program 7 weeks ago!! You ladies are strong enough to do it!! It's a lot of fun and if you want I'd highly suggest c25k!! I ran my first 5k on week 6 out of 9…
  • I've had two C-sections in the last couple years. The first time I was able to lose weight quickly and go back to normal. This time its taking some time. Neither time have I had pain or problems bringing my muscles back together. I can do sit ups, crunches, and now I'm doing power yoga. I think it's all about how good of…
  • I drink Green Smoothies that have about 2 servings of fruit and almost three servings of veggies!! :) That way I get my "cake" and I can eat it too! ;) meaning...I get my veggies but they taste like about cheating the system haha
  • Congrats!!! I <3 C25k! I just finished week 3 day 2 today! Can't wait to finish
  • Aren't they amazing! At first I was a little um...ew? Because I started out with romaine but I am NOT a fan of romaine salad. But I Found the spinach one and I LOVED it. The fact that it kept my digestive system on track made me feel great :P
  • I ran into this crap when I got a new job as a produce clerk in a big name store. O.O at first they were all friendly ladeda to me then about after a month when I started getting praises from our new boss and the store director for how clean and full I keep the floor things got NASTY they left me L-carts FULL of trash, ect…
  • I will never decide to do a cleanse. I don't see them as something we NEED, however I do drink green smoothies to help my digestive system kick into gear better (nothing does that better then banana and spinach haha) which in turns makes me feel better. (So many people think the green smoothies are a joke until they…
  • Dont want to scare you too much but I got pregnant on LoEstren24FE while taking it FAITHFULLY every day but I'm so grateful I did my girl is my whole world. If it is a new birth control it is normal to spot, while I was taking LoE before I got pregnant on it it made me have every symptom of being pregnant because of the…
  • thanks guys so much for giving us ideas, several are very very useful that we will be trying this week! At my store I know the meat guys and they always point out whats going on sale next or what's marked down, I normally get an 6-8 pack of lean chicken breasts for about $5 so we do eat a lot of fresh chicken :) and ground…
  • Like I said back even two weeks ago when I was hauling in a $160 a week paycheck verses my $68 a week check now we ate a LOT of fresh fruits and veggies (thus why I lost so much weight it was by changing my diet so drastically and I felt so much better). I went through a lb of spinage in less then a week and was having at…
  • I want to cut back on processed foods but when I only have $8-15 after I pay bills on payday it's hard to supply us food. We get food stamps to supplement but because I'm working I don't get that many. We always buy Mera's food and stuff first (we use about $30 a week on her food and stuff :) lol), she's priority. It's…
  • These are suggestions I'm going to try! I def need more water that's for sure, right now I'm drinking about 48 ozs a day working on more right now. I made my diary public now I didn't realize it wasn't. My sugar's aren't low, for instance right now I am at 145 (type 1 so this is a good reading for me) and I'm so dizzy I…
  • I either enjoy a small fun sized candy bar of my favorite choice (like a mini almond joy which is only 80 calories) or sugar free pudding
  • No problem! I think it's a great program and it's really motivated me to workout even on the days I don't run, something about it kicked my butt in gear and I'm glad it did!! I listen to a more rocky/ hip hop version of the podcasts as well :P that way I can listen to the music I like to dance to while I'm trying to run…
  • Down 9lbs this month!!!
  • Sjyates, good job! You're almost up to me, Im on day 2 of week 2 :)
  • Sweet! I'm on week 2 of C25k, it's really great, take it easy at the start though and join the forums on c25k if you want!! :) I've lost at least a pound or two since starting a week ago so it does help just make sure you're getting your calories otherwise you'll feel famished!
  • I run tomorrow for Week 2 day 2 and I REALLY look forward to the days I run! I just am so energized the rest of that day and the day after that as well. And I'm starting to see good results sugar wise too! Like today (day after I ran) I hardly used ANY insulin because my sugars stayed low! My doctor says if I keep this up…