PMS and Diet

Am I the only one that finds it so hard to stick to eating right when its that time of month?? Most of the day today I was in pain, not able to move from these horrible cramps. It almost feels like I am in labor, thats how bad it is. So exercise was out of the question. And my cravings start to kick in...... ugh. Does anyone have this problem? Any suggestions on how to deal better?? Thankyou!!!


  • kaymiller2
    I totally have the same problem! ate terribly this time around... or maybe I just noticed it since this is the first time since I have been tracking my food. Anyways, no answers... just empathy!
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    Maybe talk to your doctor and get his/her suggestions. If cramps are interferring with normal daily might want explore what they suggest
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    My problem is the week before. I feel famished all day, no matter what (or how much) I eat. Next time, I'm going to be really dilligent in making sure that I eat healthy, delicious, filling foods that best mock the types of things I crave. As for your cramps, I agree with the poster above, you should go see your doctor to see if he can offer any relief. Good luck!
  • saraeyster
    saraeyster Posts: 14 Member
    I so have the same problem and I gain like 7lbs of nothing but bloating!!! I can eat like a horse, it is terrible.I am going to try a different way of eating this time around. Good luck to you.
  • melanie92
    melanie92 Posts: 184 Member
    Give in. If you go overboard this time, so what? Maybe next time won't be so bad - but if it is, then it is. I have this problem each month for the most part. Don't sweat it. I think we are wired to burn more cals during TOM anyway! It hasn't kept me from my goals! My favorite injdulgences are low-fat Breyers ice cream, and/or Kroger brand Raisin Brand Crunch. (and I mean and/or!) Yum!! 2 or 3 bowls usually do the trick!! No kidding!! Don't sweat it! Pamper thyself!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Emphatzing very much. I've found that treadmilling helps some, walking not as fast as normal on the treadmill. Or another suggestion: It's only for a few days, why not take it easy?
  • cubanchili
    cubanchili Posts: 16 Member
    Girl, you are not the only one that goes through this monthly dilemma. I go through it too, and it's not easy, let me tell you! I have my moments in which I will have the feeling of splurging, but instead, I will allow myself a little treat with my diet in mind. I have been going through this for the past week, and I was able to share a snickers bar with a friend (so I didn't end up consuming the full 290 calories of one regular sized bar), and when I need a bag of chips, I will indulge in a pack of Baked Lays (the small individual bag with 130 cals). Another great alternative for the chocolate fix: Sugar Free Caramel Filled Hersheys (fun size). Each individual bar contains 30 cals and takes care of the craving. As long as you don't over-do it, and limit yourself in the process, while counting these calories in the mix, you will do just fine, and are more likely to succeed than completely restricting yourself... if you completely tell yourself no, and don't touch these items, you may end up breaking your diet during these trying times of the month and will find yourself starting all over again when it's all done. Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I'm with you...only got 10 minutes of walking in to day and that was torture...not to mention that I was hungry all day, for anything and everything...I did good though and didn't go over to much...I have this TOM
  • hmsteph
    Sometimes it isn't about making the "healthy" choice it is about making the BETTER choice. For example if you crave chocolate like I do and can find something low in calories or that has less sugar and choose that instead of a piece of chocolate cake then you still have achieved something. It is all about give and take and MODERATION if you want a cookie that is ok but if you eat half the bag then be committed to working it off or eating less later. We have all been there though and I definitely feel your pain hang in there and you can do it!
  • atucker0821
    atucker0821 Posts: 106 Member
    oh wow...i am sooooo glad you posted this article...i've been doing ok with the eating even though i seriously want to eat a truck load of chocolate!! i was going to ask if anyone was having issues with keeping up with their exercise because my cramps are so horrible.

    just stay focused and be glad it's only once a month =)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't have terrible PMS symptoms, but when I'm making a point to eat healthy I do get cravings. Since I pretty much deny myself everything (new clothes, sweets, 8 straight hours of sleep, time to myself, etc.) because I'm a stay at home mom and money has been tight, I give in when I have to. I'll go crazy if I don't! So if I absolutely have to have soda, chocolate, or junk food, I do. I do my best to keep it within reason, but my sanity and patience with my children is more important than sticking to my healthy diet and calorie restrictions. A few days won't really hurt the long term goal and for me, this is definitely a time when the short term needs are more important!
  • glittersoul
    You can try eating foods high in magnesium and potassium to help with the cramping. It will help your muscles relax
  • buck1994
    You should talk to my wife, Nursevee. She goes through this too. Excruciating pain, nausea and then the cravings hit. If nothing else some good encouragement might be great for both of you.
  • ckehoe89
    ckehoe89 Posts: 144 Member
    I have the problem of over eating and never feeling full. It's so annoying and makes me want to scream. I never really thought about it until I started tracking my calories how clear of a pattern it is. The best thing to do is to find things you like, and eat them in small quantities, or find healthier substitutes. I always crave salty things, so I've invested in "veggie krinkle sticks" which are potato chips but they are a lot less unhealthy for you. Or if you like chocolate, try getting a low fat hot chocolate, its not only soothing because its a warm drink, but its chocolatey too =] hope you feel better, I feel your pain
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    My cramps are so bad, I finally found a doctor that would give me the good drugs. I take 1 hydrocodone, every 4-6 hours for 2 days. I pretty much sleep for those 48 hours. If you do that, you won't crave anything. When you wake up though, you WILL be hungry!

    I posted about this before, but it's worth repeating. The first thing I feel like eating once the pain subsides is the same thing... every month... a double cheeseburger (no mayo, add extra mustard), fries, Dr Pepper and chocolate Frosty from Wendy's. Before MFP, I would get the largest size of each item... and eat/drink it all... in 1 sitting.

    Now, since joining MFP, I don't get the Dr Pepper at all and I get the small version of the fries and Frosty. I still get the double cheeseburger because there's just something about the single that tastes different and I really love the way the double tastes.

    When I eat like this, it's usually my only meal of the day and I definitely log everything. IF I still have calories, etc to consume, if I feel up to eating anything else, I make better choices. That craving's so strong though, I think there's a reason for it, so I give in. I think things would turn uglier if I didn't.

    Oh, and for those of you that crave chocolate... I JUST found something at Sam's Club tonight that I love! (Yes, I didn't even get in the truck to go home before I tried them.) Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate... they're fruit juice pieces dipped in dark chocolate!

    The nutrition information says that 20 pieces is 1 serving. That is waaaaaaay too much, IMO. I gave myself permission to have 1/2 a serving. By the time I got to piece 8, I realized I had already eaten too many. They didn't taste as good at that point. The first couple pieces were AWESOME though! So, if you limit yourself to 5 pieces, it will satisfy that need for chocolate, taste great and not be too terribly bad for you. Enjoy!
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm on the pill so at least I have a warning lol I look and go Well its my last week of active pills...and halfway through the week I almost need a lock on the cupboards!! I get to where I feel like I'm STARVING and I whip out the baby carrots and pretend its alfrado noodles ect lol. You're not a lone
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    Thankyou everyone for responding! Its nice to know I am not the only one that goes thru this. I wish I had health ins right now, Id def go to the doc. After I had my last child I had a C-sec and had my tubes tied. I was told the cramps would not be as bad, but now they are worse then ever.
    Some of you said "Give in" on a day(or two) like this, and I agree. I get so hard on myself when I dont see the scale moving.... but its only a couple days then I can get back on track....
    Thankyou all again!!!!
  • Jerri_Thompson
    You poor thing. I m sorry you are in pain. Treat you body for its needs right now and if ou feel bad, just eat some sugary fruits and a few pieces of chocolate to help the crave. Its better than eating a cake or brownies for that matter lol. Just get your body rested for a new week ahead! Im going to start in a day or so and just waiting for that pounding headache I get the day before period. Its like a thunderstorm in my head. You will get back on track in no time!! :heart:
  • GFPeggy11
    Well I just started MFP, and I was on my period! I still managed to lose almost 6lbs. But I know what y'all mean about craving things. Usually it's dark chocolate and something nice and salty. I'm an equal opportunity snacker. LOL :love:

    However, this last time I didn't indulge too much. (I.E. I had a Sausage McMuffin or two...) :ohwell:

    30mins later I was bloated and SO uncomfortable. :sick:

    ...I'm thinking tho that the bloat, etc is from gluten. We'll see.

    Gosh, now I want to try those dark chocolate pomagranet things.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    Gosh, now I want to try those dark chocolate pomagranet things.

    Oh, they're so good and 5 is plenty to do the trick! :love: