livityliv Member


  • I finished my first EVER duathlon (that I just found out about last night-a friend offered me a free race entry)!! So pumped and proud of myself...a few short years ago this would NOT have been possible! 1.97 mile run, 10.88 mile bike ride (omg hills), followed by another 1.97 mile run in rain and wind and I finished in…
  • Did my first half marathon! It was slow as all get out, and I did the whole thing in walk-jog intervals, but I did it and had a blast! (And only suffered one blister!)
  • I have been a twice monthly Grazer for several months and love it-and I found they've started sending me more protein-rich snacks lately, though some are definitely more carb based. Its usually a pretty decent mix for me. I haven't done the big box yet...anyone join the waiting list? If so-any idea when the big boxes will…
  • Tammy-there are a few books on lifting for women that you might look into for more guidance. New Rules of Lifting for Women has a full program (granted-you would have to modify some of the exercises but again-google 'X dumbbell' to see a dumbbell version of something). I've used it and its a great, super informative book…
  • Ok I just signed up for this challenge,and got my first challenge email! I always *wish* I did more yoga, but rarely act on that wish, for whatever reason. Perhaps the challenge will help!
  • Greek yogurt is great-flavored or plain, whichever you prefer, has low sodium and tons of protein! I like plain with a little stevia or something to sweeten it a bit, maybe some vanilla and fresh fruit. Or the flavored ones (which can have quite a bit of sugar, depending on the variety-if that matters to you) are great to…
  • I would also say "almost 20 days" is a very short time span. If you're training to gain muscle (making assumptions here, as you posted in the Gaining Weight thread), don't expect to see drastic changes in three weeks. It takes time and persistence. Keep on keeping on.
  • Its not necessarily weight lifting in the traditional format, but I love Bob Harper's Pure Burn Super Strength. Uses dumbbells and body weight for a full body strength workout-60 minutes in length. I'm sure you could find a trailer or some clips online, to see if it looks like what you're hoping to find. He has a few other…
  • Personally, I think you answered your own question. If you've been doing it for three months and haven't seen a change, it probably doesn't work...
  • Google/Amazon running water bottles...they have belts that go around your waist and hold a few smaller bottles or a variety of bottles that strap to your hand, so you don't really have to hold them as you run. They are a lifesaver on summer runs (I have both kinds). Also, consider Nuun or another type of electrolyte drink,…
    in Runners! Comment by livityliv June 2014
  • C25K might be a good way to go! I started running with my dog when she was around a year, maybe a little younger. She is super active (a German Shepherd mix), so it was more about letter her know we will run at MY pace-not hers. A "Hey" or even a snap of my fingers usually does it, just something to get her attention. If…
  • US code for unlimited use :) PFLCYHYYP Enjoy!
  • Another code if anyone is interested: PFLCYHYYP
  • I can't recommend a brand but I will recommend you get a proper fitting for your first pair. Go to a running store and have a gait analysis done. The person who does it will then recommend shoes that are good for you-your foot, your gait, your goals. Every runner is different, so there isn't necessarily one brand that…
  • I've got one of those too and have noticed that if I upload my Link with MFP before the end of the day my Link will "guesstimate" how much I will burn that day and input that number for me, before I've burned much of anything. Since it is a guesstimate, it is often way off. That said, I wait until the end of the day to…
  • You may also try looking into double layered socks. I have some and they are composed of two very thin layers. Idea is the two sock layers will rub against each other, not you so you don't blister. They've worked well for me. One brand I know of is WrightSocks, but I'm sure there are others as well.
  • Fit into my dress pants....LOL
  • My new favorite is hummus. I cut a breast into strips (butterflied or cutlets would work just as well), smear with hummus, perhaps sprinkle on some parmesan cheese, and bake in the oven 425 for about 15 minutes (depends on thickness of chicken, of course). I cannot get enough of it.
  • I've found MFP's weight training entry to be too low as well (as compared to my heart rate monitor). My best advice would be to invest in a heart rate monitor. Generally, the ones with the chest strap are more accurate than those without. I've got a Polar and love it. They will give you a much more accurate calorie burn…
  • Well this isn't really a 'make ahead' item, but I like to do a tupperware container with Greek (or traditional) yogurt and frozen berries, with a baggie of granola or cereal for some crunch. Its good for on-the-go because the frozen berries will thaw and keep the yogurt cold long enough to not have to worry about it going…
  • I'm having Farro with Feta, Cucumbers, and Sundried Tomatoes today. No need to heat, and I make a big batch ahead then eat it all week long. Recipe here: Adjusted slightly (extra bell pepper, extra feta) and added edamame for some extra protein…
  • Look through here! 20 pages of recipes! I've only tried a few but there are things like Pina colada, black forest cake, key lime pie, pumpkin pie, and SO MANY MORE!
  • Also, I think I've heard before that they spend more like 8 hours a day working out, not just 2. Not sure if this is true, but I think that's what I heard. Keep that in mind as well...
  • Before and during, down about 110 lbs in that picture, 5'10
  • Check out Skinny Taste's turkey recipes Not all call for ground turkey but many do. I LOVE her crock pot 3 bean turkey chili and would recommend that.
  • Mix with coffee, mix into smoothies, I replace 1/2 the flour in banana bread recipe with protein powder for protein packed banana all depends on what flavor you have...
  • I'm with them. I feel like they're much more accurate than those without plus, you say you don't have to put one on and take it off every time you work out... Personally, I change clothes before and after each workout...The strap really isn't an inconvenience since I change anyway. I like mine...
  • I'd suggest getting a body scan, like the BodPod done. I am 5'10 and 199lb currently, but my lean body mass (everything BUT the fat) ALONE is 145 lbs. So for me/my body, I'd literally be loosing muscle to get to that low of a weight. A scan like that will give you a good idea of how much body fat vs. lean mass you have and…
  • Eh, depends on how you define "good." I need the protein and calcium so I love it, and light is only about 50 cals/piece with just a few grams of fat :) Also, ok good-the kind I used to buy was over 500cals per bag! Glad yours isn't-might have to look for it!