Walking blisters

umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
Hi, I have started long walks again after the winter break. I go for 9-10 kms brisk walk including 20-30 mins of jogging as well. I wear Brooks GTS shoes fitted by the running store but still I get blisters under my both feet. Mostly they are just below my toes. I could go for even longer walks but the blisters start to give burning feeling soon after 7-8 kms. Sometimes I also get them between the toes as well. I understand it is due to the friction between the foot and the shoe but my shoes are generally pretty comfortable but only during long walk I get the blisters. Any good advice on how to deal with this problem?


  • ryanmbaldwin
    ryanmbaldwin Posts: 1 Member
    Try deodorant with an anti-perspirant. Sounds odd but it works. Just put it on the bottom of feet and feel the friction go away. worked for me when I started to walk again. Also moleskin is an option for the currant blisters. Just keep at it and they start to go away as time goes by. Just don't give in and stop walking.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I used to get really bad blisters from walking/running. Now I put babypowder/talc in my socks and I don't get them anymore.
  • livityliv
    livityliv Posts: 110 Member
    You may also try looking into double layered socks. I have some and they are composed of two very thin layers. Idea is the two sock layers will rub against each other, not you so you don't blister. They've worked well for me. One brand I know of is WrightSocks, but I'm sure there are others as well.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    1. Get shoes that fit (if they fit properly you won't get blisters, you're getting blisters because your foot moves around too much when you walk, snug but not tight)
    2. Consider (as previously mentioned) 2 layer running socks (I use ones made by Wright) or one of the smartwool line (avoid cotton like the plague) If your feet perspire a lot consider taking a spare pair of socks and changing halfway through the walk.
    3. Foot powder or talc can help absorb perspiration and may also help.
    4. Get shoes that fit (did I say that already? It's critical.....ask anyone who has done long marches in combat boots that fit poorly.....)
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    Thanks for the good tips. I am due to buy new pair of shoes soon and I will make sure those shoes fit very well. Secondly next I will be walking talcum powder under my feet( lets see how it will feel:). Lastly I will also try double layered socks and hopefully with these 3 changes blisters should not come near me.
    I will report back my new experience in this thread within this week.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    Just to update on my situation. I have just bought new pair of shoes fitted by the running store. In addition I have also got anti blisters socks and I can happily report that anti-blisters socks do work. I have done 5K jog today and 5K brisk walk and absolutely blister free. Yayyyyyy!