Ground Turkey

haleyjester Posts: 197 Member
I need some good recipes for ground turkey...simple is good but anything is welcome! Thanks!!


  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Options is the simple answer. You can substitute ground turkey anywhere for ground beef and get a pretty good recipe. I have used it in Taco Meat, Meatloaf, Meatballs, sausages...etc. It tends to have a bit different texture so you have to adjust the amount of eggs or liquid that you use. I know...this isn't a recipe, just some general tips.
  • livityliv
    livityliv Posts: 110 Member
    Check out Skinny Taste's turkey recipes Not all call for ground turkey but many do. I LOVE her crock pot 3 bean turkey chili and would recommend that.
  • haleyjester
    haleyjester Posts: 197 Member
    No thats ok. I have never eaten it before, I made burgers the other night and they were ok...just not used to it yet. My boyfriend wants to quit eating red meat and thats ok with me I just have no clue how to cook it really.
  • haleyjester
    haleyjester Posts: 197 Member
    Check out Skinny Taste's turkey recipes Not all call for ground turkey but many do. I LOVE her crock pot 3 bean turkey and would recommend that.

    Yummm, I love chili and love beans. He doesnt but that one can be for me =)
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    If consistency is a problem for your family (it is for mine), try ground chicken instead. If you grocery store doesn't sell ground chicken, you can purchase some chicken breasts and most stores will grind it for you for free. My husband also has issues with the color sometimes so if I'm making burgers I throw some low sodium Worchestershire Sauce in and it browns it up.
    Good luck!
  • geralynhoerauf
    geralynhoerauf Posts: 73 Member
    I haven't tried it, but just ran across this "Pot-Sticker" Turkey Burger on Pinterest:

    It sounds delicious and I'm planning to put it on the menu for next week.
  • bubbanene
    bubbanene Posts: 101 Member
    I made mistake of thinking ground turkey was way better diet wise. When I finally looked at NI it was worse than ground beef. Just a caveat look for lean ground turkey breast meat, even then sometimes the 93/7 ground beef is better. Once I found the extra lean turk brest I use it in most everyhting especially chili.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    As someone else said, substitute it for anything with ground beef. I was doing only ground turkey in everything, then my husband was missing beef in byurgers, so now I buy the 96/4 extra lean ground beef, and it's got less calories than lean ground turkey (but not than extra lean ground turkey, I don't think). But, now my husband says maybe switch back to turkey for burgers! The key is seasoning. I use ground turkey in tacos, burgers and sloppy joe's (I make my own sauce with Coke Zero and reduced sugar ketchup). It's ok in meatloaf, but be careful of it getting too dry.