Devonanne Member


  • I use a lot of peanut butter for my always borderline underweight 5 year old. He eats a lot of peanut butter chocolate chip larabars and peanut butter on bagels. We try to go full fat wherever possible - full fat yogurt, homo milk, anywhere we can add extra calories. I find it easier to add more calories throughout the day…
  • Hello! I’m 35, 5’4” and 157lbs. Never managed to get back down to where I should be after having my kids - I felt best at around 125-130lbs when I was in good shape. I feel like the older you get the longer it can take for your hard work to pay off. I’m trying 16:8 fasting now, not because I think there’s anything magical…
  • Type 1 here, going on 34 years. Diagnosed in 1983 at 18 months of age!
  • I'd like to join! I'm 35, 5'4" and 157lbs - trying to get back to where I felt great at 125-130lbs back when I got married in 2012.
  • Thanks folks. Think I'm going to scale my calories back to 1600, add a few cardio sessions, and see how that is!
  • I agree, I could eat more fiber. Protein isn't an issue, I get between 80-100g per day. But I do tend to go for protein/fat based snacks more than veggies (fiber), so I do think getting more fiber would help.
  • Also, my Fitbit (Charge HR) says I burn between 1900-2200 calories per day. So yeah, not much of a deficit going on. I'm thinking a few running sessions per week might help.
  • I average around 1800-1900 per day. Sometimes less sometimes a little more. I just can't seem to get under that without being really hungry. So I'm not surprised I'm not losing faster! I'm just wondering if adding in cardio is the answer to burn more calories. I was hoping to hear of other people's experiences - I do…
  • I already stated that I'm very careful with logging, and weigh my food. I only used the bread and egg example to illustrate that that is my weekend "treat" as opposed to just having the egg on it's own. I'm trying to eat well not just for weight loss but for my whole body's health.
  • Thanks for the replies. Yes I'm logging accurately, weighing etc. I'm an old hand at logging. The New Rules workouts do include HIIT 1-2x week but I'm thinking I should add in some more. I also agree I'm probably eating close to maintainence because it's freaking difficult to eat at a deficit with these hard workouts! I…
  • Thanks so much everyone! It's from Victoria's Secret :) To those who asked about my food/exercise, please feel free to add me as a friend and I can tell you more...although it was a long journey of trial and error more than anything! What I found made the biggest difference was when I started weight training, and then I…
  • Where on the thigh are you measuring? Middle, top?
  • Welcome, and thanks for adding me! I have been a Type 1, insulin dependent diabetic since the age of 1 1/2 - and I can tell you right now that weight loss and fitness is no less achievable to us than anyone else! Yes we have more challenges with controlling blood sugar, but I honestly don't believe it is that much harder…
  • That's what I thought, but wanted to make sure others agree :) It could be read as doing the other side on your NEXT set, but then it wouldn't make sense if you had 3 sets, because you'd do one side twice!
  • Not sure which page as I have the Kindle version. But if you look at many of the descriptions in "The Right Moves" section, it will either say "Finish all your reps, then switch sides and repeat the set", or "do half the repetitions, switch sides, and finish the set".
  • I was in the same boat..I wanted to start but had no idea where to begin. New Rules is a good program, but it is still hard to start, because you have to studies the pictures and figure out what the heck you're doing. That said though, once you get the hang of the different moves, you can kinda feel when you're doing it…
  • I don't follow their nutrition plan per se. I do eat about 1800-1900 calories per day which is pretty much what the book suggests for me as a small deficit, and I try to get at least 100g of protein daily which is a challenge for me. Either than that I just try to eat cleanly as much as I can and avoid pesticides,…
  • Thanks guys. It's not a huge dramatic transformation or least not to most..but it is to me! :) I've had to buy all new clothes which I certainly never did when I lost weight before!
  • Probably depends a lot on how efficient you are at running. If you've been running for years, your body can do it easily and your heart rate will not go as high. For me, running always has a higher calorie burn as my heart rate is up quite a bit higher than if I fast-walk. I am getting more efficient at running, but at…
  • I can't wear my engagement ring now because it falls off. It was size 5.75 and I will probably get it taken down to 5.25.
  • Port Moody BC - originally from Victoria BC :)
  • I've just been using my HRM and eating the calories back like I do with cardio. I know HRMs aren't very accurate for strength training, but it gives me a way to track it and in the end it usually ends up meaning I eat around 1800 calories, so I'm just goin to stick with that for now.
  • I was doing lat pulldowns at the gym and a guy came over and had the nerve to walk behind me, GRAB my hands and REPOSITION them on the bar, then tell me that if I do it this way I will get a better workout. I was so shocked and incredulous all I could do was stare at him, unbelieving. I hope he scraped his hand on my…
  • I am the annoying person who clogs up the sample lineups at Costco to check the nutrition info on whatever they're serving..haha. So yes I log everything as closely as I can. If I can't find any nutrition info, I guesstimate. On more than one Sunday afternoon I have eaten a full lunch composed entirely of Coscto samples :D
  • I'm feeling kinda sick today and was debating skipping my New Rules of Lifting for Women workout. Not after reading this! Very encouraging :) To the OP, New Rules is indeed awesome, I'm only on week 2 and seeing changes that I love. Not to mention, my stalled scale has started creeping downwards again!
  • I just started this week. I've only 2 workouts, and I know that realistically I wouldn't see any progress yet, but I could swear my quads and stomach are firmer. Very excited to continue and see where this takes me!
  • I hold mine in my hand - I use Runkeeper while running so I am constantly glancing at my phone to see my pace, distance, etc. Plus I am always fiddling with my music playlist so having it in a pocket or anything would not be convenient.