AngelaeLebron1 Member


  • I am a server, and I have had at least 20 different people tell me that I look like Megan Fox. I never have thought about it. I've seen the resemblance slightly in a couple photos of mine, but still don't feel it's that obvious that so many people have told me that. Oh well at least I think she's I always take it…
  • 2 THINGS.. first, Damn girl! I wish I was made like you are, because I am the same height and weight as your before pics..but my belly still has soo much flab. =( guess that's from having kids..but I'm working on it.. second, you look amazing.... this is great motivation for me to keep going... keep it up!! =)
  • LOL I am doing the same thing tonight.. I actually just saw this and was wondering if someone posted it about me lol.
  • I have mine set at 1200, sometimes I eat exercise calories..sometimes I don't..depends on how hungry I am that day..but I hardly ever go over. I am able to eat a lot with 1200 though, because I mainly eat healthy foods. I have been losing roughly about a pound every 4 days..
  • was literally addicted to tanning in HS... I went through a short tanning spurt in January but finally quit. I imagine that I will go a few times before summer this year to get started...not a fan of being cancer is becoming more real and scary to me as I get older, plus it's a lot of money for someone like…
  • I would LOVE to be SEXIER by Valentines day ; ) count me in
  • New pants is always a great motivation to keep going !!! I recently did some pants shopping as well after dropping a size!! It feels AMAZING!!! =) Keep up the GREAT work!!!
  • Used to work in a deli.. We had this one woman who INSISTED on having her meat cut into dust pretty much, I put the slicer on the absolute lowest setting, and it wasn't thin enough for her..she started yelling at me that the slicer needed to be on ZERO, I politely told her that zero isn't an option, zero is when the…
  • 5'7" 163lbs currently, started losing weight in October at 185lbs, started MFP at 172lbs in November. I am hoping to be 150lbs by summer.
  • whole grain oatmeal with yogurt, and/or splenda, fruit, whole grain toast with I can't believe it's not butter spray, fiber one cereals, omelets, eggs, turkey bacon
  • 30 day shred & ripped in 30 are the 2 I have them both and they were $10 each
  • I was 150 and fit in High School/pre that's my goal body has changed a lot since then though, so I might change it once I get to it..but for now that's the goal =) and it's in a "healthy" range.
  • He says that he wants me to lose weight/get healthy because he see's that it makes me happy and confident, but that he would love me and be attracted to me no matter what.. Idk if any of that is BS but it makes me feel better.
  • Got my boys a Wii for I'd like to get myself a Wii fit (prob. after though). I would LOVE to be 160 by Christmas (I'm 163 now). I'm not one for gifts..I tell hubby not get me anything, because we don't need to spend the extra money, my brothers & sisters and I quit buying each other gifts, It's ALL about the…
  • DANG! LOL. I just own 2 30 DAY shred (completed) and Ripped in 30 ( currently doing), planning on buying another one for January. Any suggestions?
  • Hey guys! My name is Angela I am 5'7 and 24 years old. My whole life I had been in the "healthy range" of about 140 to 150lbs, I was always able to wear a bikini, be comfortable..I used to think that size 11 was HUGE. Then at 19 I was pregnant with my first son, and I gained, oh a good 50lbs or more..I know that at my last…
  • Don't eat if you're not seem to be getting enough calories in. I am also a server and I don't count work as exercise or house work or anything like that...I feel like my body is used to it, so I don't really think that I am burning a lot of calories that way. JMO =)
  • Hey everyone, My name is Angela. I want to look hot this summer. That is my goal. I want to look good in a bathing suit and feel confident in myself again. I used to rock a bikini and then I had 2 boys. I have about 15lbs to go to get to pre baby weight, then Idk..I might try to lose more, or gain muscle or tone or…
  • This is what I aim for
  • Thanks for your input guys.. I'm gonna start phase one again on wed (pay day/grocery shopping day).. and see what it does for me, also just started ripped in 30 today, after doing the 30 day hopefully I can break out of this, one pound gain, one pound lost plateau that I am in every day. Feel free to add me if…
  • Also I noticed that on days I workout, I have way more of an appetite...almost like my body is telling me I need more calories without MFP telling me to..and the more weight I lose the hungrier I am.
  • Okay so just change everything I said to turning 18 instead of 21.. I drank when I was16, probably shouldn't have but whatever..the point I was trying to get across anyways is that at least to me, it's overrated and gets old after a while, but it can be fun as well. If you don't like drinking, then don't drink. =)
  • I've gone through phases. In my teens I liked to party on the weekends. Then I had my son really young, at 19..and hardly drank. After I turned 21 and all my friends hit the bar scene, I started going out on weekends with them, then that got old and expensive. Quit again after having my 2nd son, and after I had him, when I…
  • From your replies, it sounds like you already did your research, and already made your decision! best of luck to you!! I know how you feel with your belly. I have the same one, only I've had kids, so it is something that I have been able to accept as a part of me.
  • has some good ones, I like the Jillian Michael s DVD's, there are also workouts on netflix.
  • Almonds have become my best friend for problems like this =)
  • I am doing really good! I don't have a goal for Christmas, but my goal for the 1st of the year is to be 160lbs, meaning that I have 5-6 lbs to lose in Dec. I feel confident in this, I lost 13lbs in Oct..and 7 in November, so 5 to 6 should be just right for December..
  • I am doing really good! I don't have a goal for Christmas, but my goal for the 1st of the year is to be 160lbs, meaning that I have 5-6 lbs to lose in Dec. I feel confident in this, I lost 13lbs in Oct..and 7 in November, so 5 to 6 should be just right for December..
  • I put veggies in everything, omelets, spaghetti, veggie burgers, sandwiches, salads, eat them raw, with dip, cooked, steamed, add some cheese or butter, celery with peanut butter..