In need of new workouts?

So I've lately been in need of some new workouts (cardio and/or strength training, or both!). I have DVDs that I use for cardio that I enjoy, such as Beach Body and one from Self magazine that I love, but I feel like my body is getting used to them, and I don't want my losing weight to come to a standstill.

What are some good "beginner/intermediate" workout DVDs or exercises? I'm still not strong enough for advanced programs, and I just wanted to know some good workouts that have worked for weight loss for all of you guys. :) Thank you in advance!


  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585

    Here you go :) These sites are free and I am sure you will like some of them :P I tried it and all of them are cool for weight loss, keeps you motivated and daily updated :)
  • Ashleysh22
    I like turbo fire and insanity best. My body got used to turbo fire, but I don't now if it will ever get used to insanity... Soooo hard!
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
    Collage Video has a website where you can plug in your goals and level and it helps you decide on which videos are good for you!
  • slateo10
    You should just try to start running every day... its simple and you burn the most calories doing it. Start out slow and eventually you'll be able to run longer than you ever imagined
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    Options has some good ones, I like the Jillian Michael s DVD's, there are also workouts on netflix.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Tae Bo and Supreme 90 Day. You can view the workouts on
  • efarester
    Body Gospel was my first program and I loved it. I am doing TurboFire now - and even though it is a more intense program, I LOVE it and I CAN do it! The nice thing about TurboFire is that it comes with a prep schedule option in addition to the regular schedule. That kind of eases you into the program a bit which helped me out quite a bit!! :) What I love most about my results is that I am actually seeing some muscle tone - especially in my arms for the first time EVER!
  • fluteypie
    fluteypie Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! I'm going to look into each DVD and try some out. :) My mom also likes to have workouts, so she will be more than happy to order!

    Also, I think I will really enjoy running - I'm going to try starting out slow on my dad's treadmill (since it's nearing winter), and then hopefully when it clears up a bit I will be able to get around at least half my neighborhood!

    I also found a few yoga vodcasts the other day (for my iPod) and I'm trying those later today. :)