Vaanja Member


  • Neither. Travel! and @ Ethansmug - braces for sure. Don't get me wrong, I'm a red-blooded woman and I like me some sausage...but it really Is men that have the most issue with it. We just don't need all that length...tbh, too long can be hella uncomfortable. *And*...guys with too much aren't going to get nearly the, ahem,…
  • I can pee for more than 30 seconds.
  • Migas!! Pasta al arrabbiata. aaaand, hmm. Cajun-spiced grilled shrimp with a riesling or gewurztraminer.
  • waster196: i'm guessing...28ish?
  • I might weigh a little bit more while on my period, but I always figured it was just because I won't put the bottle of vodka or pickaxe down long enough to get on the scale during that week.
  • My husband gets annoyed sometimes with my oldest son's desire to grow the front of his hair long, wear fitted (but not ball-crushing) jeans and plastic bangle bracelets, and listen to MCR. Me - I don't care, and I remind my husband often that our own parents were pretty disgusted by us, and the entire grunge movement, back…
  • Not dumping my ex-fiance sooner. When we got together, I was 15 and he was 24. It took me three years (two co-habitating) to realize that no, I wasn't just super-mature and 'special'...he simply couldn't get a girl his own age. He's 43 now, still greasy and predatory in a limp, toothless way...and last I heard, dating some…
  • ^ this.
    in 50/50 Comment by Vaanja November 2011
  • I'm also raising kids in (very rural) north Texas, I thought moving here would be best for my kids...but do I feel like I belong here? No way. I miss my smelly, polluted, traffic-riddled yet sprawling, open-minded, and multicultural hometown (Houston I love you!). I'm so stoked to be going home for the holiday.
  • To heck with fashion trends! "To be irreplacable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel When I hit my goal weight, I'm celebrating it with an industrial-strength balconette bra and a vintage wiggle dress. My inner Joan Holloway and I will not be giving a d4mn about what fashion says is currently hip.
  • ^ This. Enjoy what you like, just practice keeping yourself in moderation and be aware of what you are putting in your mouth. If I thought changing my life would mean I was stuck on salads and lemonwater every day, I never would have even attempted to get back to a healthy weight.
  • Haha, I've yet to meet the man who can take a hint (no offense to you elusive, psychic Y-chromosome holders out there). I straight-out tell my husband, I get what I want when it's feasible, and he doesn't go through the stress of having to guess what I would really like.
  • I'm certain weight often plays a factor in both getting a job, and advancing a career. An interesting artcile on the subject:
  • I think it all depends on what your own comfort-tastes are. I like to stay cool when I sleep, so I detest flannel or jersey sheets. For me, it's 650tc cotton all the way and *always* in white. Nothing smells better to me than crisp, bleached sheets at the end of the day. Also, a trick I picked up to beat the heat while I…
  • ^5!! I know how hard it is when my housemate brings all my favourite indulgences into the house and makes a point of letting me know they're there for the taking. Good on you for the willpower!
  • love the yogurt, don't much like the strawberry/banana combo in anything, so 7/10 baklava >.>
  • I'm not gonna go all inception quote on this, but I have to back up the recovered-alcoholic racial slur guy. Some years ago, I was in a very bad accident that left me in a medically-induced coma for the first week, and completely out of my mind on drugs for two more weeks. I was told that in my second week, during a…
  • I'd get the hell off MFP forums and go exercise. It's kind of ironic, really...
  • I'm not really a breakfast kind of girl but my meds require me to have protein in the morning, so I usually go with a half-cup 0% greek yogurt mixed with a quarter cup kashi go-lean crisp for 130 calories and 15 grams of protein. Whether I eat a big breakfast or none at all, I like to get my munch on during the late…
  • Less hungry, actually. When I do want to eat, what I really crave is a thick, dripping blue steak. I guess my body thinks it's gotta replace the blood or something, hah.
  • I'm even more glad I don't go to a gym now...seems silly to pay cash every month just to judge other people, when I can sit here at my pc on MFP and do the same thing for free... /edit and when I do go for my hikes, I wear a sports bra and no top. Why? One, because it reminds me to keep my posture good and suck in my gut.…
  • Ignoring all the middle-thread arguments: one of the things that did contribute to my own "wake up" moment were my awesome husband and amazing kids. I wanted to make myself better as a person, partially to contribute more and set a better example for them. Maybe the OP could gently show her brother there are other things…
  • I started my weight-loss almost immediately after I ended my own WoW-addiction (yes, there are many people that can play the game casually. I was not one of those casual people.). let me rephrase that: *I* started my weight-loss immediately after *I* ended my own WoW addiction. No one can dedicate themselves to changing…
  • The first brand I tried was was alright, but tasted very much like straight sour cream to me. Then, I tried Athenos fat-free and liked it much better. It tasted more like yogurt and less like sour cream, if that makes sense. My favorite add-in is a quarter-cup Kashi Go-Lean Crisp - Toasted berry crumble. I…
  • Think of it in terms of what you've lost already, and it's a lot more pleasant :)
  • People love to put themselves above others, until they actually have to stop and think "Hey, those are actual decent human beings that I'm thoughtlessly denigrating." A very good friend of mine is a high-functioning Aspie, and I'll admit that friendship can be quite challenging. However, in our decade of friendship I've…
  • "Laud's theology was influenced by the teachings of the Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), who emphasised free will over predestination and an acceptance of ordered and uniform practices of worship. Laud's love of ceremony and harmonious liturgy — the "beauty of holiness" — was favoured by King Charles because it…
  • Am I supposed to be sorry for not giving enough of a *kitten* to run down to the nearest library to argue against a forum post that will be forgotten within hours? Just because it's on wiki doesn't mean it's wrong.
  • Dead Kennedys, Reagan Youth, the Dead Milkmen, and Black Flag... The 80s, lol, but kind of a different 80s. :)
  • Actually this is partially untrue. The Puritans did protest that the English reformation fell short, and that the CoE was far too Catholic in it's practices, but - (from Wiki) "James I was succeeded by his son Charles I of England in 1625. In the year before becoming King, he married Henrietta-Marie de Bourbon of France, a…
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