Gym princesses?



  • fatty2fit88
    fatty2fit88 Posts: 116 Member
    I support their right to be "hoochie" but that doesn't mean I have to embrace it.

    Word. It is just my opinion. People have them.... if you disagree its fine by me. =)
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 379 Member
    Can't we all just get along?
  • namenumber
    namenumber Posts: 167 Member
    I saw a girl at my gym wearing skinny jeans and stilettos the other day!!! And there's another girl who gets on the treadmill and does like 2 mph in FLIP FLOPS. If they look at me like I'm crazy for sweating I don't notice..... probably 'cause I'm there to WORK! LOL!
    That was totally me when I had a gym membership and was pregnant. My feet were swollen so I only wore flip flops and either walked the treadmill slowly or hit the bike slowly.
    That makes sense. And good for you for still working out when pregnant!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I've never understood this. I sweat like a monster at the gym and that's the point isn't it? I don't apprieciate the looks I get from the gym rats but other than that I mind my own business. I want to know, honestly, why do some girls only wear sports bras in the gym??? If there's a good reason, please let me know!

    HA! It's not just me then! A BRA is NOT a shirt! It is underwear. What is the deal with that except attention? A tank top works just as well if its a keeping cool thing.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I hear it burns extra calories if you judge people while working out. The venom speeds up your metabolism.

    No effin' way!

    Man, I'll be sure to doubly judge next time I'm at the gym!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I've never understood this. I sweat like a monster at the gym and that's the point isn't it? I don't apprieciate the looks I get from the gym rats but other than that I mind my own business. I want to know, honestly, why do some girls only wear sports bras in the gym??? If there's a good reason, please let me know!

    Omg I always think this too - what's with just wearing a sports bra and no top?! Why why?! You can't be that warm you can't possibly cope with a top!!!!

    I don't ask questions about it. Just damn glad that they do
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I hear it burns extra calories if you judge people while working out. The venom speeds up your metabolism.

    Thank you for posting this. I was ready to head desk but this made me laugh!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Okay, I'm guilty of the make-up thing. 1) I'm not going to wash my face just to go workout 2) I don't go anywhere without make up on. LOL

    Now, I don't wear earings, but I do make sure that my work out clothes is CUTE. I have to look cute because it keeps me motivated. I love wearing Nike, Reebok, Adidas, PINK... colorful & vibrant stuff. I'm a standout kind of gal.

    What you described does sound annoying, but if that's what gives them the self esteem to get in the gym, good for them I guess. You can be cute and be hardcore, though. :happy:
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Okay, I'm guilty of the make-up thing. 1) I'm not going to wash my face just to go workout 2) I don't go anywhere without make up on. LOL

    Now, I don't wear earings, but I do make sure that my work out clothes is CUTE. I have to look cute because it keeps me motivated. I love wearing Nike, Reebok, Adidas, PINK... colorful & vibrant stuff. I'm a standout kind of gal.

    What you described does sound annoying, but if that's what gives them the self esteem to get in the gym, good for them I guess. You can be cute and be hardcore, though. :happy:

    You, my lady, are amazing. :flowerforyou: I was going to stay out of this post because it was all just getting a little too ridiculous for me but I'm so glad someone finally said it! Cute and hardcore, I love that. :wink:
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    It takes all sorts.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    I'm even more glad I don't go to a gym now...seems silly to pay cash every month just to judge other people, when I can sit here at my pc on MFP and do the same thing for free...

    /edit and when I do go for my hikes, I wear a sports bra and no top. Why? One, because it reminds me to keep my posture good and suck in my gut. Two, because I effing well can if I want to.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Personally, I love when the bunnies are there. I enjoy doing more than whatever it is they're doing. I know it's wrong, but when they do, for instance, a glute press at 10# and I do 100#... it makes me feel good.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Okay, I'm guilty of the make-up thing. 1) I'm not going to wash my face just to go workout 2) I don't go anywhere without make up on. LOL

    Now, I don't wear earings, but I do make sure that my work out clothes is CUTE. I have to look cute because it keeps me motivated. I love wearing Nike, Reebok, Adidas, PINK... colorful & vibrant stuff. I'm a standout kind of gal.

    What you described does sound annoying, but if that's what gives them the self esteem to get in the gym, good for them I guess. You can be cute and be hardcore, though. :happy:
    Hahaha cute and hardcore, that's like saying smart and pretty. It just doesnt't happen. I'm gonna go ride my unicorn now.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Just because they pay their monthly dues does not make them immune to criticism. It's somewhat equivalent to being a member at a country club and showing up only to halfheartedly hack the golf ball around and slow down play. Yes, you have a right to be there and do that, but that doesn't mean it's not hella annoying.

    There is also a difference between a professional woman squeezing in a workout on her lunch break and a party girl who thinks the gym is a runway, and I think we all know which one the OP is complaining about.

    i just dont get why it annoys you what is it bothering you. what your saying is you are criticizing but sounds like we are in high school and you are just making fun of people on like you.

    Am I not allowed to be annoyed by things? Is the OP not allowed to express her frustration? Are opinions only permissible when no one's feelings get hurt?

    my feelings arnt hurt. I just feel we all judge others too much you have no idea anything about these people. I once knew a girl who dressed like the op said and the reason being ended up being because she was super insecure. i guess i just dont pay attention or care what others do if i am worried about myself working out and doing a hardcore workout i dont notice others so dont see how it matters what other do. Never said you were not allowed to be annoyed but i dont see why it annoys you or anyone else for that fact. The reason people hate to go to the gym is because of people like you who have to criticize others.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    As long as their perfume doesn't make me gag and they are out of my way it doesn't bother me.

    This. There is a lady who does that at our gym, plus she comes to Spin wearing Tevas or Crocs. She chatters the whole time, and has even had her little snack during class. Her pedals barely move. She is my NEVER look like I'm not working at my max. Every time I catch sight of her in the mirror, I work doubly hard.

    Effort is relative, and my theory is that there is someone out there kicking *kitten* who thinks I'm Teva Lady. Unacceptable...

    To clarify. Teva Lady is thin, and loves to brag about how she doesn't need to work out because she never ever gains weight. Her attitude is illustrated by her appearance. She has a real name, and I know it because I've interacted with her.

    We all size up our environments as human beings. It's what we do with those assessments that show the true measure of a person.

    You CAN be cute and hardcore. There are some really great movies to prove it. :laugh:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Okay, I'm guilty of the make-up thing. 1) I'm not going to wash my face just to go workout 2) I don't go anywhere without make up on. LOL

    Now, I don't wear earings, but I do make sure that my work out clothes is CUTE. I have to look cute because it keeps me motivated. I love wearing Nike, Reebok, Adidas, PINK... colorful & vibrant stuff. I'm a standout kind of gal.

    What you described does sound annoying, but if that's what gives them the self esteem to get in the gym, good for them I guess. You can be cute and be hardcore, though. :happy:
    Hahaha cute and hardcore, that's like saying smart and pretty. It just doesnt't happen. I'm gonna go ride my unicorn now.

    Rare but does exist. I thought this one woman was pretty attractive (not in a cute way though). Clearly worked the free weights. One early morning I was in the gym (not my normal time) and she was doing lunges in the squat rack with 45lb plates (135lbs). I admit, I had to stare for a bit. She wasn't a princess. Just an attractive woman that got down to business with the weights. I suspect a current/former powerlifter.
  • radix89
    radix89 Posts: 48 Member
    I am not so hard on girls wearing makeup at the gym. When I was going right after work I was in makeup and didn't bother washing it off first. I wasn't wearing club clothes though!
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I can't say it bothers me or affects me in anyway. I could care less what anyone wears or WHY they are there. I certainly would never make a judgmental comment or gesture...Now, THAT is just plain catty.

    What I do care about is, if they wipe down their machines when they are done .. sweaty or not .
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    I have no objections to whomever trying to dress tastefully appealing to the gym. Do your own thing and project confidence, but check your arrogance into the locker room.

    ;] u trackin