Gym princesses?



  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    If we could all magically ignore the people who annoy us, the world would be a much calmer place.

    You can't ignore nails on a chalkboard.
    Poor analogy. It's not like they are screaming at her or in her face.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Just because they pay their monthly dues does not make them immune to criticism. It's somewhat equivalent to being a member at a country club and showing up only to halfheartedly hack the golf ball around and slow down play. Yes, you have a right to be there and do that, but that doesn't mean it's not hella annoying.

    There is also a difference between a professional woman squeezing in a workout on her lunch break and a party girl who thinks the gym is a runway, and I think we all know which one the OP is complaining about.

    i just dont get why it annoys you what is it bothering you. what your saying is you are criticizing but sounds like we are in high school and you are just making fun of people on like you.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    It doesn't have to be valid to be expressed. Just look at politics.

    This is not a political forum.

    Also, I'd really like to take the OP to my gym tonight. All of the hoochie women (working out with their kids no less). She would just pass out and not be able to handle it. HOOCHIE workout women unite!!!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    ...You're not there to find a boyfriend, you're there to get a body to GET a boyfriend.

  • can_tastic
    can_tastic Posts: 28 Member
    I usually go to the gym at 5 am so looking "made up" is not an option for me, unless I want to get up an hour before and... no thanks. I can definitely understand wanting to look/feel attractive at the gym, especially once you start losing weight... you want to show it off! I confess to enjoying the occasional after-school workout because my makeup and my hair actually look decent. However, in my experience... "real" men appreciate a woman who knows her **** and isn't afraid to sweat.

    I will say that perfume/cologne wearers... you can go to hell.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    ...You're not there to find a boyfriend, you're there to get a body to GET a boyfriend.


    What if they are looking for another hoochie girl to date and not looking for a BOY at all? ;)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I will say that perfume/cologne wearers... you can go to hell.

  • can_tastic
    can_tastic Posts: 28 Member
    ...You're not there to find a boyfriend, you're there to get a body to GET a boyfriend.


    I dunno... I feel like the gym is a great place to "vet" potential boyfriends. Think about it... you get to observe their etiquette, the way they treat people and equipment, and their hygiene. These are all things I need to know before I commit!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    it doesn't bother me too much, but I"m kinda rare - I only worry about ME!!!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I will say that perfume/cologne wearers... you can go to hell.


    that i agree its hard to smell the perfume and cologne when they bath in it lol
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    I dunno... I feel like the gym is a great place to "vet" potential boyfriends. Think about it... you get to observe their etiquette, the way they treat people and equipment, and their hygiene. These are all things I need to know before I commit!

    You are my hero. This is so true.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    These girls always make me chuckle. they can do whatever they want, but I like them for some good entertainment.

    If they want to pay to walk on a treadmill, heck, let them. Just turn it into entertainment!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    it doesn't bother me too much, but I"m kinda rare - I only worry about ME!!!

    me too me too
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'd totally pick up men at the gym if I were single.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    it doesn't bother me too much, but I"m kinda rare - I only worry about ME!!!

    Well check this out.

    A rarity for sure!
  • namenumber
    namenumber Posts: 167 Member
    If we could all magically ignore the people who annoy us, the world would be a much calmer place.

    You can't ignore nails on a chalkboard.
    Poor analogy. It's not like they are screaming at her or in her face.

    No, but loud talking, jangly bracelets, and cell phone use are all a bit distracting.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'd totally pick up men at the gym if I were single.

  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Who gives a **** what other girls decide to do at the gym? Their make up is clogging their pores, not yours. If they want to run on the treadmill in a prom dress more power to them. What they do has no affect on my choice to run on the treadmill in work out clothes.

    They could also be covering up nasty zits with the makeup.
    I'll admit, I put on concealer and some powder before going to they gym! I'm 19, my skin is not perfect and it makes me self conscious. Add to that the fact that I'm sweaty, my hair is pulled back, and I'm wearing tight workout clothes, if putting on a little make up makes me feel a bit less self-conscious, then I don't see a problem with that! But I also go to work out, and I work hard while I'm there!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    There are a few girls at my gym who wear full make up, ear rings, pretty much clubbing outfits...they come in and basically get on the elliptical on minimal resistance and leave after 30 mins...make up still intact and cakey since they did not sweat at all....and they totally give me stares coz I'm sweating like a pig ...... lol

    why come to gym when my intention is not to work out???

    Why do you care?
  • fatty2fit88
    fatty2fit88 Posts: 116 Member
    I don't have a problem with women looking 'attractive' at the gym..... in fact I think a lot of women look really good while they are at the gym pouring a sweat ....

    I do have a problem with people hogging up my gym space when they clearly aren't there for a work out... and you know what kind of women I'm talking about.... nothing wrong with showing off your body... you've earned it. hell I do it too...but I don't disregard the gym and just go in my clubbing gear and walk around then leave.... that's wasting the gym space/my time

    some might have gotten the wrong impression.... these people, they amuse me and annoy me like many other things on a regular day to day basis...its not a problem i'm trying to raise awareness about.... so stop trying to make it a bigger deal than it is. its just a rant...chill out....

    if you find those gym princesses nice? good for you...