Gym princesses?



  • _Tristan_
    _Tristan_ Posts: 221 Member
    That's why the ear buds are in and I just pay attention to my workout. They are fun to laugh at sometimes though. Especially when they completely have no idea how to use a machine.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    It takes all kinds of folks - I work out over lunch, so my makeup etc is intact when I start (what little I wear) and I re-fresh when leaving. I don't sweat a lot, unless it is really hot, I monitor my heart rate and times faithfully. I know sometimes folks look at me a bit weird if I still have on some of my jewelry. But hey, I been around the block enough times to not care!!!!! I am there for me and no one else.

    Amen, sista!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Walking for thirty minutes at a low incline on a treadmill is better than nothing. Good for them for being active... maybe they get their real workouts in other ways and the gym is their social time? We really have no way of knowing, and really, who cares what they're doing? I don't .. I'm too focused on my own badassery.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm thinking someone needs to focus more on their hardcore workout rather than worry about people that aren't you. :drinker:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I think they're trying to get the attention of the guy who is looking at himself in the mirror doing bicep curls the whole time.
  • fatty2fit88
    fatty2fit88 Posts: 116 Member
    I usually have my t-shirt on, when I am too hot I just take that off...and my sports bras are very decent non-booby one... so I don't think I look indecent!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I've never understood this. I sweat like a monster at the gym and that's the point isn't it? I don't apprieciate the looks I get from the gym rats but other than that I mind my own business. I want to know, honestly, why do some girls only wear sports bras in the gym??? If there's a good reason, please let me know! But I mean really...yeah you have nice abs, but we don't need them to be shoved in our faces. :grumble:
    If I had the body to only wear a sports bra and be comfortable in it, I would definitely wear it to the gym! More comfortable and less hot!

    I would too - but I still have a bit of belly (that I earned). LOL
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't have a problem with people wearing sports bras.... I take off my shirt sometimes when it gets too hot (not cause I want to show off my body!!!) but I sweat and I die during these workouts!! but I'm talking girls wearing push up bras and skimpy *kitten* tanks to only walk on the treadmill on a 3...i'd get better workout sleeping. then they give you judge mental looks for sweating?? and most don't even have nice bodies..just a load of make up and fake tan!

    If you took Zumba where I do (lots of Latin gals) you would see all sorts of women showing off their goods. Yes, makeup, lowcut shirts...

    We're all there to have fun and burn 500 calories/hour.

    What the other ladies wear does not bother me. After all, my instructor is HOT so I can see them wanting to dress to impress while working their tails off. All shapes, sizes, ages, and both me and women.

    BE WHO YOU ARE. Don't dress down to workout if it's not you.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm thinking someone needs to focus more on their hardcore workout rather than worry about people that aren't you. :drinker:

  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    LMAO!!! I know exactly what you are talking about.

    There is a particular group of girls who workout at my gym. I have yet to see any of them work up a sweat!

    On the other hand however, I was doing some circuit training a couple of weeks ago with the boxing guys. There was a new girl to the gym who was there as well. She not only did the same workout, weights time and reps, as the guys. She kept up and for some of the intervals she was kicking *kitten*!

    To each their own but for me, I go to the gym to train and I sweat buckets! And, I love working out with anyone who is giving it their all.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I am sorry that this bothers you. It sounds like it's not preventing you from getting a good workout, though.

    Gym princesses and people who never go still pay their dues. Those dues employ people and keep the facility that you use open. The more people that belong to your gym and are there only 30 mintues or don't go at all help keep your dues at a lower price.

    In this week of being thankful perhaps you could look at it from another perspective.


  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I don't have a problem with people wearing sports bras.... I take off my shirt sometimes when it gets too hot (not cause I want to show off my body!!!) but I sweat and I die during these workouts!! but I'm talking girls wearing push up bras and skimpy *kitten* tanks to only walk on the treadmill on a 3...i'd get better workout sleeping. then they give you judge mental looks for sweating?? and most don't even have nice bodies..just a load of make up and fake tan!

    It really is so rude of them to be so judgmental! And they don't even have nice bodies! Gah!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Meh, I don't mind. They are like the televisions that are at the gym. Gives me something to look at while I work out.

    Exactly. I love people watching at the gym.

    I'm sure people judge me when I come in straight from work with makeup and earrings on, but I just get my butt on the elliptical and bust through my workout. If I provide entertainment to others, then I'm happy to help!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I am sorry that this bothers you. It sounds like it's not preventing you from getting a good workout, though.

    Gym princesses and people who never go still pay their dues. Those dues employ people and keep the facility that you use open. The more people that belong to your gym and are there only 30 mintues or don't go at all help keep your dues at a lower price.

    In this week of being thankful perhaps you could look at it from another perspective.


  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    When I go to the gym, I am FoCuSeD so I seldom notice these people; but what I do find interesting... that the more I look like a wet cat... the more I get hit on. So maybe someone should tell these girls that it is ok to sweat... no one is going to think they are 'ugly' because of it? hmm? huh? eh?
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Who gives a **** what other girls decide to do at the gym? Their make up is clogging their pores, not yours. If they want to run on the treadmill in a prom dress more power to them. What they do has no affect on my choice to run on the treadmill in work out clothes.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    It really is so rude of them to be so judgmental! And they don't even have nice bodies! Gah!

    Yeah, because only the people with nice bodies are trying to get a date, impress the HOT fitness instructor, or show off they are proud to be who they are.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    well if they are thin and hot, they probably have enough self control with their food that they just go there to do some light movement, which is better than sitting in front of the tv... i wish i had that much self control... but i like to eat, therefore, i have to work hard at the gym.

    i wish i could be thin enough to just barely have to break a sweat to keep in shape.

    i personally couldn't give a toss about what i look at the gym, because i sweat my butt off... but i am man enough to admit when i hate the thin gorgeous chicks at the gym it's out of pure envy.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    When I go to the gym, I am FoCuSeD so I seldom notice these people; but what I do find interesting... that the more I look like a wet cat... the more I get hit on. So maybe someone should tell these girls that it is ok to sweat... no one is going to think they are 'ugly' because of it? hmm? huh? eh?

    Could it be because you wear your wedding ring to the gym? ;) Wedding ring = more hits no matter where you are. Just sayin'
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I could care less about girls with full makeup and hoochie mama's outfit at the gym. What bothers me are people who go to the gym to socialize, chit chat all day and take space on a machine I want to use. Oh wait, worst is actually when they try to talk to me and get me into their conversation.

    One time I had to tell my friend off. She would go to the gym with me and never sweat. The fact that she doesn't sweat doesn't bother me because at least she is trying. But then she complained about how annoying and creepy the guys are for staring at her. I told her "If you don't want guys to look at you that way then don't wear your hot pink short shorts to the gym."