

  • I have lost 28 pounds so far also (amber_magic) and am also still wearing the same clothes so don't feel bad. My sister tells me all the time that she can tell that I have lost the weight but other people say they can just tell in my face that I have lost the weight. I dunno. I don't think I will actually feel like I am…
  • I'm IN!!!! Bring it on Saturday!!!
  • I honestly don't want to sound to harsh ok, let me just say that first off. I am in the same position you are. I started out my lifestyle change on May 16th this year weighing in at 330 pounds. Keep in mind that I also have a 2 year a matter of fact I have TWO 2 year olds...boy/girl twins to run after. I started my…
  • L1D3 completed! I really had to talk myself into doing it tonight. I am finding that having to watch the same old stuff over and over each time before we can begin to workout is so boring and very annoying. I mean one time about hearing her talk about who she is and why she made this dvd is great, but after that it gets…
  • L1D3 completed! I really had to talk myself into doing it tonight. I am finding that having to watch the same old stuff over and over each time before we can begin to workout is so boring and very annoying. I mean one time about hearing her talk about who she is and why she made this dvd is great, but after that it gets…
  • Last night made my second night of the Shred. I started on July 10th but too the 11th off because my legs had just gotten way to sore and I have two year old twins to run after, I didn't want to over do it by doing a second night in a row. However, I did continue with it last night and found it a little easier to do…
  • I log it under Circuit Training.
  • I am in..I actually started doing the Shred on July 10th but got so sore I had to take a break from it yesterday...soooo I was planning on starting it again I am on board. The first night of doing it I was exhausted but felt awesome afterwards. It is annoying with the jumping jacks and the constant in the…
  • pmjsmom: Thanks hun....yeah..the twins will be turning 2 years old in about two weeks..they hit the terrible 2's about three months ago so yeah I have been dealing with tantrums, fits, you name they are a blessing, they are my little angels. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do the Shred more than one day..I had…
  • I know it's kindof late for me to jump on the wagon with you guys but I will update my progress here as well. I hope you guys don't mind. I have been reading thru all of your posts and must admit that you all are doing great! I just bought my DVD tonight and started tonight. I am a VERY big starting weight when I…
  • Oh and I forgot to inspire me even more because I just noticed that you started out on your journey weight the EXACT same as me. On May 16th I weighed on July 8th I am weighing in at 309. It is still alot, but I am on my way and there is NO WAY I am turning back. Thanks to you, I think and…
  • Thank you so much for posting this video. I always wondered if there were others on here that did videos on youtube about their weightloss. I have had a channel of my own now for over a first it was only beauty related but now since May 16th, I have been doing videos on my weightloss/lifestyle change. My hope was…
  • I deffo know how you feel. We got pizza yesterday and even though I ordered thin crust, I still got pepperoni and cheese. On top of that I didnt stop at two pieces like I promised myself....I ate FIVE pieces before I stopped!!! OMG I was soooo ashamed of myself. At the end of the day I was about 800 calories over my…
  • Either way you put it..fasting is bad. Whether it be a liquid fast, veggie fast, fruit fast or all comes down to if your body is not getting the proper nutrition/calories/good fat and all that other nice stuff that helps us to function normal and healthy on a day to day basis..your body WILL go into…
  • Here is my workout playlist.... Unstoppable- Kat Deluna ( one of my favs!) 1. Bat For Lashes- Daniel 2. Any songs by Lady Gaga 3. Keisha- Blah Blah Blah 4. Shakira- She Wolf 5. Lisa Marie Presley- Idiot ( another of my favs!) 6. Christina Aguilera- Not Myself Tonight (another fav!) 7. Karla DeVito- We Are Not Alone 8. The…
  • Thanks for the input everyone. I think you have changed my mind about getting one. I do need something to tone my arms though. I am in a long journey of losing way over 100lbs and I need to start toneing so hopefully I can minimize the amount of loose skin I am going to have. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what…
  • If your going to weigh yourself everyday, you should only weigh yourself in the mornings after you have gone to the bathroom and before you eat or drink anything. Never weigh yourself again throughout the day because that isn't true weight...that is water weight that your body holds onto from the sodium, carbs, sugars, etc…
  • Welcome! I have family that live in Germany. It is beautiful there. Nice to have you here. ☺ Good luck! You can do this!
  • Congrats to you! Be proud it is a awesome accomplishment! I to am coming upon my 20lb loss and I am gonna dance around the house naked! lmao! Of course with the blinds closed..not smexy enough to leave them open.....just yet. ☺
  • Not sure what everyone else is saying because I haven't read all of the the replies yet but I can tell you that in my opnion it's not all in your head. I to am getting ready to have my girly time for the first time since going on my "lifestyle" change and let me tell you what, out of the 32 days that I have been doing…
  • No your not cheating. You should always weigh yourself in the mornings after you go pee and have had nothing to drink or eat. I think that is just about as close to your "true" weight as anyone can get. The reason why you seem to weigh more in the evenings is because throughout the day our bodies retain water, whether it…
  • I personally would flip out if I ate that many calories a day. I am on a 1500 caloric daily intake and sometimes I find it hard to even eat that amount. I usually exercise about 600 of those calories off each day also and I don't try and eat them back. I do what is comfortable for me and my body and I am doing pretty good…
  • Mveliz24, Yeah I am really bad about pushing my self every single day to exercise. Sometimes I even make myself exercise three times a day whether I want to or not. Right now I am not having a problem with being burnt out on it to much because I am seeing the numbers on the scale go down alot but I know after awhile of…
  • mveliz24- Thank have also accomplished alot girl what r u talking about?! I would love to be your My starting weight 26 days ago was 330 pounds! I am now down to 319 pounds. It's crazy! I was happy in the beginning but I have been at a 11 pound loss stand still for over a week now..well more like going…