Pizza night Disaster

wow.. so today was a disaster from the beginning.. i order pizza.. and knew from the start that i was going to go over the amount of calories that i had left for but went right ahead and ate 2 slices too many... but i wanted it so badly...and i have done pretty well this week... but thats no excuse.. just thought that i would mention any way... definately wont be seeing Pizza night for while...... but if i want to see it again any time soon, guess i will just take a look at my thick *kitten* that remember not to eat that thick *kitten* bread with toppings... for a long dang i dont want to log these calories...... :(

guess i will just exercise hard tonight..
:sad: :laugh:


  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Maybe you could still have pizza night, just adjust the way you order it.
    Here's what I've changed:
    Thin Crust instead of Hand Tossed
    Chicken instead of red meat
    Red Pizza Sauce (ordering it with chicken might make you want to go white sauce, but don't do it)
    Then pile on the veggies instead of extra cheese

    Some pizza places have where you can 'make' your pizza online and see the nutritional value (before you order).
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    :) Chalk it up as lesson learned and you'll do better next time!

    If it is an option for your local pizza place... thin crust pizza is MUCH lower in calories (most of the calories in pizza are in the bread, or in meat toppings). I prefer thin crust because then I can taste all of the toppings! :)

    Ham/Canadian bacon is another good option for meats... chicken is better I am sure, but ham is still better than sausage or pepperoni. :)
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    First of all, FORGIVE YOURSELF! I did the same thing with, what I thought was the wisest choice, at Taco Bell. NOPE! The salad I had was 910 calories. I had almost 500 left for the day before eating, so I came home and worked my *kitten* off, even though I was exhausted, but it paid off. And it helped that I drank a ton of water. Sodium kills me. So, it isn't the end of the world, just the end of that meal. When I was doing Weight Watchers many years ago, Friday night was pizza night at a local pizza place with about 20 of us. I always got 2 slices cheese pizza with a toss salad. Sometimes you just HAVE to do what you HAVE to do. But it's over now, and you'll be fine all over again! Have faith in yourself:flowerforyou:

  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    You could also try eating a salad before you have pizza, with lots of fibre-filling veggies, with no or low-fat dressing, or no dressing at all (if you can stand it!) Then wait 20 minutes before you dive into the pizza, since it takes your body 20 minutes to tell you that you are satisfied/full. If you order your pizza, eat your veggies while you are waiting for it to arrive. This takes planning, but in the end, it's all worth it! You can also use the 20-minute trick if you want to eat more slices than you should. I often set my microwave timer for 20 minutes and distract myself by watching TV or reading, when I want to eat more of something that maybe I shouldn't. More often than not, I find that I don't really want the extra food after the 20 minutes have passed, which makes it a lot easier to resist. Other times, I may still want it, but not as intensely, or as large an amount as 20 minutes previously. Good Luck! :smile:
  • wolverinefactor
    I had 3 slices of pizza last weekend at work. Pizza Hut, thin crust w/ pinapple. The thing crust made it easier and I ddin't eat the edges. the pineapple is always yummy and while I felt bad, I just did a little extra working out right after and I actually went down in weight after that so i know it didnt really affect me like I thought it would.
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    I like the thin crust from Domino's and their new sauce is pretty good, though I like the old one too. I get light cheese because I usually end up picking it off anyway. I'll eat toppings if they're on there but like the cheese, I usually end up picking it off. LOL. Basically I like the texture of the crispy crust and I like the red sauce. Pizza isn't to bad for me.

    Bad for me is Q'doba. I got a burrito from them a month or so ago and I was horrified to find out after the fact that the stupid thing had close to 900 calories! I didn't even have cheese or sour cream! I could have gone to McDonald's! Not doing that again.
  • danielle27006
    I told ya..I told ya..thats why i am staying away from the pizza lol
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    We enjoy pizza nights but instead of ordering out like we used to, we make our own pizzas and it's lower calorie and tastes just as good if not better! I posted the recipe below for a homemade Meat Lover's Pizza that's lower calories and tastes AWESOME! You can swap our your calories, sauce, crust choice to your liking, but it's much easier on your daily intake than ordering out. Hope this helps!

    PS - I never order thin crust because it takes more slices to fill me up than regular crust so I run the risk of overeating.
  • kymn
    kymn Posts: 1 Member
    that is a great idea.
  • stacey2480
    stacey2480 Posts: 24 Member
    yeah yeah yeah,, i know you told me so.. but i got that work out in.. and improved it some.. lol
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    So - you exercise it off tomorrow. Tonight I had two glasses of wine AND a 5 oz flat iron steak and I felt like I was cheating too. Just said to myself that it's another 15-30 minutes of working out tomorrow. You do the same. Next time make or buy (in some areas) honey wheat pizza crust and put your favorite healthy toppings on it - veggies, low fat cheese and grilled chicken, for instance. A pizza stone is worth the investment - I never order pizza out anymore.
  • JesusMySavior
    Don't feel bad. I am generally pretty controlled with food but when there's a get together or a potluck, I'm all in. I chalk them up to my "splurge days" and today I did just that. I went 2300 calories over (don't ask how...just lots of american cooking and hours elapsed). I could feel bad about it but I know tomorrow is a new day and I'll be right back on track.

    Don't sweat the small stuff - just keep your head in the game and you'll do fine. :-)
  • samantha_dawn_81
    I went way over today myself, by about 1800 calories! but with the light cleaning I did, it burned some off! I have felt aweful all day about it, but it's not something I usually do, today was out cookout for the 4th so I totally pigged out! I feel so bloated and miserable, but I can always start over tomorrow and I won't eat as much! glad you posted, Im not the only one making bad choices today!
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Pizza is a staple in my house because it's quick and easy. I make it all the time. It's hard for me to find the whole wheat pizza crusts so I usually use whole wheat Lavash. It's the perfect size to make a small thin crust pizza. I'm not much of a meat eater so I usually just do cheese with veggies, but I do love BBQ chicken pizza too. I usually have half for dinner and take the other half for lunch the next day.

    Making it myself gives me my pizza fix and I can control the calories.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Forgive yourself and move on! :) You don't have to give up pizza. When I have pizza, I get a small from Domino's with chicken and extra onions. There's an option on the online ordering for going light on the cheese. That's 6 gram of fat per slice, which is really low considering... It's pizza! Lol. I only eat about 2 slices. As soon as I put them on my plate, I put the box in the fridge. Out of sight out of mind. (And, then I have pizza for the next two days! Haha.)
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    A new day tomorrow!!! We all make bad food choices and I guess that is why we are all in the same boat! I'm really wanting to change my lifestyle including eating and exercises. I gave up eating chocolate snacks at night and afternoons. I kept telling myself I would never quit eating my chocolate because I love it so. I quit and don't miss it. I think if just became a horrible habit. I do have a few little mints and count them into my calories.

    We have pizza night every Friday night. I have to say after 16 yrs of Friday pizza night. I can't stand it!!! I usually have a salad and one slice of pizza.
  • MakeupbyMissVee
    I deffo know how you feel. We got pizza yesterday and even though I ordered thin crust, I still got pepperoni and cheese. On top of that I didnt stop at two pieces like I promised myself....I ate FIVE pieces before I stopped!!! OMG I was soooo ashamed of myself. At the end of the day I was about 800 calories over my limit....but I knew I had to learn my lesson so I punished myself by doing two full hours of exercise last night. I ended up burning over 1200 calories and then when I woke up this morning and had my weighin I had LOST A POUND! I was beyond excited because I knew that working my *kitten* off the night before had paid off not only with the loss of a pound but I also learned my Just work really hard and get those horrible calories off of there and even though you will be exhausted that night, I promise you the next morning you will feel like a million dollars.
  • starlitkate
    starlitkate Posts: 28 Member
    When I want pizza then I order pesto without any meat. Just a simple pesto veggie pizza. It's very yummy.
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    The only answer for self indulgence is PAIN. Hit the calorie burning exercise of your choice and punish yourself until the smell of pizza makes you want to vomit. I will say that now until I give into the pizza craving (its my favourite food and Ive only been here a short time).
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    i know its bad to go over on you calorie goals but if its just one day forget about it and move on! If it was a treat and you enjoyed eating it why stress about it? life is too short - if you want to eat 5 slices have 5, just make sure its a occasional treat and you put in the work on the exercise to maintain being toned.
