

  • Small successes ALWAYS count! That's what keeps you focused! Congrats and your doing a wonderful job! Keep up the good work! :happy:
  • I am in the same boat! I quit my job about a month ago and have gained back 7 of the 20 pds I've lost! Of course I have TONS of excuses for not going to the gym when really there is no excuse at all. Now its Christmas time and not to mention being busy and trying to get to the gym I'm tempted with all of the delicious…
  • Thanks for those motivating words! I needed that today... :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the article...very interesting! :happy:
  • Congratulations on your weightloss! You can totally tell the difference! You look great! :bigsmile:
  • Congratulations on not smoking! I smoked for 26 years at least a pack or more a day and I've been smoke free for about a year. My goal was to stop smoking and to lose weight. I thought the smoking was going to be hard and losing weight was going to be easy! I stopped smoking cold turkey and have lost 17 pds since January.…
  • Congratulations on reaching your first goal! :smile:
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! You look soooooooo good!
  • My favorite tv shows and I HATE to admit this but I cannot live without the Housewives of New Jersey and Jersey Shore!! There I admitted it out loud! I will not miss any episodes and on the weekends I even watch the re-runs! EEEKKK! Love them! :heart:
  • Thanks Ed for the post! You've made my day! :happy:
  • Welcome and congratulations on your weight loss! Keep it up!
  • Congratulations on your current success! Your doing a great job! :flowerforyou:
  • I had heard that and was just wondering if that was really true...I wasn't planning on taking the shots just wanted to know if anyone had taken them for weighloss. Thanks a bunch!
    in B-12 Shots Comment by krex August 2010
  • Love the story! Congrats on the compliment! :bigsmile:
  • Alvin, Texas - South of Houston
  • This sounds gross but it does work...baking soda and water. Mix 1 tablespoon of Baking Soda to a 1/2 glass of water and choke it down! My husband swears by this and when I have heartburn that is not fixed with the normal things I do this and it is gone within 5 minutes after I drink it! Hope it helps...
  • I agree with you...I do my portion control, I work out 5 times a week and drink water till I feel like I'm going to explode and it can't come off any quicker??? That's where I lose my motivation...I just want the weight gone, like NOW! But yet I'm moving on one day at a time...everyone have a great day!
  • My weigh day is Friday mornings, that way if I have gained a pound or two, hopefully not but in case that happens, I have the rest of the week to work extra hard to get it off! I also weigh unofficially EVERYDAY! :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome...I also want to know how you have done that! I'm jealous!! :happy:
    in i'm new too! Comment by krex July 2010
  • My goal this week is to lose 2 pds at my weigh in on Friday. I'm going on vacation Aug. 9th and I have to lose 2 pds a week for the next 3 Fridays before we leave. Good luck to everyone on their goals!
  • We are going on vacation Aug. 9th and I have set a mini goal of 2 pds per week up until Aug. 6th. Friday's are my weigh days and I accomplished my 2 pds this morning! I have to say that I am proud of myself. Good luck on your weighloss goal!
  • Good job on your weightloss! Obviously whatever you are doing is working for you...Keep it up and good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • I totally hear what your saying! I have been trying to lose weight since January and I've only lost like 10-12 pds. I'll lose some and then I gain more and then I'll lose 1 pd and so's like I yo-yo between these 10 pds. I have been drinking way more water this week and I've been taking some water pills. I'm not…
  • Thanks so much for the idea for a new low calorie lunch! I was bored too!
  • I bought the gel seat and unfortunately it did not help me. I've gone once a week for 6 wks and it is better but my butt is still sore after the class. I was doing a 1 hour class at first and then my YMCA offered a 30 minute beginners class so I started doing that. I'm still having issues and I ask my instructor all of the…
  • Hello! I'm also from Texas and good luck to you! You can do it!!
    in New from Texas Comment by krex June 2010
  • I have also been battling the weigtloss monster since January and have lost the same 10 lbs. I haven't given up and I've joined my local YMCA and I'm going to do it...good luck to you!
    in I'm back. Comment by krex June 2010
  • Hi! My name is Kim and I just signed up yesterday. My co-worker told me about this site, she also is using it. I have been trying to lose weight since January and have only lost 10 pds. I'm hoping with some encouragement I can get to my goal!!
    in new to group Comment by krex June 2010
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