Getting On and Off the Wagon

I logged off and screwed up the last couple of days, and was really tempted to say I would just keep messing up until after Christmas. I know there are going to be a couple days over Christmas that I'm going to blow my calorie goal out of the water, and to be honest I'm fine with that. But I reminded myself that there are 4 full days before Christmas that I could be trying really hard for.

But, I'm having a really tough time not getting discouraged and really jumping off the deep end where diet is concerned...

Anyone else have this problem?

Also, I've decided to come back full force and I changed my goal from 1.5 lbs/week to 2 lbs/week loss. Think this is doable?


  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I'm feeling the Christmas pressure as well. It doesn't help that i just spent the last two days baking cookies for all of our friends and family. Those cookies that are not packaged as gifts are in there taunting me...And what's worse is that I haven't worked out since Thursday. I've been feeling awful about it, but I just can't get motivated.

    As far as your new goal, 2 lbs/week, it might be possible but I won't do it for long. Depending on your calorie intake and amount of activity, you may see results. However, I think that 1 to 1.5 lbs/week is more realistic.
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    It is TOTALLY doable...I just had a weekend where I had two parties back to back and ended up eating way too many "BAD" things and drinking way too many cocktails...I gained back a few pounds but know that during the week I will be back in my "regular" routine eating better and exercising...I will lose those pounds probably almost as fast as I gained them back (it just won't be as fun.)

    Just tell yourself that you can do this and get back on the proverbial horse...Know that the holidays will be over soon and if you go a little overboard that is fine...Just make sure that you DON'T get discouraged enough to stop all together.

    Life happens and the Holidays are a time when we all over-indulge...Just gotta get back into the healthy routines when you are not doing the holiday thing. I look at the holidays as a time to really motivate me on the days that I do NOT have parties and get togethers to use those days as times to really kick a little butt with the eating and exercising.

  • krex
    krex Posts: 29
    I am in the same boat! I quit my job about a month ago and have gained back 7 of the 20 pds I've lost! Of course I have TONS of excuses for not going to the gym when really there is no excuse at all. Now its Christmas time and not to mention being busy and trying to get to the gym I'm tempted with all of the delicious Christmas foods! Even though Christmas is Saturday I have decided to start over today. Yes it's not a good time to start but really when is a good time? I have got to get back on track and not let Christmas sabotage my goals!!!!

    Wish me lucK and hang in there and good luck! DON'T GIVE UP!!! :bigsmile:
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I shoot for 2 lbs a week and I think it's realistic calorie-wise, but I don't necessarily lose 2 lbs every week.

    I don't like to let myself get discouraged. Think about it like this: am I going to be healthier and happier by giving up and eating whatever? Or by sticking it out even when it seems like my efforts aren't accomplishing anything??
  • runnermel
    I had the exact same thought in my head this morning. I made the decision to not waste these next four days. Instead I am going to try to step up efforts and try to get two workouts in instead of one the next 4 days. Even if my second workout is nothing more than taking the dog for a walk. The 20-30 minutes doing that will be that much of time that I am not eating something! I am determined to loose some this week, so I will not be in such bad shape come Christmas morning.

    I made the mistake of "blowing" off for about two weeks last year around Christmas. My reward was about 15 pounds of which I have spent the rest of 2010 trying to get off! I still have about 10 of that 15 from last Christmas to get rid off. sure can't afford to add to it.

    so.....get motivated and no that you are not alone!! take my two a day challenge!!
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I read about a veggie and fruit challenge. Add that to the next 7 days. 3 vegetable and 2 fruits each day. Simple but worthwhile - should eliminate some of the sweet cravings!
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I read about a veggie and fruit challenge. Add that to the next 7 days. 3 vegetable and 2 fruits each day. Simple but worthwhile - should eliminate some of the sweet cravings!
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    It is TOTALLY doable...I just had a weekend where I had two parties back to back and ended up eating way too many "BAD" things and drinking way too many cocktails...I gained back a few pounds but know that during the week I will be back in my "regular" routine eating better and exercising...I will lose those pounds probably almost as fast as I gained them back (it just won't be as fun.)

    Just tell yourself that you can do this and get back on the proverbial horse...Know that the holidays will be over soon and if you go a little overboard that is fine...Just make sure that you DON'T get discouraged enough to stop all together.

    Life happens and the Holidays are a time when we all over-indulge...Just gotta get back into the healthy routines when you are not doing the holiday thing. I look at the holidays as a time to really motivate me on the days that I do NOT have parties and get togethers to use those days as times to really kick a little butt with the eating and exercising.


    Thanks :) I think that was just the thing I needed to hear!