MonkeyFlower Member


  • I cant believe how many people are saying its her choice and it doesn’t matter. How can anyone seriously not have enough self control to stop smoking when they are carrying a baby? It’s about the most selfish thing you can do to knowingly harm your unborn child just for some personal gratification. And yes she may ignore…
  • hi, i dont really have any great fixes but just wanted to tell you your not alone - am 7 weeks and also sick almost all day long...the only thing that helped with my last two pregnancies was getting medication from my Doc to stop the vomiting so you can always ask for something if it gets really bad to the point that you…
  • hey i had the same thing, i thought i was fine and then i dont know if it was just the hormones but suddenly at 7 months pregnant i decided we needed to be married first and not wait as was the plan! anyway we had a small private wedding with just us at 8 months and then a year later on the same date we did a big wedding…
  • Hello everyone i just found out that im pregnant with my 3rd child (i already have 2 sons and 1 stepson) so am assuming im going to have a house of 4 boys running around in 8 months time!! :noway: would love some support this pregnancy to try and stay healthy and fit (which didnt happen at all the last twice and i gained a…
  • thanks! i just feel like its been such hard work loosing the weight and getting fit again i dont want to give that all up like i did the last time!
  • as long as they know how to work what theyve got the hair colour dosent matter! i have equal hot friends on here of all varieties :laugh: asked my husband and he just said long!
  • ignoring all the relationship stuff could you go to the gym once the kids are asleep so that he dosent actually have to do anything? and dont know your kids ages but my gym also offers some kids workout classes for kids aged between 4-12 where they can work out at the same time you do?
  • wow what fantastic work! amazing
  • i have one almost every day for breakfast with cinnamon - yum i love them!! but saying that i do weigh them and then enter as i found just entering 1 banana didnt give me accurate cals.
  • i moved from the UK to Australia about 10 years ago - never looked back! if you get the chance i think its amazing to experience different cultures whether that’s for a few months or indefinitely! :happy:
  • your looking fantastic! i know it can be really stressful when you cant get fat off a certain area..if it helps i think we all have our spots that drive us crazy - i know my thighs do! :mad:
  • as previous ladies have said with that *smile* i'm sure you'll end up with more than you can handle! :happy:
  • wow your amazing starting this with an 11 week old son, it took me till my youngest was almost two till i had the energy! :) great job!!
  • for some reason most multi vits make me feel queesy apart from the pregnancy ones so i take those! at least if i ever fall preganat again my folate will be up lol!
  • ahh :blushing: thank you! and wish i did have a secret! just doing the whole healthy eating and exercising 3 times a week thing :tongue: (that and having 3 boys running round the house never letting you sit down and rest!)
  • sorry cant post pics while at work (although am not wearing much in my profile pic anyway!) but just wanted to say good work you look great! and i would be cheering for 0.4 lost too - it gets so hard when your near the end!!!
  • Sex: F Age: 32 Weight: 127 Height: 5'4" How many calories you NET per day: about 1400 How many times per week you exercise w/ minutes: 30mins 3 times a week. (but am quite active day to day anyway with the kids)
  • good work thats awesome! deadlifts rock!! :smile:
  • there are trainers out there that are freelance and you wont have to join a gym at all - that way you can either workout outside with them or at your home...or you could join a gym to get out and about which you sound like you would like to weights with them a couple of times a week and then do your cardio at home…
  • have a search on here for information on Stronglifts 5x5 or NROWFW (New Rules of Weightlifting for Women) theres heaps of advice from people who do the programs and they seem to offer a solid workout template - unfortunetly i have the NROWFW book but havent started it yet till i finish my sessions with my PT - which is…
  • i think its great to have a mixture of friends on here to encourage others have said you can always delete if you dont match well as friends for whatever reason. And im sweet with the fact they may want to talk about women issues, men issues, kid issues or whatever...its awesome being able to come on here to share…
  • yup as other posters have said, your trainer is an idiot! you go out there and enjoy yourself...of course its awesome to loose weight to be healthy but hell its also nice to be able to feel attractive and sexy...and for other people to notice! you go!!!
  • I have 3 kids, 1 stepson, 1 son delivered naturally and 1 son born by c-sec - not quite there yet but almost back to pre-baby size!! (tummy in profile pic) definitely harder after the 2nd one but more down to me feeling tired and having no motivation than anything to do with the c-sec - good luck everyone your all looking…
  • check out your abs! awesome work!
  • I’m feeling pretty nervous, we are talking a bit about having another baby. With my first son I was back in my jeans after 6 weeks without really trying but its taken me 2 years to get back with my last little boy so am dreading a bit how long it will take if we do go back….saying that its so worth it and if I could just…
  • thanks guys :happy: i love MFP - stuck at work and no one here could care less how many push ups i can do!! :laugh:
  • ahh try and stay strong - you sound like your doing an amazing job :flowerforyou: can you try and run yourself a bubble bath and watch a movie curled up with a hot drink or something that will make you feel like your comforting yourself without food - so hard to do i know but you can do it! *edited to add you need to eat…
  • thanks :smile: i cant believe the change...and who knew being strong would make me so happy? :laugh:
  • oh yes very nice guns...*fans self*
  • ^^^^THIS - oh how good are big arms!! ...although abs and a nice bum are pretty awesome too! :love: