Dead lifts

Dead lifted 90kg last week, feeling good, was only 40 2 months ago!! Yeah

Today done a total of 55 deadlifts, 10, 9, 8, 7...... 2, 1, of dead lifts and chest to bar........... 12.51 so could put more effort in, but had good form.

Used 60kg and chest to bar had a band, but getting so much stronger, know I will tone up from this!!!

Feeling so strong and happy xxxxxxxx



  • ChristinaK69
    ChristinaK69 Posts: 249
    I would say so. That is fantastic. You are such an amazing woman and an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work. I'm so proud of you.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Thank you so much, I love lifting and CF is working so well for me xxxxxx Just no time to log on with my new business and all xxxxxxx Off to bed now as deliveries in morning...... Sigh, looking forward to when it takes off, it is slow, but progressing xx

    One day I will put over 100 up......... Yeah baby!! Boom !! LOL xx
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    55 reps in one day! You're going to have one swole lumbar :D
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    55 reps in one day! You're going to have one swole lumbar :D

    Good job on your progress. I would encourage you to keep the reps under 5 and just progress the weight each set until you can't do your targeted reps.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Awesome! Way to go!!:bigsmile:
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I heart deadlifts. Good job!
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    good work thats awesome! deadlifts rock!! :smile: