I need advice!

ok.. so I am almost to my goal weight. 18 lbs to go. I hope to reach goal by summers end.
Because at that point I will have lost 100 lbs, I already have set up a fund for surgery to remove the loose skin. My plan is to do a consultaion in the fall and do surgery next summer.
I want to have a nice toned body once this is said and done not the soft mushy one I currently have.
I am considering the following options and would love your input.

Please know I have a home gym at home with various machines. I have done very well at losing so far on my own but I think I need more now...

option #1. join the local Y. Get into the weight classes like body pump and build mucsle that way. After I am comfortable, look into the trainers that are there to see if I can get help with correct lifting, how and what to use reps ect... by joining the Y, I will have axcess to the trainers and all classes. I also believe it will not be one on one. They set you up on a schedule and let you go on your own. Still checking into it to be sure.

or do I...

option #2... look for a trainer who will work with me one on one. Be in my face thru the entire workout and push my to my limit.
I assume I will also need to join the gym where the trainer works.. so the cost may be much more.


  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    You should be able to get 1:1 training at the Y. Usually the initial consultation is free and then they set you up to continue on your own, but also offer small group and individual training for an additional fee. If you already have a Y membership, that is probably the way to go. If you are already thinking about getting a trainer, start there then add in the classes for some variety.
    I should probably tell you I am biased - for me, getting a trainer was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Just be sure to talk to more than one and pick the right person for you.
  • dup32
    dup32 Posts: 68
    I do not have a membership anywhere at this time.
    I have a pretty good home gym with an eliptical, running deck treadmill, stationary bike, bow flex, kettle bells, hand weights, resistance bands... tons of DVD's
    I also think I am getting kinda bored and want the excitement of being pushed... I failed to mention I also work out of my home so getting out is also a bonus for me.. Being with adult people! ha
    I wonder... "how hard can someone make me work?"
    I have also stayed with the at home workouts in our gym because I do feel somewhat guilty for wanting to go with a trainer or another gym when we paid a bundle for the equipment we have here at home. I love that we have it here and I really do not plan on abandoning it either.
    Is it realistic of me to think of getting a trainer for 3-4 days for strength training and then do my cardio at home?
    More input peeps... I am torn
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    You don't need a trainer for your cardio. Do your strength training with the trainer, and your cardio on your own. Unless you feel like you really need a push in the cardio area, in which case you could ask him/her to mix some plyometrics or HIIT into your session. But since you've lost nearly 100lbs on your own, I'd guess you have the cardio part pretty well handles.
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    there are trainers out there that are freelance and you wont have to join a gym at all - that way you can either workout outside with them or at your home...or you could join a gym to get out and about which you sound like you would like to do...do weights with them a couple of times a week and then do your cardio at home :) just make sure you talk to the trainers first and find one you really like! :smile:
  • dup32
    dup32 Posts: 68
    I very much appreciate your input.
    When looking for said trainer.. What questions would you ask?
    I don't have the slightest clue!

    ** you are right.. I do have the cardio down... I am pretty sure I can continue on my own. It's the strength training that is lacking.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Tell him/her what your goals are, and ask how he/she would help you achieve them. What might a typical session look like? What is his/her training style? How will he/she push you? What experience has he/she had helping others to achieve similar goals? What is his/her education, training, certification.
    Most gyms will offer a free initial session with a trainer, so if you talk to a few and find one you think that you like, you should be able to get a trial session at no cost.
    Other than the obvious background, training, certification,etc, a lot of it really does come down to style and a good fit of personalities. You sound like you want an in your face type of person, so ask the gym to recommend someone with that training style. Once you start talking to them about your goals and asking what they will do for you, you should be able to tell if it is someone you will be comfortable with. Go with your gut.
    BUT if you start with someone, and you are not happy...look for someone else. There are lots of great trainers out there, but also some not so great ones. Once you find the right person, you will know it.
  • 2012Mich
    2012Mich Posts: 93
    You could also consider joining a boot camp. Not sure where you are but we have boot camps that are not associated with gym fees and they really give you a beat down. You can also find ones that offer boot camps for women only. It's a lot of fun ;)