water4life Member


  • great job, to be honest you were hot before too! glad you are feeling better and have more confidence. keep it up
  • i don't think it's necessarily that we look down on them for being fat. I think anything that brings us happiness and then we see someone doing something different we kinda get a sense of entitlement. we want other people to do the same things that we did to be happy. this applies to interest in general. This is especially…
  • I am curious as to whether or not there is a big difference in how you move around. I mean did you have any knee pain/back pain before and it went away after the loss? TIA
  • Depends on what you are trying to lose a week. 1lb is 500 calorie deficit and 2lbs a week is 1,000 calorie deficit. As long as you have a deficit you should lose!
  • Great job man. I was wondering how tall you are?
  • Normal people don't build that much muscle especially not that quickly. So i'm pretty sure that's not the case.
  • Well guys my workout today was pretty good, the one day of rest really gave me a lot of energy for today. I have to say though that I didn't really do the cardio abs, I have to find another set of floor ab exercises to do because the C-sit position causes pain in my back. I hope ya'll got as much out of the rest day as I…
  • Insanity Is without a doubt the hardest cardio workout
  • I am sooooo happy about my results from the fit test today, I hope yall seen a big improvement also. Fit Test 1 Fit Test 2 Switch Kicks 82 100 Power Jacks 22 50 Power Knees 56 89 Power Jumps 10 20 Globe Jumps 4 6 Suicide Jumps 6 10 Pushup Jacks 9 20 Low Plank Obliques 20 40 I feel great guys, plus I lost 4 pounds this week…
  • Today's workout was great as usual. I am so excited for the fit test on monday, I can just tell that I have gotten into a little better shape just by the workouts but when I will be able to clearly see my stamina increase come monday, I am gonna be extremely happy. I have to say though, I have horrible hand-eye…
  • Today was great, I really enjoyed it. Nothing feels better than knowing you worked yourself to pure exhaustion. I get a little further everyday of the workouts. I can't wait to see what my calves look like after this is over. I can already tell they are getting stronger, but with all this jumping, they should get huge.
  • I am with you mandy, I felt great after todays workout, but I did my weekly weigh in this morning and I had not lost any weight this week either. I was kind of disappointed, but even if I am not losing weight right now, I can still tell that I am slowly getting into better shape and I am happy with that for the time being,…
  • I use eggbeaters, it has 0 cholesterol, and it taste like really egg
  • I really enjoyed today also. I did take quit a few breaks, but today I felt like I had really accomplished something. I had a question for you guys. Would ya'll be interested in doing the cardio abs video on sunday. It is only like a 20 minutes workout. I know that I will probably be sore after the first time doing that…
  • well guys I am glad to hear ya'll made it through the day. Today was an extremely busy day for me because I had two test in the human anatomy class I am taking over the summer and I had to study my butt of to get the grade that it will get. don't worry this is not gonna happen again, the teacher just decided to give us a…
  • ok this an example of how to calculate HRR which stands for heart rate reserve. All you have to do is plug in the numbers. But instead of usinfg 206.9 - (0.67 x (age)) = 191 191 - 65 (resting heart rate) = 126 126 * .85 = 107 107 + 65 (resting heart rate) = 172 65 is the resting heart rate the person in the example. You…
  • Yep you are right, it is supposed to be above 85% HRR, because HRR is better than regular HR max. If you don't know anything about those, I can help you out. Just let me know.
  • Well with all the snacks, even extremely low calorie, you just think you are full because u have eaten every few hours. If I were you, I would just go by the guideline that say no less than 1,200 cal for women and 1,500 for men. I would at least eat to that amount.
  • I am really looking forward to what I feel and look like after this is over also. It always feels good to accomplish something new!!
  • I am really really outta shape, today was pretty hard for me, I love doing the cardio but it is difficult. I'm as ready as I can be for cardio power and resistance. My calves sore, are anyone elses?
  • It is just based off how big your calorie deficit is. 3,500 calories = 1 pound. 2lbs week = 1,000 deficit a day 1lb week = 500 decficit a day. MFP automatically does the deficit for you, but say if u don't eat 500 calories that MFP gives you then your deficit for the day was 1,500 or 1,000 based on how fast u have chosen…
  • All of you have been a great help to me and I really appreciate your advise. I wish all of you a healthy and happy future!!!
  • Here are My results from the fit test. The results are not very good, but I am sharing them with my fellow group members! switch kicks = 82 power jacks = 22 power knees = 56 power jumps = 10 globe jumps = 4 suicide jumps = 6 push-up jacks = 9 low plank oblique = 20
  • I would also like to change my percentages for carbs, protein, and fat, but i can not remember how to change it can someone give me instructions on how to do so, specifically. thanks
  • It is for after it is cooked, it will lose some weight from the fat being cooked off.
  • I stopped drinking anything besides water and milk about 4 1/2 years ago, but I don't have a problem supporting you. I am a person that likes keeping count of how long since certain things have happened. I know this may sound silly but 2-3 times during the first year of quiting all that stuff, I would have a dream were a…
  • I was planning on starting Monday also so I will join the group, this workout is so appealing to me because you don't have to worry about weights, it is 100% cardio.
  • I would get something that you know the weight of such as a dumbbell. Most of the time these 20lb dumbbells won't set of the scale but it u apply strong pressure with ur foot, and then remove it and place the dumbbell on the scale. This is an easy way to test for accuracy. I did this with my 20lb and it worked fine.
  • I normally eat smaller calorie meals in the morning and for lunch, that allows me to have a larger variety of potential dinner food. I would eat your largest meals after you get done working out (if you are considering you just started). After exercise, your metabolism is fast that any other time. You should try to eat…