Big Losers, Still Carry Yourself Like You Are Fat?

I notice that a lot of the contestants on the biggest loser, especially males, still carry themselves as if that are really fat. In particular i mean holding arms out from your body. If any of you watched the biggest loser, this was something that Fredo did the entire season. I assume he was just so used to it that he didnt even realize he was doing it. As you have lost weight, are you changing the way you carry yourself?


  • StephieAmber
    LOL are you sure it's just not "invisible lat syndrome"...y'know, the guys at the gym who walk around thinking their back muscles are so big it's spread their arms so far apart that they can't even bring their arms in to scratch their own noses :P
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    Normal people don't build that much muscle especially not that quickly. So i'm pretty sure that's not the case.
  • glittersoul
    I haven't noticed that. I'll have to pay attention and see if I do. However, I'm sure they have a lot of body image issues. A lot of people struggle with noticing the differences in their bodies when they have a lot of weight to lose.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i walk like that haha
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have a problem with my posture since I have lost over 200 pounds. My sister works with me on this or she tries anyway. She wants me to walk with a book on my head when I am at home so I stand up straight. She and one other friend is always on me about my posture and slouching.

    It takes practice to get out of the walking like you are still large or very large. It will not be done over night. I have noticed this walk and can spot it now without even knowing people. I will point someone out and say they have lost a lot of weight and when I ask them they have.

    On the Oparh show anyone who had lost over 100 pounds had a certain gait that they got from being overweight. I have noted that this is very prevelant with one who have been overweight most of thier life. Some who have not been obese for more than 10 years do not have the FAT walk as you call it.......:-)