Insanity - Starting Monday 6/21

Anyone out there interesting in joining me?!?


  • proudarmywife49
    yes.. I am starting too.. was going to start tomorrow but yeah.. I'll start Monday since that's the first day of the work out... I tried one today.. it's crazy but I am so excited to start feeling better and get more energy!!!! I'll do it with you!!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    yes.. I am starting too.. was going to start tomorrow but yeah.. I'll start Monday since that's the first day of the work out... I tried one today.. it's crazy but I am so excited to start feeling better and get more energy!!!! I'll do it with you!!!

    Fantastic! I was going to start today and then realized it said Monday and I figure if I get too far off the calendar I'll wind up confusing myself (since I'll be doing the workouts early in the AM that wouldn't be hard to do!).

    I'm glad to have the company - I'm excited to see what we accomplish; I've seen all sorts of great results posted here! Hopefully in 60 days we'll have awesome results of our own to post!
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    I was planning on starting Monday also so I will join the group, this workout is so appealing to me because you don't have to worry about weights, it is 100% cardio.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Just letting you ALL know that there is a thread going called Insanity? part 8 started by ripely36 that you ALL are welcome to join! It is a great group with lots of motivation, info and support. There are beachbody coaches on there who have done this workout more than once/twicewho help answer any of your questions and I know you will have questions! I am not a coach but I have been through this twice and P90X once and am now working the Chalean Extreme series. Of the three, Insanity IS the hardest workout that anybody on that thread has ever done!! I log into the group quite frequently just to see how everybody is pushin it to thier max! I hope to see you "insaners" on the thread!!!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    I was planning on starting Monday also so I will join the group, this workout is so appealing to me because you don't have to worry about weights, it is 100% cardio.

    Excellent - the more the merrier! The lack of equipment is what drew me to Insanity as well - I want things to be difficult but not complicated!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Just letting you ALL know that there is a thread going called Insanity? part 8 started by ripely36 that you ALL are welcome to join! It is a great group with lots of motivation, info and support. There are beachbody coaches on there who have done this workout more than once/twicewho help answer any of your questions and I know you will have questions! I am not a coach but I have been through this twice and P90X once and am now working the Chalean Extreme series. Of the three, Insanity IS the hardest workout that anybody on that thread has ever done!! I log into the group quite frequently just to see how everybody is pushin it to thier max! I hope to see you "insaners" on the thread!!!!

    Thanks for the info! I have seen that thread and I don't know about anyone else but for me it was difficult to jump in when it's been going on so long and most of the people there have been doing Insanity for a while. Not having even started - I had no idea what most of the posts were even about! I definitely intend to use that thread for advice from the veterans (I already have actually!) but I was also hoping to give a place for newbies to go and share the experience together from the very beginning!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Okay lesson #1 from day #1 from just the darn fit test - I need to eat more for breakfast, earlier before I work out. What was working for the running is NOT going to be enough for Insanity.

    I knew the eating would be a trial and error at first. Well, today was an error. :)
  • nnew08
    nnew08 Posts: 1
    Okay so I just borrowed the insanity discs from a friend, but she didn't give me the book that goes along with it. Can you please help me out and tell me what order I'm supposed to do the discs in or like how often I'm supposed to do each of them? Do I do the same disc for a week or just for a day? Please and thank you for helping me out haha. I really appreciate it!
  • proudarmywife49
    Okay lesson #1 from day #1 from just the darn fit test - I need to eat more for breakfast, earlier before I work out. What was working for the running is NOT going to be enough for Insanity.

    I knew the eating would be a trial and error at first. Well, today was an error. :)

    I did okay this morning.. I slept in so I didn't start till 8 and I thought I would have to eat but when I woke up I was feeling energetic so I grabbed a bottle of water and jumped right into it. My leg muscles are really tight..though so I hope the stretching really works for me. My kick are not as high as theirs but I still counted them. Maybe you should just eat something small like a banana that has a quick energy. I really want to start the protein shakes. I am going to the store today to buy some of the recipe recommendations. I think that will REALLY help! Are you going to try again today so you don't have to start over? I think you should give it another go.... good luck!
  • proudarmywife49
    Okay so I just borrowed the insanity discs from a friend, but she didn't give me the book that goes along with it. Can you please help me out and tell me what order I'm supposed to do the discs in or like how often I'm supposed to do each of them? Do I do the same disc for a week or just for a day? Please and thank you for helping me out haha. I really appreciate it!

    Maybe your friend can make copies of the calendar etc.. for you.. that's what I am doing so my hubby can do it too! I don't want to mark on the original forms. If my scanner was working I'd send it to you :) Day one is just the FIT TEST. Tomorrow is plyometric Cardio circuit.
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Okay lesson #1 from day #1 from just the darn fit test - I need to eat more for breakfast, earlier before I work out. What was working for the running is NOT going to be enough for Insanity.

    I knew the eating would be a trial and error at first. Well, today was an error. :)

    I did okay this morning.. I slept in so I didn't start till 8 and I thought I would have to eat but when I woke up I was feeling energetic so I grabbed a bottle of water and jumped right into it. My leg muscles are really tight..though so I hope the stretching really works for me. My kick are not as high as theirs but I still counted them. Maybe you should just eat something small like a banana that has a quick energy. I really want to start the protein shakes. I am going to the store today to buy some of the recipe recommendations. I think that will REALLY help! Are you going to try again today so you don't have to start over? I think you should give it another go.... good luck!

    Well I got through it but I just feel like my results could have been better you know? But I went ahead and wrote down all of my results and I'm just hoping that tomorrow with a better idea of what to eat (I'm going to use one of their recommendations too!) and a better idea of what I'll be doing I'll have more success.

    Look at you go jumping right into it - that's awesome! Keep it up!!
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    Here are My results from the fit test. The results are not very good, but I am sharing them with my fellow group members!

    switch kicks = 82
    power jacks = 22
    power knees = 56
    power jumps = 10
    globe jumps = 4
    suicide jumps = 6
    push-up jacks = 9
    low plank oblique = 20
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Okay I'll share mine too - to be honest, I'm excited about next time already - to see how much we improve!!

    switch kicks = 45 (2fers, 90 singles)
    power jacks = 30
    power knees = 50 (I also did 50 then on the opposite side - it felt weird to only do it one direction)
    power jumps = 5 (yikes!)
    globe jumps = 4
    suicide jumps = 12
    push-up jacks = 10 (ish - I couldn't go as low as he said)
    low plank oblique = 30

    Alright here we go guys on day 2 - good luck with the plyo cardio circuit!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Okay - WOW! That was AWESOME. I loved it even though it was definitely... well, insane. (I have to say - around the time I really started struggling, I appreciated seeing the people on the video struggle too - choreographed or not!!)

    I love the stretching - I didn't realize that would be a focus too and as a former dancer, that really appeals to me. Whoop! Enjoy you guys!!
  • proudarmywife49
    Yeah, today was insane! It was fun though... I am with ya, I can't wait to see results in two weeks! I love having a milestone to look forward to! I love how he pushes... right when I am ready to give up he says something to keep me going! Although I did have a couple small interruptions, my kids woke up in the middle of it... I didn't stop for long and I paused it each time so I could jump right back in with them.

    Here is my test!

    Switch kicks= 90
    Power Jacks= 51
    Power Knees=70
    Power Jumps= 43
    Globe Jumps= 8
    Suicide Jumps= 14
    Push-up Jacks= 14
    Low plank Obliques= 45

    Good job....can't wait for tomorrow!
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    I am really really outta shape, today was pretty hard for me, I love doing the cardio but it is difficult. I'm as ready as I can be for cardio power and resistance. My calves sore, are anyone elses?
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Hey no worries - it was hard for me too! I'm just trying to take that as a sign of how much improvement I can make over the 60 days rather than as a depressing fact for now. But that's mostly just me trying to make myself feel better for being wickedly out of shape today by focusing on how in-shape I'll be in 60 days! :smile:

    My calves were hurting already even partway through the workout this morning! I've periodically been trying to stretch them out during the day and I was doing that during the exercises this morning too. Funny how quickly you figure out which parts of your body you weren't really using before...
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    I am really looking forward to what I feel and look like after this is over also. It always feels good to accomplish something new!!
  • proudarmywife49
    Yes, my arms are sore, my whole core basically and my calves! I was dying through the work too but also was trying to think about how much better I'll be in a few weeks if I just keep pushing even though I had to take breaks! Do you guys know what our heart rate should be? or what is too high?
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Yes, my arms are sore, my whole core basically and my calves! I was dying through the work too but also was trying to think about how much better I'll be in a few weeks if I just keep pushing even though I had to take breaks! Do you guys know what our heart rate should be? or what is too high?

    I was definitely taking breaks! I look forward to when I won't have to take quite so many...

    I was wondering that myself - I found this today: I figured it would be okay to use that as an estimate (the book says you should be around 85% or higher of your max) but I'm considering getting a monitor. Just because it is SO hard for me as of now, I don't want to wind up pushing myself too hard on accident by not monitoring carefully enough when I'm just focusing on trying to get through it!!