Insanity - Starting Monday 6/21



  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    So today was a test - I was worried. Normally I work out first thing in the morning but my husband and I spent last night at his parent's and weren't home until late this evening. I was worried that I would get home and either not want to work out or find some excuse not to.

    But we came home and I immediately changed my clothes and got down to it. I was actually so focused on making sure I got started that I forgot to get water and had to pause during the second round of the warm up to go get some!

    I was really glad that today was a repeat of Tuesday because I got to clearly see the progress that I've made just in week one. It was definitely still hard and I had to take breaks and I'm much slower on the third rounds instead of faster BUT it was still better! And it felt GOOD.

    I, too, though am going to stick with the schedule and keep tomorrow a rest day. I don't want to get burned out and Sundays are the days we take the pup for a long trail walk so I'll still be getting exercise in that way. I'm looking forward to the break from Insanity though so I can come back Monday pumped up and ready to dive back in!!

    Great job this first week guys - we can totally rock this!!
  • Wow, we are in our second week!!!! I am always worried when I wake up that it's going to be hard to get started.. but as soon as I start I'm totally lovin' and feeling better. Today I ALMOST kept up...still a little slower on the push ups. But it was fun and I'm feeling the progress too!

    Mandy- you sound like your doing awesome! We haven't missed a day yet!!! That's GREAT! (other than the given day)

    How did today go??
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    It sounds like you had a much better day than I did! To be honest, I woke up this morning feeling like I'd run two marathons back to back - even after 7 hours of sleep, I was still EXHAUSTED. I slept in a little and just did today's workout and I'm proud of myself for making it through - but disappointed at my showing! It was so hard!! But I'm just glad that I'm keeping up with the every day - even if some days I'm slower, I have to tell myself its better to get in the workout at a slower pace than to not get it in at all!!

    Funny though - even slower, I am still DRIPPING with sweat. :smile:

    I was bummed yesterday though - no weight loss this week. Saturday, though I got to go shopping and buy myself several new size 8 pants (WHOOP!) and a MEDIUM shirt. I can't tell you the last time I bought a medium shirt!!

    Are you monitoring your body fat percentage at all? I've read a couple of articles that say that you should focus on losing body fat rather than overall weight but everywhere I look I find conflicting stories on what healthy is or how you can even measure it!!
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    I am with you mandy, I felt great after todays workout, but I did my weekly weigh in this morning and I had not lost any weight this week either. I was kind of disappointed, but even if I am not losing weight right now, I can still tell that I am slowly getting into better shape and I am happy with that for the time being, I just hope that I do lose about 2lbs this week.
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    Hello all! I took it upon myself to join your thread because I started this Monday (6/28)...I'm a week behind you but I have to say that my butt has been kicked by the first day (the Fit Test in itself was bad enough) but so far I feel good. I love workouts like this. I have a question for you, though. I've seen a lot on here about the workouts but not that much about the nutrition side of it. As I'm adding in my food I'm going WAYYYYY over my protein. Now, I teach Spinning classes once a week (tonight) so I'm actually going to have to add in MORE food and with my meals for the day added in already and not my Spinning calories burned I'm going to be way under calories and wayyyyyyy over protein (already at -31). I know that protein is an essential building block for these types of workouts but I'm just afraid of getting a little TOO much. I'm thinking maybe I need to re-do my settings on here. Anyone else have the same problem?
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome! I actually don't necessarily have a protein overage problem - I'm on a flexitarian diet so I don't eat much meat and I've replaced it largely with fruits and vegetables, which is where I get the majority of my calories from. My issue is sodium in my snacks - I love things like chips and salsa and of course the ones I like are stupidly high in sodium...

    I know, though, that Sheila modified her calories to a custom amount - Sheila, did it change all of your other settings? Or do you have to custom-modify your protein (fat, carbs, etc.) as well to adjust for the overall increase in food intake?

    And, two observations about the workout today - does anyone else totally feel for the guy who was going slow on the switch kicks until he realized the camera was on him? That would totally be me... AND secondly - did anyone notice that Saturday's scheduled to have BOTH the Pure Cardio from today AND the Cardio Abs? How had I missed that?!? Talk about INSANE.... Every day I find new reasons why that name is just so fitting....
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    Thanks for the response :) I actually went in and changed my protein, carb and fat levels to what is suggested in the Insanity nutrition plan. And my levels are showing pretty good with protein now, I'm running low on fat left for the day, though but I guess this is just something I'm going to have to keep working with until I get it right.

    Glad to see you're still liking is pretty insane! I can see why they named it what they did ;)
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    Today was great, I really enjoyed it. Nothing feels better than knowing you worked yourself to pure exhaustion. I get a little further everyday of the workouts. I can't wait to see what my calves look like after this is over. I can already tell they are getting stronger, but with all this jumping, they should get huge.
  • I did change my calorie intake but not my protein.. I had always been low on protein.. but I am going over now too... but I think it's ok cause I cut out most meat .. trying to stick to fruits and veggies... and our muscles need the extra protein anyway.. so the little that I am going over, I am not going to worry about. I'm drinking one protein drink a day, one egg... and only meat two or three days a week.. and I'm trying to stick to chicken. I don't know if I would worry about being a little low on fat.. unless you don't have ANY to lose.

    Yesterday was crazy... I sucked the last 5 minutes! But I am keeping up through most of it now.. so I feel good. I slept in again htis morning cause I was up until midnight. So, got get the kids situated and try to start again. Can't wait till Cardio Recovery tomorrow.. and YES< I noticed we start abs this week.. ughhh... oh well.. I think mine are starting to tone a little =) I can't wait to be skiny and sexy for my man. He's been gone three weeks in for Army training he comes home tomorrow.. I can't wait to see if he notices any changes.

    ok.. more later! And Welcome emyball great to have you :)
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    I can't wait to be skiny and sexy for my man. He's been gone three weeks in for Army training he comes home tomorrow.. I can't wait to see if he notices any changes.

    Yay! That's so awesome that he's coming home!! I bet he will notice changes - I think there's no way he won't be able to appreciate all of the hard work you've been putting in! :wink: Enjoy having your husband home!!

    I have to confess today - yesterday I had to be at work super early, so I put off my workout until the evening. Had a terrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad day so I splurged on a crappy meal with the hubby. Then I came home, waited an hour and tried to do the workout. I went through the whole video but MAN was I struggling. It was a great lesson in just how important the proper timing and pre-workout meal really are in terms of my performance. AND it made me realize - why do I eat poorly when I need something comforting? Is it really comforting to eat something that makes me feel bad?!?

    Back on routine this morning just in time for Recovery - this one's probably my favorite....
  • oh, I so hear ya.... I totally struggle if I eat too much.. or not the right foods. Even today.. I ate a protein pancake again.. instead of fruit.. and I feel so sluggish, even after my work out! If I work out and eat a lighter breakfast.. I feel great all day! It might be partly cause I was up until 2 am last night though!!! LOL.. But the pancake was a little heavy too. Yeah, and morning work outs seem to work the best! Don't feel bad about it though... it was nice we got the break today, but just look forward.. tomorrow is another day! Eat good today and tomorrow you'll feel great again.

    Sean could tell my arms and tummy were toning. He hadn't seen me in three weeks.. and even though we are only 10 days into the program.. he could tell! I am so excited!!! What do I do when I get to my goal weight and don't want to lose anymore... I wonder if the weight in muscle will add up... and if I'll have to eat more.. guess I'll worry about that when the times comes. But I only have four more pounds to lose then I don't want to lose any more. So, we'll see.

    could ya'll hold the stretches today? I was totally struggling on the one with one knee bent and one down and bent... he had us hold forever.. I couldn't do it! I had to rest a minute on each side. I hope eventually I'll be able to do it.
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    Today's workout was great as usual. I am so excited for the fit test on monday, I can just tell that I have gotten into a little better shape just by the workouts but when I will be able to clearly see my stamina increase come monday, I am gonna be extremely happy. I have to say though, I have horrible hand-eye coordination, and I always get confused when doing the log jumps, lol having to tap your foot messes me up every time. Hope ya'll have a good workout today!!!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    could ya'll hold the stretches today? I was totally struggling on the one with one knee bent and one down and bent... he had us hold forever.. I couldn't do it! I had to rest a minute on each side. I hope eventually I'll be able to do it.

    I am totally with you - I have a hard time holding some of them, especially at the end of the workout when I'm breathing really hard and covered in sweat. :smile:

    Today felt good and I definitely see improvement but I have to try hard not to beat myself up when it gets hard! I have to remember - this is INSANE! It isn't supposed to be easy.

    One more day guys and we'll be two weeks in! I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's fit test results to see how much we've improved!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    So yesterday I was beating myself up - and after Pure Cardio today I am REALLY PROUD!! Today I could really see myself focusing and getting through the hard bits so much easier - I made it through the entire warm up, all three rounds, with just a few seconds worth of breaks to grab water. Even just earlier this week there was no way I was getting through all that!! WHOOP!

    And I loved the Ab workout! I can't wait to do that again - it was tough, especially as the first time through with the moves completely unfamiliar. But it felt AWESOME and I can't wait to see what kind of results I could get doing something like that on a regular basis!

    Enjoy guys - today is a good day and tomorrow we rest! Have a happy 4th and good luck with the fit test Monday!
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    I am sooooo happy about my results from the fit test today, I hope yall seen a big improvement also.

    Fit Test 1 Fit Test 2

    Switch Kicks 82 100
    Power Jacks 22 50
    Power Knees 56 89
    Power Jumps 10 20
    Globe Jumps 4 6
    Suicide Jumps 6 10
    Pushup Jacks 9 20
    Low Plank Obliques 20 40

    I feel great guys, plus I lost 4 pounds this week so I am extremely happy, can't wait to see ya'lls results!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    That is awesome! You are doing great - congrats on the results and the weight loss! Here's my second vs. first round results:

    switch kicks = 45 50
    power jacks = 30 57
    power knees = 50R/50L 75R/80L
    power jumps = 5 16
    globe jumps = 4 7
    suicide jumps = 12 14
    push-up jacks = 10 15
    low plank oblique = 30 50

    I am most proud of 16 friggin' power jumps! That first day I thought I couldn't do even 1 and I was so proud of 5 but holy moses 16?!?!? WHOOP!

    I've only lost .8 pounds the past two weeks but I took new measurements yesterday and overall I've lost just over 4 inches. I *heart* Insanity!!!

    Congrats you guys - we've made it through the first 1/4 of this process!!
  • Good job guys!!! It's so awesome to see improvement. I was beating myself up over the week end cause I had some soda and cup cakes... LOL But the fit test showed that I've had improvement as well. The scale did not. I actually gained back three pounds. I think thought the we are all gaining muscle! So, it's all good!

    My husband noticed that I was counting switch kicks wrong. It's two kicks for one count. How were you guys counting.. I was counting every one.

    So here are my number for both test's

    Switch kicks 90-95 so it should only be 45-47.5
    Power Jacks 51-54
    Power Knees 70-93
    Power jumps 43-43
    Globe Jumps 8-11
    Suicide jumps 14-15
    Push-up Jacks 14-30
    Low plank Oblique 45-60

    so my biggest improvement was the push up jacks.. which is funny 'cause I struggled with all the push ups.
    and low plank obliques were a good improvement but as you can see some of the stuff I didn't go up much at all or any!

    I just did the test tonight... after eating a snack... I may have done better had I done it in the morning but oh well... maybe more improvement next time! It was fun, I did it with my hubby and I even beat him on some. He's starting the program now too.. tomorrow will be his first actual work out! He does PT in the morning with the army guys.. so he's going to do his work outs in the evening before bed. I'll keep doing mine in the morning. Try and get it done before he comes home for breakfast.

    I liked the abs work out too.. it was hard toward the end.. but I can't wait to see the results on my abs.. that is my worst part on my body... my poochy stretched out tummy from having babies!!!!! Can't wait till it's GONE!!!!!!

    yeah.. we are in our third week =) Keep it up guys! I LOVE IT... I think I"m addicted already!
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    So I fell off the wagon last weekend. My husband and I are currently long distance and we met up at my parents' house for the Fourth long weekend. I did do Insanity and yoga (with my super-fit, almost-60 mother who I'm so proud of) one day but we just had too much going on the other two days...sooooo I started over this week. I'm two weeks behind y'all but I'm going to stick with your thread if you don't mind :) It was tough to get back into it the beginning of this week but this morning I feel great!

    I'm doing my darndest to stick with the meal plan as well. I'm trying to listen to the advice of eating all the calories but it's tough! And I'm finding it hard to balance the carbs/fat suggested...I'll be 200+ under calories for the day and somehow over my fat and carbs. Ugh! Anyone else have that problem? I changed my settings to the suggestions from the meal plan but my numbers are still out of whack.

    Good job sticking with it to all of're motivating me to keep on pushing!!!
  • So I fell off the wagon last weekend. My husband and I are currently long distance and we met up at my parents' house for the Fourth long weekend. I did do Insanity and yoga (with my super-fit, almost-60 mother who I'm so proud of) one day but we just had too much going on the other two days...sooooo I started over this week. I'm two weeks behind y'all but I'm going to stick with your thread if you don't mind :) It was tough to get back into it the beginning of this week but this morning I feel great!

    I'm doing my darndest to stick with the meal plan as well. I'm trying to listen to the advice of eating all the calories but it's tough! And I'm finding it hard to balance the carbs/fat suggested...I'll be 200+ under calories for the day and somehow over my fat and carbs. Ugh! Anyone else have that problem? I changed my settings to the suggestions from the meal plan but my numbers are still out of whack.

    Good job sticking with it to all of're motivating me to keep on pushing!!!

    That's ok... your starting with my husband then! He just started this week too!

    It is def. hard to stick with the meal and get your number right. You'll get it.. keep trying. I do find I have to eat a little less than they say to feel good keep my fat down and my protein up. I hope I'm not going into starvation mode.. I don't think so though... I just gained a little weight but I think it's muscle. I am def. getting stronger! Pure Cardio today was awesome.. I almost kept up the whole time.. I never had to sit down.. but I stopped to drink water three times for about 5 seconds!!!! I also measured myself most everything is about an inch smaller.. my arms were 1/2 inch smaller. I am measuring NOT flexed. When I flex I can totally tell my arms are buffing up! My husband even noticed! SOOO awesome.. sooo excited. But at the same time when I look in the mirror my tummy still looks bloated and feels fat. ugh... I am just not going to think about it anymore until I take my 30 day picture and hopefully the pic will be proof! =)

    Do you guys know how to measure body fat without the tool?
  • emybball
    emybball Posts: 16
    I'm glad to hear that your husband is enjoying the results you're seeing ;) That's definitely good to hear!

    I'm hoping to lose the last stubborn bit of flab I have. I'm having my wedding in Oct (yes, already married in the court, but I deployed so we never had a wedding and I'm finally moving to be with this is our celebration of that!) and I would LOVE to look a lot more trim and defined so I'm hoping that I can lose what you're losing in my arms, etc. Hang in there with the bloating never know what could be causing'll probably look at that 30 day pic and be amazed with yourself!

    Also, when I didn't have a skinfold caliper I used can enter your weight and as long as you know you many inches your waist is it will give you an estimation :)
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