sherrie8929 Member


  • I just signed up for the Nashville half, which is my first marathon. I've only done one 5k in the past. I was told by my runner friends to look into Hal Higdon's training program. I found the app and downloaded it ($9.99 but will be worth it, I think). You set the race date and it sets a date for you to start training and…
  • At this point, mine is an inspiration to get back to that weight. I've gained about 10 lbs since that picture was taken last summer (stupid winter and nursing school!) but I originally posted it because DAMN I look good. And I'm not afraid to say it. LOL
  • I learned in my nutrition class last night that the very first tissue the body goes for when in starvation mode is muscle. Then fat. So yes, starvation mode exists, but as the other thread someone posted said - it doesn't happen over night. But if you stay below a healthy calorie intake for a prolonged period of time, sure…
  • I second the VFFs :)
  • I love my VFFs. They're lightweight and give me better agility. Also, I'm almost certain they make me better at Laser Tag. :) I have the Sprints.
  • Okay that's it. I'm making tonight an early night and tomorrow morning, I will get up at 6:30 instead of 6:50 and go for a 20 minute jog. Hopefully it will feel as good as it used to and I'll want to go the next morning to. I will commit to doing this 3 times this week. Maybe even throw in a random dvd work out. I like the…
  • There's also this that I use in my chicken stirfry. Don't know if it's what you're looking for though.
  • I think Kraft makes some dressings like that. I've never had them though.
  • I realize that there is a lot of controversy over the fat/muscle weight debate, but here's the thing: it's the way it is said that people have the problem with, I think. In theory, muscle DOES weigh more than fat. I get that a pound is a pound is a pound. But let's talk about volume and density here. If you take say, 5…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, my dear. If you notice you're toning up and seeing muscle in places you didn't used to have so much muscle, that is why the scale is climbing. When just starting off with exercising, I've found it easier to pay attention to how things fit me, as opposed to what the scale says. Find that pair of…
  • I don't have any advice, but I posted this incredibly inspirational story on here a few days ago and I think if you read it, it will help keep you motivated. It's really, really long but I promise you it is so worth reading it. I hope this helps and whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP. You're doing great and on the right…
  • Ice cream is always the answer. LOL I love Skinny Cow cups because they're a perfect little serving and if I have enough calories leftover at the end of the day, I will eat one of those and feel so incredibly satisfied!
  • I'm so glad you all found this story as moving and inspirational as I did! A good friend sent it to me and I just... wow. I was speechless and in awe. Please forward it to anyone you know who could use a little bit of inspiration!
  • Don't fall for that! Those are not real VFFs. Go to and look at what stores sell them near you - through those stores or on the VFF website are the ONLY places to buy real VFFs. The others are knock offs and I would think running in those would put you at greater risk for an injury.
  • I agree with arewethereyet. As a former server, I agree that no server wants to face the cook again, even if it was the customer who didn't specify or weren't clear about what they wanted, the servers are still the ones who get crap for it. So a lot of servers, especially the ones who are there to get their job done well…
  • I have been eating lots of wraps at work. I get the Mission brand tortilla wraps in garden herb and spinach as well as the tomato and basil. I usually put the Oscar Mayer already made chicken in them (southwestern flavor), and if I want to eat it cold, I put some lettuce, cucumber, fresh red bell peppers sliced into it...…
  • See, and a lot of us here are just trying to drop 15 lbs or 30 lbs (though I realize there are many on here that would like to lose over 100), but if that guy can shed THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY pounds, with a little bit of hard work, determination and inspiration like this, we'll be there in no time!
  • I'm not sure where you live, but in Memphis we have a few different stores who find the right shoe for you by having you run on a treadmill and somehow or another (never done it so I'm not sure), they can tell which areas of your foot you run on the most and can provide a type of shoe for you that will decrease the risk of…
  • Tobi, I have the Sprints too. Have you seen the Bikila? Instead of having solid rubber on the bottom, they have little "islands" of rubber and are specially designed for running and running only, as opposed to running, hiking, etc. like most of the VFFs are. They look more like sneakers and are way cute! I cannot wait to…
  • Ianda & Tobi, what kind of VFFs do you have?
  • I don't wear sneakers (although I love that you call them sneakers, not tennis shoes!). I wear these bad boys: They're part of this whole "barefoot running" craze but they are truly awesome shoes. I desperately want to buy the new ones designed specifically for running (Bikila - and they're PINK!…
  • Wow! You all sure know how to make a girl feel AWESOME! WWmember, the only tips I have are those that you are probably already familiar with and practicing. For starters, EAT RIGHT! MFP has been incredibly helpful and is by far my favorite of all diaries I have tried (dailyplate, loseit). In just two weeks from eating much…
  • Oh I'm totally gonna beat you there Tiff, but you'll be in better shape than me since you work out nonstop! LOL
  • Thank you ladies! It was actually purple, but it's hard to tell. Looked freaking fantastic on me, I won't lie! I felt like $1M in that dress!
  • Anu, I don't think you need any other equipment, except for a mat if you have hard floors. I will do this too! Already own the video and weights and love it, just have NO motivation to do it! Will the before and after pics be posted on this thread?
  • Great job! I hope you use the feeling that gave you as motivation to reach your next goal!
  • Got it! thanks!
  • Mmmm pizza...
  • See that's where the pickiness comes in... no oysters, no coconut, no curry... LOL
  • Pattitude - It's a great idea in theory, but will I stick to it? That's the question! I am just sick of being so blah and icky, I want to be back to my normal, kinda hot self. I also want to look cute in scrubs of course! Fortunately, at my current job I have a lot of downtime. This helps with school work, but also meal…